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To install LangChain run:
.. code-block:: console
$ python -m pip install gpt-engineer
For more details, see our [Installation guide](/instllation.html).
Setup API Key
Choose one of the following:
- Export env variable (you can add this to ``.bashrc`` so that you don't have to do it each time you start the terminal)
.. code-block:: console
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY=[your api key]
- Add it to the ``.env`` file:
- Create a copy of ``.env.template`` named ``.env``
- Add your ``OPENAI_API_KEY`` in .env
- If you want to use a custom model, visit our docs on `using open models and azure models <./open_models.html>`_.
- To set API key on windows check the `Windows README <./windows_readme_link.html>`_.
Building with ``gpt-engineer``
Create new code (default usage)
- Create an empty folder for your project anywhere on your computer
- Create a file called ``prompt`` (no extension) inside your new folder and fill it with instructions
- Run ``gpte <project_dir>`` with a relative path to your folder
- For example, if you create a new project inside the gpt-engineer ``/projects`` directory:
.. code-block:: console
$ gpte projects/my-new-project
Improve Existing Code
- Locate a folder with code which you want to improve anywhere on your computer
- Create a file called ``prompt`` (no extension) inside your new folder and fill it with instructions for how you want to improve the code
- Run ``gpte <project_dir> -i`` with a relative path to your folder
- For example, if you want to run it against an existing project inside the gpt-engineer ``/projects`` directory:
.. code-block:: console
$ gpte projects/my-old-project -i
By running ``gpt-engineer`` you agree to our `terms <./terms_link.html>`_.
To **run in the browser** you can simply:
.. image::