import streamlit as st | |
from persist import persist, load_widget_state | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from middleMan import apply_view,writingPrompt | |
global variable_output | |
def main(): | |
cs_body() | |
def cs_body(): | |
#stateVariable = 'Model_Eval' | |
#help_text ='Detail the Evaluation Results for this model' | |
#col1.header('Model Evaluation') | |
st.markdown('# Evaluation') | |
st.text_area(" This section describes the evaluation protocols and provides the results. ",help="Detail the Evaluation Results for this model") | |
st.markdown('## Testing Data, Factors & Metrics:') | |
left, right = st.columns([2,4]) | |
#st.markdown('### Model Description') | |
with left: | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.markdown('#### Testing Data:') | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
#st.write("\n") | |
st.markdown('#### Factors:') | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.markdown('#### Metrics:') | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.markdown('#### Results:') | |
with right: | |
#soutput_jinja = parse_into_jinja_markdown() | |
st.text_area("", help="Ideally this links to a Dataset Card.",key=persist("Testing_Data")) | |
#st.write("\n") | |
st.text_area("",help="What are the foreseeable characteristics that will influence how the model behaves? This includes domain and context, as well as population subgroups.",key=persist("Factors")) | |
st.text_area("", help="What metrics will be used for evaluation in light of tradeoffs between different errors?", key=persist("Metrics")) | |
st.text_area("", key=persist("Model_Results")) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
load_widget_state() | |
main() |