import argilla as rg import time import pandas as pd from argilla.client.singleton import active_client from utils.config import Color from dataset.base_dataset import DatasetBase import json import webbrowser import base64 class ArgillaEstimator: """ The ArgillaEstimator class is responsible to generate the GT for the dataset by using Argilla interface. In particular using the text classification mode. """ def __init__(self, opt): """ Initialize a new instance of the ArgillaEstimator class. """ try: self.opt = opt rg.init( api_url=opt.api_url, api_key=opt.api_key, workspace=opt.workspace ) self.time_interval = opt.time_interval except: raise Exception("Failed to connect to argilla, check connection details") @staticmethod def initialize_dataset(dataset_name: str, label_schema: set[str]): """ Initialize a new dataset in the Argilla system :param dataset_name: The name of the dataset :param label_schema: The list of classes """ try: settings = rg.TextClassificationSettings(label_schema=label_schema) rg.configure_dataset_settings(name=dataset_name, settings=settings) except: raise Exception("Failed to create dataset") @staticmethod def upload_missing_records(dataset_name: str, batch_id: int, batch_records: pd.DataFrame): """ Update the Argilla dataset by adding missing records from batch_id that appears in batch_records :param dataset_name: The dataset name :param batch_id: The batch id :param batch_records: A dataframe of the batch records """ #TODO: sort visualization according to batch_id descending query = "metadata.batch_id:{}".format(batch_id) result = rg.load(name=dataset_name, query=query) df = result.to_pandas() if len(df) == len(batch_records): return if df.empty: upload_df = batch_records else: merged_df = pd.merge(batch_records, df['text'], on='text', how='left', indicator=True) upload_df = merged_df[merged_df['_merge'] == 'left_only'].drop(columns=['_merge']) record_list = [] for index, row in upload_df.iterrows(): config = {'text': row['text'], 'metadata': {"batch_id": row['batch_id'], 'id': row['id']}, "id": row['id']} # if not (row[['prediction']].isnull().any()): # config['prediction'] = row['prediction'] # TODO: fix it incorrect type!!! if not(row[['annotation']].isnull().any()): # TODO: fix it incorrect type!!! config['annotation'] = row['annotation'] record_list.append(rg.TextClassificationRecord(**config)) rg.log(records=record_list, name=dataset_name) def calc_usage(self): """ Dummy function to calculate the usage of the estimator """ return 0 def apply(self, dataset: DatasetBase, batch_id: int): """ Apply the estimator on the dataset. The function enter to infinite loop until all the records are annotated. Then it update the dataset with all the annotations :param dataset: DatasetBase object, contains all the processed records :param batch_id: The batch id to annotate """ current_api = active_client() try: rg_dataset = current_api.datasets.find_by_name( except: self.initialize_dataset(, dataset.label_schema) rg_dataset = current_api.datasets.find_by_name( batch_records = dataset[batch_id] if batch_records.empty: return [] self.upload_missing_records(, batch_id, batch_records) data = {'metadata': {'batch_id': [str(batch_id)]}} json_data = json.dumps(data) encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(json_data.encode('utf-8')) encoded_string = str(encoded_bytes, "utf-8") url_link = self.opt.api_url + '/datasets/' + self.opt.workspace + '/' \ + + '?query=' + encoded_string print(f"{Color.GREEN}Waiting for annotations from batch {batch_id}:\n{url_link}{Color.END}") while True: query = "(status:Validated OR status:Discarded) AND metadata.batch_id:{}".format(batch_id) search_results =, task=rg_dataset.task, size=0, query_text=query, ) if == len(batch_records): result = rg.load(, query=query) df = result.to_pandas()[['text', 'annotation', 'metadata', 'status']] df["annotation"] = df.apply(lambda x: 'Discarded' if x['status']=='Discarded' else x['annotation'], axis=1) df = df.drop(columns=['status']) df['id'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['metadata']['id'], axis=1) return df time.sleep(self.time_interval)