import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'; import * as vision from '@mediapipe/tasks-vision'; import { facePoke } from '@/lib/facePoke'; import { useMainStore } from './useMainStore'; import useThrottledCallback from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useThrottledCallback'; import { landmarkGroups, FACEMESH_LIPS, FACEMESH_LEFT_EYE, FACEMESH_LEFT_EYEBROW, FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYE, FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYEBROW, FACEMESH_FACE_OVAL } from './landmarks'; import type { ActionMode, ClosestLandmark, LandmarkCenter, LandmarkGroup, MediaPipeResources } from '@/types'; export function useFaceLandmarkDetection() { const setError = useMainStore(s => s.setError); const previewImage = useMainStore(s => s.previewImage); const handleServerResponse = useMainStore(s => s.handleServerResponse); const faceLandmarks = useMainStore(s => s.faceLandmarks); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if we only send the face/square then we can use 138ms // unfortunately it doesn't work well yet // const throttleInMs = 138ms const throttleInMs = 220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // State for face detection const [isMediaPipeReady, setIsMediaPipeReady] = useState(false); const [isDrawingUtilsReady, setIsDrawingUtilsReady] = useState(false); // State for mouse interaction const [dragStart, setDragStart] = useState<{ x: number; y: number } | null>(null); const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = useState(false); const dragStartRef = useRef<{ x: number; y: number } | null>(null); const [currentLandmark, setCurrentLandmark] = useState(null); const [previousLandmark, setPreviousLandmark] = useState(null); const [currentOpacity, setCurrentOpacity] = useState(0); const [previousOpacity, setPreviousOpacity] = useState(0); // Refs const canvasRef = useRef(null); const mediaPipeRef = useRef({ faceLandmarker: null, drawingUtils: null, }); const setActiveLandmark = useCallback((newLandmark: ClosestLandmark | undefined) => { //if (newLandmark && (!currentLandmark || !== { setPreviousLandmark(currentLandmark || null); setCurrentLandmark(newLandmark || null); setCurrentOpacity(0); setPreviousOpacity(1); //} }, [currentLandmark, setPreviousLandmark, setCurrentLandmark, setCurrentOpacity, setPreviousOpacity]); // Initialize MediaPipe useEffect(() => { console.log('Initializing MediaPipe...'); let isMounted = true; const initializeMediaPipe = async () => { const { FaceLandmarker, FilesetResolver, DrawingUtils } = vision; try { console.log('Initializing FilesetResolver...'); const filesetResolver = await FilesetResolver.forVisionTasks( "" ); console.log('Creating FaceLandmarker...'); const faceLandmarker = await FaceLandmarker.createFromOptions(filesetResolver, { baseOptions: { modelAssetPath: ``, delegate: "GPU" }, outputFaceBlendshapes: true, runningMode: "IMAGE", numFaces: 1 }); if (isMounted) { console.log('FaceLandmarker created successfully.'); mediaPipeRef.current.faceLandmarker = faceLandmarker; setIsMediaPipeReady(true); } else { faceLandmarker.close(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error during MediaPipe initialization:', error); setError('Failed to initialize face detection. Please try refreshing the page.'); } }; initializeMediaPipe(); return () => { isMounted = false; if (mediaPipeRef.current.faceLandmarker) { mediaPipeRef.current.faceLandmarker.close(); } }; }, []); // New state for storing landmark centers const [landmarkCenters, setLandmarkCenters] = useState>({} as Record); // Function to compute the center of each landmark group const computeLandmarkCenters = useCallback((landmarks: vision.NormalizedLandmark[]) => { const centers: Record = {} as Record; const computeGroupCenter = (group: Readonly>): LandmarkCenter => { let sumX = 0, sumY = 0, sumZ = 0, count = 0; group.forEach(([index]) => { if (landmarks[index]) { sumX += landmarks[index].x; sumY += landmarks[index].y; sumZ += landmarks[index].z || 0; count++; } }); return { x: sumX / count, y: sumY / count, z: sumZ / count }; }; centers.lips = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_LIPS); centers.leftEye = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_LEFT_EYE); centers.leftEyebrow = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_LEFT_EYEBROW); centers.rightEye = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYE); centers.rightEyebrow = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYEBROW); centers.faceOval = computeGroupCenter(FACEMESH_FACE_OVAL); centers.background = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0 }; setLandmarkCenters(centers); // console.log('Landmark centers computed:', centers); }, []); // Function to find the closest landmark to the mouse position const findClosestLandmark = useCallback((mouseX: number, mouseY: number, isGroup?: LandmarkGroup): ClosestLandmark => { const defaultLandmark: ClosestLandmark = { group: 'background', distance: 0, vector: { x: mouseX, y: mouseY, z: 0 } } if (Object.keys(landmarkCenters).length === 0) { console.warn('Landmark centers not computed yet'); return defaultLandmark; } let closestGroup: LandmarkGroup | null = null; let minDistance = Infinity; let closestVector = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; let faceOvalDistance = Infinity; let faceOvalVector = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; Object.entries(landmarkCenters).forEach(([group, center]) => { const dx = mouseX - center.x; const dy = mouseY - center.y; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (group === 'faceOval') { faceOvalDistance = distance; faceOvalVector = { x: dx, y: dy, z: 0 }; } // filter to keep the group if it is belonging to `ofGroup` if (isGroup) { if (group !