import gradio as gr
import os
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from get_loss.get_loss_hf import run_get_loss
import pdb
from types import SimpleNamespace
import pandas as pd
import as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import scipy
<<<<<<< HEAD
import shutil
>>>>>>> 95f252d5216b18bcd503dc7425ceb1dd1ccb8f6b
# os.system('git clone')
# os.system('cd lm-evaluation-harness')
# os.system('pip install -e .')
# -i
# 第一个功能:基于输入文本和对应的损失值对文本进行着色展示
csv_file_path = 'data.csv'
def save_and_share_csv():
src_path = './data/0309_merge_gjo.csv'
dest_dir = './save/'
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, '0309_merge_gjo_shared.csv')
shutil.copy(src_path, dest_path)
return """
def plot_ppl():
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path)
# 假设df已经有适当的列用于绘图
fig = px.line(df, x='date', y='loss_mean_at_1000', color='model', title='PPL with Time')
return fig
def color_text(text_list=["hi", "FreshEval","!"], loss_list=[0.1,0.7]):
highlighted_text = []
# print('loss_list',loss_list)
# ndarray to list
loss_list = loss_list.tolist()
# print('loss_list',loss_list)
# print('text_list',text_list)
# pdb.set_trace()
for text, loss in zip(text_list, loss_list):
# color = "#FF0000" if float(loss) > 0.5 else "#00FF00"
color=loss/20#TODO rescale
# highlighted_text.append({"text": text, "bg_color": color})
highlighted_text.append((text, color))
return highlighted_text
# 第二个功能:根据 ID 列表和 tokenizer 将 ID 转换为文本,并展示
def get_text(ids_list=[0.1,0.7], tokenizer=None):
给定一个 ID 列表和 tokenizer 名称,将这些 ID 转换成文本。
# return ['Hi', 'Adam']
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer)
# print('ids_list',ids_list)
# pdb.set_trace()
for id in ids_list:
text.append( tokenizer.decode(id, skip_special_tokens=True))
# 这里只是简单地返回文本,但是可以根据实际需求添加颜色或其他样式
return text
# def get_ids_loss(text, tokenizer, model):
# """
# 给定一个文本,model and its tokenizer,返回其对应的 IDs 和损失值。
# """
# # tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name)
# # model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)
# # 这里只是简单地返回 IDs 和损失值,但是可以根据实际需求添加颜色或其他样式
# return [1, 2], [0.1, 0.7]
def harness_eval(question, answer_index, answer_type, model=None,*choices,):
use harness to test one question, can specify the model, (extract or ppl)
# print(f'question,choices,answer_index,model,tokenizer: {question,choices,answer_index,model,tokenizer}')
print(f'type of choices: {type(choices)} and type of choices[0]: {type(choices[0])}')
print(f'choices: {choices}')
# TODO add the model and its score
# torch.nn.functional.softmax(output.logits, dim=0)
# topk = torch.topk(output.logits, 5)
return {'A':0.5, 'B':0.3, 'C':0.1, 'D':0.1}
def plotly_plot_text():#(df, x, y, color,title, x_title, y_title):
# plotly_plot(sample_df, 'date', 'loss_mean_at_1000', 'model','ppl with time', 'time', 'ppl')
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
# sort by date
df.sort_values(by='date', inplace=True)
# use a dic to filter the dataframe
df = df[df['file_name'] == 'arxiv_computer_science']
x,y,color,title, x_title, y_title='date', 'loss_mean_at_1000', 'model','ppl with time', 'time', 'ppl'
fig = px.line(df, x=x, y=y, color=color,title=title)
# fig.update_layout()
return fig
def plotly_plot_question(use_start=True,gjo=True,time_diff=False):#(df, x, y, color,title, x_title, y_title):
# plotly_plot(sample_df, 'date', 'loss_mean_at_1000', 'model','ppl with time', 'time', 'ppl')
# Model_x,Release Date,model,MMLU,GSM8,Humanities,SocialSciences,STEM,Other,Longbench,Question,Model_y,Start Time,End Time,Acc,Right Possibility
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['End Time'])
# sort by date
data.sort_values(by='date', inplace=True)
# use a dic to filter the dataframe
# df = df[df['file_name'] == 'arxiv_computer_science']
# x,y,color,title, x_title, y_title='date', 'Right Possibility', 'model','Right Possibility with time', 'time', 'Right Possibility'
# fig = px.line(df, x=x, y=y, color=color,title=title)
# fig.update_xaxes(title_text=x_title)
# fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_title)
if not use_start:
data['Start Time']=data['End Time']
# # Convert the 'Release Date' and 'Start Time' columns to datetime
data['Release Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Release Date'])
data['Start Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Start Time'])
data_cleaned = data.dropna(subset=['Release Date', 'Start Time'])
if time_diff:
if gjo:
data_cleaned['Time Difference (Months)'] = ((data_cleaned['Start Time'] - data_cleaned['Release Date']) / pd.Timedelta(days=90)).round().astype(int)
