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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import eval.eval_utils as utils
class Eval:
The Eval class is responsible to calculate the score and the large errors
def __init__(self, config, analyzer=None, label_schema=None):
Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.
:param config: The configuration file (EasyDict)
:analyzer (optional): A chain that analyze the errors
:label_schema (optional): The label schema
self.score_function_name = config.function_name
self.score_func = self.get_eval_function(config)
self.num_errors = config.num_large_errors
self.error_threshold = config.error_threshold
self.dataset = None
self.mean_score = None
self.label_schema = label_schema
self.errors = None
self.history = []
self.analyzer = analyzer
def get_eval_function(config: dict):
Returns the eval function
:param config: The eval configuration
:return: The function implementation on a record
if config.function_name == 'accuracy':
return utils.set_function_from_iterrow(lambda record: record['annotation'] == record['prediction'])
elif config.function_name == 'ranking':
return utils.set_ranking_function(config.function_params)
raise NotImplementedError("Eval function not implemented")
def eval_score(self) -> float:
Calculate the score on each row and return the mean score.
:return: The mean score
# filter out the discarded samples
self.dataset = self.dataset[(self.dataset['prediction'] != 'Discarded') &
(self.dataset['annotation'] != 'Discarded')]
self.dataset = self.score_func(self.dataset)
self.mean_score = self.dataset['score'].mean()
return self.mean_score
def get_max_score(self, warmup=0):
Return the maximum 'mean score' (with respect to all history epochs, starting form warmup, up to last) and the epoch index of the maximum score
:return: The epoch index of the maximum score, and the maximum score
max_idx = np.argmax([epoch['score'] for epoch in self.history[warmup:-1]])
max_idx += warmup
return max_idx, self.history[max_idx]['score']
def large_error_to_str(self, error_df: pd.DataFrame, num_large_errors_per_label: int) -> str:
Return a string that contains the large errors
:param error_df: A dataframe contains all the mislabeled samples
:param num_large_errors_per_label: The (maximum) number of large errors per label
:return: A string that contains the large errors that is used in the meta-prompt
required_columns = ['annotation', 'text', 'score', 'prediction']
label_schema = error_df['annotation'].unique()
if self.score_function_name == 'ranker':
gt_name = 'Rank:'
gt_name = 'GT:'
error_res_df_list = []
txt_res = ''
for label in label_schema:
cur_df = error_df[error_df['annotation'] == label]
cur_df = cur_df.sample(frac=1.0, random_state=42)[:num_large_errors_per_label]
if len(error_res_df_list) > 0:
error_res_df = pd.concat(error_res_df_list, ignore_index=True)
error_res_df = error_res_df.sample(frac=1.0, random_state=42)
for i, row in error_res_df.iterrows():
txt_res += f"Sample: {row.text}\nPrediction: {row.prediction}, {gt_name}: {row.annotation}\n#\n"
return txt_res
def sample_to_text(self, sample: dict, num_errors_per_label: int = 0, is_score: bool = True) -> str:
Return a string that organize the information of from the step run for the meta-prompt
:param sample: The eval information for specific step
:param num_errors_per_label: The max number of large errors per class that will appear in the meta-prompt
:param is_score: If True, add the score information to the meta-prompt
:return: A string that contains the information of the step run
if is_score:
return f"####\n##Prompt Score: {sample['score']:.2f}\n##Prompt:\n{sample['prompt']}\n#################\n"
return f"####\n##Prompt:\n{sample['prompt']}\n{self.large_error_to_str(sample['errors'], num_errors_per_label)}####\n "
def add_history(self, prompt: str, task_description: str):
Add the current step information to the history
:param prompt: The current prompt
:param task_description: The task description
conf_matrix = None
large_error_to_str = self.large_error_to_str(self.errors, self.num_errors)
prompt_input = {'task_description': task_description, 'accuracy': self.mean_score, 'prompt': prompt,
'failure_cases': large_error_to_str}
if self.score_function_name == 'accuracy':
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(self.dataset['annotation'],
self.dataset['prediction'], labels=self.label_schema)
conf_text = f"Confusion matrix columns:{self.label_schema} the matrix data:"
for i, row in enumerate(conf_matrix):
conf_text += f"\n{self.label_schema[i]}: {row}"
prompt_input['confusion_matrix'] = conf_text
elif self.score_function_name == 'ranking':
prompt_input['labels'] = self.label_schema
analysis = self.analyzer.invoke(prompt_input)
self.history.append({'prompt': prompt, 'score': self.mean_score,
'errors': self.errors, 'confusion_matrix': conf_matrix, 'analysis': analysis['text']})
def extract_errors(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Extract the errors from the dataset
:return: records that contains the errors
df = self.dataset
err_df = df[df['score'] < self.error_threshold]
self.errors = err_df
return self.errors
def extract_correct(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Extract the correct samples from the dataset
:return: records that contains the correct samples
df = self.dataset
return df[df['score'] > self.error_threshold]
def extract_boundary_predictions(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Extract boundary samples on which the model is uncertain
:return: records that contains boundary samples