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import os.path
import logging
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import csv
from utils.dedup import Dedup
class DatasetBase:
This class store and manage all the dataset records (including the annotations and prediction)
def __init__(self, config):
if config.records_path is None:
self.records = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'text', 'prediction',
'annotation', 'metadata', 'score', 'batch_id'])
self.records = pd.read_csv(config.records_path)
dt_string ="%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") = + '__' + dt_string
self.label_schema = config.label_schema
self.dedup = Dedup(config)
self.sample_size = config.get("sample_size", 3)
self.semantic_sampling = config.get("semantic_sampling", False)
if not config.get('dedup_new_samples', False):
self.remove_duplicates = self._null_remove
def __len__(self):
Return the number of samples in the dataset.
return len(self.records)
def __getitem__(self, batch_idx):
Return the batch idx.
extract_records = self.records[self.records['batch_id'] == batch_idx]
extract_records = extract_records.reset_index(drop=True)
return extract_records
def get_leq(self, batch_idx):
Return all the records up to batch_idx (includes).
extract_records = self.records[self.records['batch_id'] <= batch_idx]
extract_records = extract_records.reset_index(drop=True)
return extract_records
def add(self, sample_list: dict = None, batch_id: int = None, records: pd.DataFrame = None):
Add records to the dataset.
:param sample_list: The samples to add in a dict structure (only used in case record=None)
:param batch_id: The batch_id for the upload records (only used in case record= None)
:param records: dataframes, update using pandas
if records is None:
records = pd.DataFrame([{'id': len(self.records) + i, 'text': sample, 'batch_id': batch_id} for
i, sample in enumerate(sample_list)])
self.records = pd.concat([self.records, records], ignore_index=True)
def update(self, records: pd.DataFrame):
Update records in dataset.
# Ignore if records is empty
if len(records) == 0:
# Set 'id' as the index for both DataFrames
records.set_index('id', inplace=True)
self.records.set_index('id', inplace=True)
# Update using 'id' as the key
# Remove null annotations
if len(self.records.loc[self.records["annotation"]=="Discarded"]) > 0:
discarded_annotation_records = self.records.loc[self.records["annotation"]=="Discarded"]
#TODO: direct `discarded_annotation_records` to another dataset to be used later for corner-cases
self.records = self.records.loc[self.records["annotation"]!="Discarded"]
# Reset index
def modify(self, index: int, record: dict):
Modify a record in the dataset.
self.records[index] = record
def apply(self, function, column_name: str):
Apply function on each record.
self.records[column_name] = self.records.apply(function, axis=1)
def save_dataset(self, path: Path):
self.records.to_csv(path, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
def load_dataset(self, path: Path):
Loading dataset
:param path: path for the csv
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.records = pd.read_csv(path, dtype={'annotation': str, 'prediction': str, 'batch_id': int})
logging.warning('Dataset dump not found, initializing from zero')
def remove_duplicates(self, samples: list) -> list:
Remove (soft) duplicates from the given samples
:param samples: The samples
:return: The samples without duplicates
dd = self.dedup.copy()
df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['text'])
df_dedup = dd.sample(df, operation_function=min)
return df_dedup['text'].tolist()
def _null_remove(self, samples: list) -> list:
# Identity function that returns the input unmodified
return samples
def sample_records(self, n: int = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Return a sample of the records after semantic clustering
:param n: The number of samples to return
:return: A sample of the records
n = n or self.sample_size
if self.semantic_sampling:
dd = self.dedup.copy()
df_samples = dd.sample(self.records).head(n)
if len(df_samples) < n:
df_samples = self.records.head(n)
df_samples = self.records.sample(n)
return df_samples
def samples_to_text(records: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
Return a string that organize the samples for a meta-prompt
:param records: The samples for the step
:return: A string that contains the organized samples
txt_res = '##\n'
for i, row in records.iterrows():
txt_res += f"Sample:\n {row.text}\n#\n"
return txt_res