== isGroup) { return } } if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestGroup = group as LandmarkGroup; closestVector = { x: dx, y: dy, z: 0 }; // Z is 0 as mouse interaction is 2D } }); // Fallback to faceOval if no group found or distance is too large if (minDistance > 0.05) { // console.log('Distance is too high, so we use the faceOval group'); closestGroup = 'background'; minDistance = faceOvalDistance; closestVector = faceOvalVector; } if (closestGroup) { // console.log(`Closest landmark: ${closestGroup}, distance: ${minDistance.toFixed(4)}`); return { group: closestGroup, distance: minDistance, vector: closestVector }; } else { // console.log('No group found, returning fallback'); return defaultLandmark } }, [landmarkCenters]); // Detect face landmarks const detectFaceLandmarks = useCallback(async (imageDataUrl: string) => { const { setFaceLandmarks,setBlendShapes } = useMainStore.getState(); // console.log('Attempting to detect face landmarks...'); if (!isMediaPipeReady) { console.log('MediaPipe not ready. Skipping detection.'); return; } const faceLandmarker = mediaPipeRef.current.faceLandmarker; if (!faceLandmarker) { console.error('FaceLandmarker is not initialized.'); return; } const drawingUtils = mediaPipeRef.current.drawingUtils; const image = new Image(); image.src = imageDataUrl; await new Promise((resolve) => { image.onload = resolve; }); const faceLandmarkerResult = faceLandmarker.detect(image); // console.log("Face landmarks detected:", faceLandmarkerResult); setFaceLandmarks(faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks); setBlendShapes(faceLandmarkerResult.faceBlendshapes || []); if (faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks && faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks[0]) { computeLandmarkCenters(faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks[0]); } if (canvasRef.current && drawingUtils) { drawLandmarks(faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks[0], canvasRef.current, drawingUtils); } }, [isMediaPipeReady, isDrawingUtilsReady, computeLandmarkCenters]); const drawLandmarks = useCallback(( landmarks: vision.NormalizedLandmark[], canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, drawingUtils: vision.DrawingUtils ) => { const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) return; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (canvasRef.current && previewImage) { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => { canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; const drawLandmarkGroup = (landmark: ClosestLandmark | null, opacity: number) => { if (!landmark) return; const connections = landmarkGroups[]; if (connections) { ctx.globalAlpha = opacity; drawingUtils.drawConnectors( landmarks, connections, { color: 'orange', lineWidth: 4 } ); } }; drawLandmarkGroup(previousLandmark, previousOpacity); drawLandmarkGroup(currentLandmark, currentOpacity); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; }; img.src = previewImage; } }, [previewImage, currentLandmark, previousLandmark, currentOpacity, previousOpacity]); useEffect(() => { if (isMediaPipeReady && isDrawingUtilsReady && faceLandmarks.length > 0 && canvasRef.current && mediaPipeRef.current.drawingUtils) { drawLandmarks(faceLandmarks[0], canvasRef.current, mediaPipeRef.current.drawingUtils); } }, [isMediaPipeReady, isDrawingUtilsReady, faceLandmarks, currentLandmark, previousLandmark, currentOpacity, previousOpacity, drawLandmarks]); useEffect(() => { let animationFrame: number; const animate = () => { setCurrentOpacity((prev) => Math.min(prev + 0.2, 1)); setPreviousOpacity((prev) => Math.max(prev - 0.2, 0)); if (currentOpacity < 1 || previousOpacity > 0) { animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(animate); } }; animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(animate); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame); }, [currentLandmark]); // Canvas ref callback const canvasRefCallback = useCallback((node: HTMLCanvasElement | null) => { if (node !