import gradio as gr import gradio import subprocess as sp import os os.makedirs("./output", exist_ok=True) def run(*args): source, target, *rest_args = args if not os.path.exists(source): return "Source file does not exist" if not os.path.exists(target): return "Target file does not exist" filename = os.path.basename(target) output = f"./output/{filename}" frame_processor = rest_args[0] selected_frame_processors = ' '.join(frame_processor) cmd = f"python --execution-providers cpu -s {source} -t {target} -o {output} --frame-processors {selected_frame_processors}" if len(rest_args) > 1: skip_audio = rest_args[1] keep_fps = rest_args[2] keep_temp = rest_args[3] if skip_audio: cmd += " --skip-audio" if keep_fps: cmd += " --keep-fps" if keep_temp: cmd += " --keep-temp" try: print("Started...", cmd), shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout return output except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" def get_theme() -> gr.Theme: return gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue =, secondary_hue = gr.themes.colors.gray, font = gr.themes.GoogleFont('Inter') ).set( background_fill_primary = '*neutral_50', block_label_text_size = '*text_sm', block_title_text_size = '*text_sm' ) with gr.Blocks(theme=get_theme(), title="DeepFakeAI 1.0.0") as ui: with gr.Box(): gr.HTML('
DeepFakeAI 1.0.0
') with gr.Box(): frame_processor_checkbox = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices = ['face_swapper', 'face_enhancer', 'frame_enhancer'], label = 'FRAME PROCESSORS', value = ['face_swapper'] # Default value ) with gr.Tab("Image:"): source_image = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Source Image") target_image = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Target Image") image_button = gr.Button("Start") image_output = gr.Image() run, inputs=[source_image, target_image, frame_processor_checkbox], outputs=image_output ) with gr.Tab("Video:"): source_image_video = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Source Image") target_video = gr.Video(label="Target Video") with gr.Box(): skip_audio = gr.Checkbox(label="SKIP AUDIO") keep_fps = gr.Checkbox(label="KEEP FPS") keep_temp = gr.Checkbox(label="KEEP TEMP") video_button = gr.Button("Start") video_output = gr.Video() run, inputs=[source_image_video, target_video, frame_processor_checkbox, skip_audio, keep_fps, keep_temp], outputs=video_output ) # Additional UI components ... with gr.Box(): face_analyser_direction_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( label = 'Face Analyser Direction', choices = ['left-right', 'right-left', 'top-bottom', 'bottom-top', 'small-large', 'large-small'], value = 'left-right' ) face_analyser_age_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( label = 'Face Analyser Age', choices = ['none'] + ['child', 'young', 'adult', 'old'], value = 'none' ) face_analyser_gender_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( label = 'Face Analyser Gender', choices = ['none'] + ['male', 'female'], value = 'none' ) ui.launch(debug=True)