# coding: utf-8 """ functions for processing video """ import os.path as osp import numpy as np import subprocess import imageio import cv2 from rich.progress import track from .helper import prefix from .rprint import rlog as log from .rprint import rprint as print def exec_cmd(cmd): subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def images2video(images, wfp, **kwargs): fps = kwargs.get('fps', 30) video_format = kwargs.get('format', 'mp4') # default is mp4 format codec = kwargs.get('codec', 'libx264') # default is libx264 encoding quality = kwargs.get('quality') # video quality pixelformat = kwargs.get('pixelformat', 'yuv420p') # video pixel format image_mode = kwargs.get('image_mode', 'rgb') macro_block_size = kwargs.get('macro_block_size', 2) ffmpeg_params = ['-crf', str(kwargs.get('crf', 18))] writer = imageio.get_writer( wfp, fps=fps, format=video_format, codec=codec, quality=quality, ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params, pixelformat=pixelformat, macro_block_size=macro_block_size ) n = len(images) for i in track(range(n), description='writing', transient=True): if image_mode.lower() == 'bgr': writer.append_data(images[i][..., ::-1]) else: writer.append_data(images[i]) writer.close() # print(f':smiley: Dump to {wfp}\n', style="bold green") print(f'Dump to {wfp}\n') def video2gif(video_fp, fps=30, size=256): if osp.exists(video_fp): d = osp.split(video_fp)[0] fn = prefix(osp.basename(video_fp)) palette_wfp = osp.join(d, 'palette.png') gif_wfp = osp.join(d, f'{fn}.gif') # generate the palette cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {video_fp} -vf "fps={fps},scale={size}:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen" {palette_wfp} -y' exec_cmd(cmd) # use the palette to generate the gif cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {video_fp} -i {palette_wfp} -filter_complex "fps={fps},scale={size}:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" {gif_wfp} -y' exec_cmd(cmd) else: print(f'video_fp: {video_fp} not exists!') def merge_audio_video(video_fp, audio_fp, wfp): if osp.exists(video_fp) and osp.exists(audio_fp): cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {video_fp} -i {audio_fp} -c:v copy -c:a aac {wfp} -y' exec_cmd(cmd) print(f'merge {video_fp} and {audio_fp} to {wfp}') else: print(f'video_fp: {video_fp} or audio_fp: {audio_fp} not exists!') def blend(img: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, background_color=(255, 255, 255)): mask_float = mask.astype(np.float32) / 255. background_color = np.array(background_color).reshape([1, 1, 3]) bg = np.ones_like(img) * background_color img = np.clip(mask_float * img + (1 - mask_float) * bg, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return img def concat_frames(I_p_lst, driving_rgb_lst, img_rgb): # TODO: add more concat style, e.g., left-down corner driving out_lst = [] for idx, _ in track(enumerate(I_p_lst), total=len(I_p_lst), description='Concatenating result...'): source_image_drived = I_p_lst[idx] image_drive = driving_rgb_lst[idx] # resize images to match source_image_drived shape h, w, _ = source_image_drived.shape image_drive_resized = cv2.resize(image_drive, (w, h)) img_rgb_resized = cv2.resize(img_rgb, (w, h)) # concatenate images horizontally frame = np.concatenate((image_drive_resized, img_rgb_resized, source_image_drived), axis=1) out_lst.append(frame) return out_lst class VideoWriter: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.fps = kwargs.get('fps', 30) self.wfp = kwargs.get('wfp', 'video.mp4') self.video_format = kwargs.get('format', 'mp4') self.codec = kwargs.get('codec', 'libx264') self.quality = kwargs.get('quality') self.pixelformat = kwargs.get('pixelformat', 'yuv420p') self.image_mode = kwargs.get('image_mode', 'rgb') self.ffmpeg_params = kwargs.get('ffmpeg_params') self.writer = imageio.get_writer( self.wfp, fps=self.fps, format=self.video_format, codec=self.codec, quality=self.quality, ffmpeg_params=self.ffmpeg_params, pixelformat=self.pixelformat ) def write(self, image): if self.image_mode.lower() == 'bgr': self.writer.append_data(image[..., ::-1]) else: self.writer.append_data(image) def close(self): if self.writer is not None: self.writer.close() def change_video_fps(input_file, output_file, fps=20, codec='libx264', crf=5): cmd = f"ffmpeg -i {input_file} -c:v {codec} -crf {crf} -r {fps} {output_file} -y" exec_cmd(cmd) def get_fps(filepath, default_fps=25): try: fps = cv2.VideoCapture(filepath).get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) if fps in (0, None): fps = default_fps except Exception as e: log(e) fps = default_fps return fps