data_cleaned['Time Difference (Months)'] = ((data_cleaned['Start Time'] - data_cleaned['Release Date']) / pd.Timedelta(days=365)).round().astype(int)
time_point= datetime(2015, 1, 1)
data_cleaned['Time Difference (Months)'] = ((data_cleaned['Start Time'] - time_point) / pd.Timedelta(days=90)).round().astype(int)
# Step 1: Fill missing months with linear interpolation (if necessary)
# Note: This dataset might not have explicit missing months, but we will ensure continuity for plotting
# pdb.set_trace()
# data_cleaned
# data_cleaned['Time Difference (Months)'].value_counts()
# Ensure 'Time Difference (Months)' is sorted for each model before applying rolling mean
data_cleaned.sort_values(by=['Model_x', 'Time Difference (Months)'], inplace=True)
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import as px
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
# Initialize figure with subplots
# fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, subplot_titles=('Accuracy (Acc)', 'Right Possibility'))
# make this pic large enough
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, subplot_titles=('Accuracy (Acc)', 'Right Possibility'),vertical_spacing=0.1)
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly # Use Plotly's qualitative colors for consistency
# Iterate over each unique model to plot their data
for i, (model_name, group) in enumerate(data_cleaned.groupby('Model_x')):
color = colors[i % len(colors)] # Cycle through colors
# mean accuracy and right possibility for each model
group=group.groupby(['Model_x', 'Time Difference (Months)'])\
.agg({'Acc':'mean','Right Possibility':'mean','Release Date':'first','Start Time':'first'}).reset_index()
# Divide the data into before and after based on 'Release Date' and 'Start Time'
before = group[group['Release Date'] >= group['Start Time']]
after = group[group['Release Date'] < group['Start Time']]
# Concat the last row of 'before' to 'after' if 'before' is not empty
if not before.empty:
after = pd.concat([before.iloc[[-1]], after])
# # ================================================================================
# before = CubicSpline(before['Time Difference (Months)'], before['Acc'])
# after = CubicSpline(after['Time Difference (Months)'], after['Acc'])
# before = CubicSpline(before['Time Difference (Months)'], before['Right Possibility'])
# after = CubicSpline(after['Time Difference (Months)'], after['Right Possibility'])
# # ================================================================================
# Plot 'Acc' on the first subplot
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=before['Time Difference (Months)'], y=before['Acc'], mode='lines', name=model_name + ' (Acc before)', line=dict(color=color)), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=after['Time Difference (Months)'], y=after['Acc'], mode='lines', name=model_name + ' (Acc after)', line=dict(color=color, dash='dash')), row=1, col=1)
# Plot 'Right Possibility' on the second subplot
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=before['Time Difference (Months)'], y=before['Right Possibility'], mode='lines', name=model_name + ' (Right Possibility before)', line=dict(color=color)), row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=after['Time Difference (Months)'], y=after['Right Possibility'], mode='lines', name=model_name + ' (Right Possibility after)', line=dict(color=color, dash='dash')), row=2, col=1)
# Update layout if needed
fig.update_layout(height=600, width=800, title_text="Model Performance Over Time")
# fig.update_layout()
return fig
# def plotly_plot(df, x, y, color, title, x_title, y_title):
# fig = px.line(df, x=x, y=y, color=color, title=title)
# fig.update_xaxes(title_text=x_title)
# fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_title)
# return fig
def show_attention_plot(model_name,texts):
# 初始化分词器和模型,确保在模型配置中设置 output_attentions=True
# print(rtn_dic)
# pdb.set_trace()
# {'logit':logit,'input_ids':input_chunk,'tokenizer':tokenizer,'neg_log_prob_temp':neg_log_prob_temp}
# ids, loss =rtn_dic['input_ids'],rtn_dic['loss']#= get_ids_loss(text, tokenizer, model)
# notice here is numpy ndarray
tokenizer, model = rtn_dic['tokenizer'],rtn_dic['model']
text = "Here is some text to encode"
# 使用分词器处理输入文本
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
# 进行前向传播,获取输出
outputs = model(**inputs, output_attentions=True)
# 检查是否成功获得了 attentions
if "attentions" in outputs:
last_layer_attentions = outputs.attentions[-1] # 获取最后一层的 attention 矩阵
print("Successfully retrieved the attention matrix:", last_layer_attentions.shape)
print("Attention matrix not found in outputs.")