== null) { const ctx = node.getContext('2d'); if (ctx) { // Get device pixel ratio const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; // Scale canvas based on the pixel ratio node.width = node.clientWidth * pixelRatio; node.height = node.clientHeight * pixelRatio; ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); mediaPipeRef.current.drawingUtils = new vision.DrawingUtils(ctx); setIsDrawingUtilsReady(true); } else { console.error('Failed to get 2D context from canvas.'); } canvasRef.current = node; } }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!isMediaPipeReady) { console.log('MediaPipe not ready. Skipping landmark detection.'); return } if (!previewImage) { console.log('Preview image not ready. Skipping landmark detection.'); return } if (!isDrawingUtilsReady) { console.log('DrawingUtils not ready. Skipping landmark detection.'); return } detectFaceLandmarks(previewImage); }, [isMediaPipeReady, isDrawingUtilsReady, previewImage]) const modifyImageWithRateLimit = useThrottledCallback((params: { landmark: ClosestLandmark vector: { x: number; y: number; z: number } mode: ActionMode }) => { useMainStore.getState().modifyImage(params); }, [], throttleInMs); useEffect(() => { facePoke.setOnServerResponse(handleServerResponse); }, [handleServerResponse]); const handleStart = useCallback((x: number, y: number, mode: ActionMode) => { if (!canvasRef.current) return; const rect = canvasRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const normalizedX = (x - rect.left) / rect.width; const normalizedY = (y - / rect.height; const landmark = findClosestLandmark(normalizedX, normalizedY); // console.log(`Interaction start on ${}`); setActiveLandmark(landmark); setDragStart({ x: normalizedX, y: normalizedY }); dragStartRef.current = { x: normalizedX, y: normalizedY }; }, [findClosestLandmark, setActiveLandmark, setDragStart]); const handleMove = useCallback((x: number, y: number, mode: ActionMode) => { if (!canvasRef.current) return; const rect = canvasRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const normalizedX = (x - rect.left) / rect.width; const normalizedY = (y - / rect.height; const landmark = findClosestLandmark( normalizedX, normalizedY, dragStart && dragStartRef.current ? currentLandmark?.group : undefined ); const landmarkData = landmarkCenters[landmark?.group] const vector = landmarkData ? { x: normalizedX - landmarkData.x, y: normalizedY - landmarkData.y, z: 0 } : { x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0 } if (dragStart && dragStartRef.current) { setIsDragging(true); modifyImageWithRateLimit({ landmark: currentLandmark || landmark, vector, mode }); } else { if (!currentLandmark || (currentLandmark?.group !== landmark?.group)) { setActiveLandmark(landmark); } /* modifyImageWithRateLimit({ landmark, vector, mode: 'HOVERING' }); */ } }, [currentLandmark, dragStart, setActiveLandmark, setIsDragging, modifyImageWithRateLimit, landmarkCenters]); const handleEnd = useCallback((x: number, y: number, mode: ActionMode) => { if (!canvasRef.current) return; const rect = canvasRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const normalizedX = (x - rect.left) / rect.width; const normalizedY = (y - / rect.height; if (dragStart && dragStartRef.current) { const landmark = findClosestLandmark(normalizedX, normalizedY, currentLandmark?.group); modifyImageWithRateLimit({ landmark: currentLandmark || landmark, vector: { x: normalizedX - landmarkCenters[].x, y: normalizedY - landmarkCenters[].y, z: 0 }, mode }); } setIsDragging(false); dragStartRef.current = null; setActiveLandmark(undefined); }, [currentLandmark, isDragging, modifyImageWithRateLimit, findClosestLandmark, setActiveLandmark, landmarkCenters, setIsDragging]); const handleMouseDown = useCallback((event: React.MouseEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.button === 0 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; handleStart(event.clientX, event.clientY, mode); }, [handleStart]); const handleMouseMove = useCallback((event: React.MouseEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.buttons === 1 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; handleMove(event.clientX, event.clientY, mode); }, [handleMove]); const handleMouseUp = useCallback((event: React.MouseEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.buttons === 1 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; handleEnd(event.clientX, event.clientY, mode); }, [handleEnd]); const handleTouchStart = useCallback((event: React.TouchEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.touches.length === 1 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; const touch = event.touches[0]; handleStart(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, mode); }, [handleStart]); const handleTouchMove = useCallback((event: React.TouchEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.touches.length === 1 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; const touch = event.touches[0]; handleMove(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, mode); }, [handleMove]); const handleTouchEnd = useCallback((event: React.TouchEvent) => { const mode: ActionMode = event.changedTouches.length === 1 ? 'PRIMARY' : 'SECONDARY'; const touch = event.changedTouches[0]; handleEnd(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, mode); }, [handleEnd]); return { canvasRef, canvasRefCallback, mediaPipeRef, isMediaPipeReady, isDrawingUtilsReady, handleMouseDown, handleMouseUp, handleMouseMove, handleTouchStart, handleTouchMove, handleTouchEnd, currentLandmark, currentOpacity, } }