# import gradio as gr # def generate_hoverable_html(text): # # 分割文本为单词 # words = text.split() # # 为每个单词创建一个带有悬停信息的 HTML span 元素 # html_words = [ # f'{word}' # for word in words # ] # # 将单词合并回字符串 # hoverable_html = ' '.join(html_words) # # 添加 CSS 和 JavaScript # custom_html = f""" # #
# """ # return custom_html # # 创建 Gradio 界面 # with gr.Blocks() as demo: # with gr.Row(): # text_input = gr.Textbox(label="Input Text", placeholder="Type here...") # output_html = gr.HTML() # # 连接输入、处理函数和输出 # text_input.change(generate_hoverable_html, text_input, output_html) # demo.launch() import gradio as gr def generate_hoverable_html(text): # 分割文本为单词 words = text.split() prob_dic={'a':{'b':0.1,'c':0.2},'b':{'a':0.1,'c':0.2}} # 为每个单词创建一个带有悬停信息的 HTML span 元素 html_words = [ f'{word}' for word in words ] # 将单词合并回字符串 hoverable_html = ' '.join(html_words) # 添加 CSS 和 JavaScript custom_html = f"""
""" return custom_html # 创建 Gradio 界面 with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): text_input = gr.Textbox(label="Input Text", placeholder="Type here...") output_html = gr.HTML() # 连接输入、处理函数和输出 text_input.change(generate_hoverable_html, text_input, output_html) demo.launch(debug=True)