# 假设 last_layer_attentions 是我们从模型中提取的注意力矩阵
# last_layer_attentions 的形状应该是 [batch_size, num_heads, seq_length, seq_length]
# 为了简化,我们这里只查看第一个样本、第一个头的注意力矩阵
attention_matrix = last_layer_attentions[0, 0].detach().numpy()
# 使用 matplotlib 绘制热图
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plt.imshow(attention_matrix, cmap='viridis')
# 添加标题和标签以提高可读性
plt.title('Attention Matrix Visualization')
plt.xlabel('Tokens in Sequence')
plt.ylabel('Tokens in Sequence')
# 添加颜色条
# 保存图表到文件
# plt.savefig('/223040239/medbase/attention_matrix_visualization.png')
return plt
def color_pipeline(texts=["Hi","FreshEval","!"], model=None):
# print(rtn_dic)
# pdb.set_trace()
# {'logit':logit,'input_ids':input_chunk,'tokenizer':tokenizer,'neg_log_prob_temp':neg_log_prob_temp}
ids, loss =rtn_dic['input_ids'],rtn_dic['loss']#= get_ids_loss(text, tokenizer, model)
# notice here is numpy ndarray
tokenizer=rtn_dic['tokenizer'] # get tokenizer
text = get_text(ids, tokenizer)
# print('ids, loss ,text',ids, loss ,text)
return color_text(text, loss)
# TODO can this be global ? maybe need session to store info of the user
# visible_btn_num = 4
# 创建 Gradio 界面
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# visible_btn_num = 4
model_input = gr.Textbox(label="model name", placeholder="input your model name here... now I am trying phi-2...")#TODO make a choice here
with gr.Tab("color your text"):
with gr.Row():
text_input = gr.Textbox(label="input text", placeholder="input your text here...")
# file_input = gr.File(file_count="multiple",label='to add content')#
# TODO craw and drop the file
# loss_input = gr.Number(label="loss")
# model_input = gr.Textbox(label="model name", placeholder="input your model name here... now I am trying phi-2...")#TODO make a choice here
output_box=gr.HighlightedText(label="colored text")#,interactive=True
["Hi FreshEval !", "microsoft/phi-2"],
["Hello FreshBench !", "/home/sribd/chenghao/models/phi-2"],
[text_input, model_input],)
# cache_examples=True,
# # cache_examples=False,
# fn=color_pipeline,
# outputs=output_box
# )
# TODO select models that can be used online
# TODO maybe add our own models
color_text_output = gr.HTML(label="colored text")
color_text_button = gr.Button("color the text").click(color_pipeline, inputs=[text_input, model_input], outputs=output_box)
# markdown
gr.Markdown('### How to use this app')
attention_plot=gr.Plot(label='attention plot')
see_attention_button = gr.Button("see attention").click(show_attention_plot,inputs=[model_input, text_input],outputs=[attention_plot])
date_time_input = gr.Textbox(label="the date when the text is generated")#TODO add date time input
description_input = gr.Textbox(label="description of the text")
submit_button = gr.Button("submit a post or record").click()
#TODO add model and its score
with gr.Tab('test your qeustion'):
use extract, or use ppl
question=gr.Textbox(label="input question", placeholder='input your question here...')
answer_index=gr.Textbox(label="right answer index", placeholder='index for right anser here, start with 0')#TODO add multiple choices,
# model_input = gr.Textbox(label="model name", placeholder="input your model name here... now I am trying phi-2...")#TODO make a choice here
btn_list = []
# choices=gr.Textbox(placeholder='input your other choices here...')
# global visible_btn_num
visible_btn_num = 4
from gradio_samples.add_components import add_one_btn, remove_one_btn, get_text_content
# use partial function
from functools import partial
add_one_btn=partial(add_one_btn,button_limit=button_limit,)#visible_btn_num = visible_btn_num)
remove_one_btn=partial(remove_one_btn,button_limit=button_limit,)#visible_btn_num = visible_btn_num)
# with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
for i in range(button_limit):
if i>>>>>> 95f252d5216b18bcd503dc7425ceb1dd1ccb8f6b