# Phoneme_Hallucinator This is the repository of the paper "Phoneme Hallucinator: One-shot Voice Conversion via Set Expansion" accepted by AAAI-2024. Some audio samples are provided [here](https://phonemehallucinator.github.io/). ## Inference Tutorial 1. If you only want to run our VC pipeline, please download `Phoneme Hallucinator DEMO.ipynb` in this repo and run it in google colab. ## Training Tutorial 1. Prepare environment. Require `Python 3.6.3` and the following packages ``` pillow == 8.0.1 torch == 1.10.2 tensorflow == 1.15.5 tensorflow-probability == 0.7.0 tensorpack == 0.9.8 h5py == 2.10.0 numpy == 1.19.5 pathlib == 1.0.1 tqdm == 4.64.1 easydict == 1.10 matplotlib == 3.3.4 scikit-learn == 0.24.2 scipy == 1.5.4 seaborn == 0.11.2 ``` 3. To prepare the training set, we need to use WavLM to extract speech representations. Go to [kNN-VC repo](https://github.com/bshall/knn-vc) and follow its instructions to extract speech representations. Namely, after placing LibriSpeech dataset in a correct location, run the command: `python prematch_dataset.py --librispeech_path /path/to/librispeech/root --out_path /path/where/you/want/outputs/to/go --topk 4 --matching_layer 6 --synthesis_layer 6` Note that we don't use the "--prematch" option, becuase we only need to extract representations, not to extract and then perform kNN regression. 4. After the above step, you can get a `--out_path` folder with three subfolders `train-clean-100`, `test-clean` and `dev-clean` where each folder contains the speech representation files (".pt"). 5. Go to our repo `./dataset/speech.py` and change the variables `path_to_wavlm_feat` and `tfrecord_path` accordingly. You need to change `path_to_wavlm_feat` to where the speech representations are stored in the previous step. 6. Start Training by the following command: `python scripts/run.py --cfg_file=./exp/speech_XXL_cond/params.json --mode=train` If `tfrecord_path` doesn't exist, our codes will create tfrecords and save them to `tfrecord_path` before training starts. Note that if you encounter numerical issues ("NaN, INF") when the training starts, just try re-run the command multiple times. Training los will be saved to `./exp/speech_XXL_cond/`.