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Wenxuan Zhang *,1,2 Xiaodong Cun *,2Xuan Wang 3Yong Zhang 2Xi Shen 2
Yu Guo1 Ying Shan 2 Fei Wang 1

1 Xi'an Jiaotong University   2 Tencent AI Lab   3 Ant Group  

CVPR 2023

![sadtalker](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4397546/222490039-b1f6156b-bf00-405b-9fda-0c9a9156f991.gif) TL;DR:       single portrait image 🙎‍♂️      +       audio 🎤       =       talking head video 🎞.
## 🔥 Highlight - 🔥 The extension of the [stable-diffusion-webui](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) is online. Checkout more details [here](docs/webui_extension.md). https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4397546/231495639-5d4bb925-ea64-4a36-a519-6389917dac29.mp4 - 🔥 `full image mode` is online! checkout [here](https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker#full-bodyimage-generation) for more details. | still+enhancer in v0.0.1 | still + enhancer in v0.0.2 | [input image @bagbag1815](https://twitter.com/bagbag1815/status/1642754319094108161) | |:--------------------: |:--------------------: | :----: | | | | - 🔥 Several new mode, eg, `still mode`, `reference mode`, `resize mode` are online for better and custom applications. - 🔥 Happy to see more community demos at [bilibili](https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=sadtalker&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.1007&search_source=3 ), [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sadtalker&sp=CAM%253D) and [twitter #sadtalker](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23sadtalker&src=typed_query). ## 📋 Changelog (Previous changelog can be founded [here](docs/changlelog.md)) - __[2023.06.12]__: add more new features in WEBUI extension, see the discussion [here](https://github.com/OpenTalker/SadTalker/discussions/386). - __[2023.06.05]__: release a new 512 beta face model. Fixed some bugs and improve the performance. - __[2023.04.15]__: Adding automatic1111 colab by @camenduru, thanks for this awesome colab: [![sd webui-colab](https://img.shields.io/badge/Automatic1111-Colab-green)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/camenduru/stable-diffusion-webui-colab/blob/main/video/stable/stable_diffusion_1_5_video_webui_colab.ipynb). - __[2023.04.12]__: adding a more detailed sd-webui installation document, fixed reinstallation problem. - __[2023.04.12]__: Fixed the sd-webui safe issues becasue of the 3rd packages, optimize the output path in `sd-webui-extension`. - __[2023.04.08]__: ❗️❗️❗️ In v0.0.2, we add a logo watermark to the generated video to prevent abusing since it is very realistic. - __[2023.04.08]__: v0.0.2, full image animation, adding baidu driver for download checkpoints. Optimizing the logic about enhancer. ## 🚧 TODO: See the Discussion https://github.com/OpenTalker/SadTalker/issues/280 ## If you have any problem, please view our [FAQ](docs/FAQ.md) before opening an issue. ## ⚙️ 1. Installation. Tutorials from communities: [中文windows教程](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dc411W7V6/) | [日本語コース](https://br-d.fanbox.cc/posts/5685086?utm_campaign=manage_post_page&utm_medium=share&utm_source=twitter) ### Linux: 1. Installing [anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/), python and git. 2. Creating the env and install the requirements. ```bash git clone https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker.git cd SadTalker conda create -n sadtalker python=3.8 conda activate sadtalker pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113 conda install ffmpeg pip install -r requirements.txt ### tts is optional for gradio demo. ### pip install TTS ``` ### Windows ([中文windows教程](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dc411W7V6/)): 1. Install [Python 3.10.6](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/), checking "Add Python to PATH". 2. Install [git](https://git-scm.com/download/win) manually (OR `scoop install git` via [scoop](https://scoop.sh/)). 3. Install `ffmpeg`, following [this instruction](https://www.wikihow.com/Install-FFmpeg-on-Windows) (OR using `scoop install ffmpeg` via [scoop](https://scoop.sh/)). 4. Download our SadTalker repository, for example by running `git clone https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker.git`. 5. Download the `checkpoint` and `gfpgan` [below↓](https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker#-2-download-trained-models). 5. Run `start.bat` from Windows Explorer as normal, non-administrator, user, a gradio WebUI demo will be started. ### Macbook: More tips about installnation on Macbook and the Docker file can be founded [here](docs/install.md) ## 📥 2. Download Trained Models. You can run the following script to put all the models in the right place. ```bash bash scripts/download_models.sh ``` Other alternatives: > we also provide an offline patch (`gfpgan/`), thus, no model will be downloaded when generating. **Google Driver**: download our pre-trained model from [ this link (main checkpoints)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gwWh45pF7aelNP_P78uDJL8Sycep-K7j/view?usp=sharing) and [ gfpgan (offline patch)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19AIBsmfcHW6BRJmeqSFlG5fL445Xmsyi?usp=sharing) **Github Release Page**: download all the files from the [lastest github release page](https://github.com/Winfredy/SadTalker/releases), and then, put it in ./checkpoints. **百度云盘**: we provided the downloaded model in [checkpoints, 提取码: sadt.](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1P4fRgk9gaSutZnn8YW034Q?pwd=sadt) And [gfpgan, 提取码: sadt.](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kb1BCPaLOWX1JJb9Czbn6w?pwd=sadt)
Model Details Model explains: ##### New version | Model | Description | :--- | :---------- |checkpoints/mapping_00229-model.pth.tar | Pre-trained MappingNet in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/mapping_00109-model.pth.tar | Pre-trained MappingNet in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/SadTalker_V0.0.2_256.safetensors | packaged sadtalker checkpoints of old version, 256 face render). |checkpoints/SadTalker_V0.0.2_512.safetensors | packaged sadtalker checkpoints of old version, 512 face render). |gfpgan/weights | Face detection and enhanced models used in `facexlib` and `gfpgan`. ##### Old version | Model | Description | :--- | :---------- |checkpoints/auido2exp_00300-model.pth | Pre-trained ExpNet in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/auido2pose_00140-model.pth | Pre-trained PoseVAE in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/mapping_00229-model.pth.tar | Pre-trained MappingNet in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/mapping_00109-model.pth.tar | Pre-trained MappingNet in Sadtalker. |checkpoints/facevid2vid_00189-model.pth.tar | Pre-trained face-vid2vid model from [the reappearance of face-vid2vid](https://github.com/zhanglonghao1992/One-Shot_Free-View_Neural_Talking_Head_Synthesis). |checkpoints/epoch_20.pth | Pre-trained 3DMM extractor in [Deep3DFaceReconstruction](https://github.com/microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstruction). |checkpoints/wav2lip.pth | Highly accurate lip-sync model in [Wav2lip](https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip). |checkpoints/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat | Face landmark model used in [dilb](http://dlib.net/). |checkpoints/BFM | 3DMM library file. |checkpoints/hub | Face detection models used in [face alignment](https://github.com/1adrianb/face-alignment). |gfpgan/weights | Face detection and enhanced models used in `facexlib` and `gfpgan`. The final folder will be shown as: image
## 🔮 3. Quick Start ([Best Practice](docs/best_practice.md)). ### WebUI Demos: **Online**: [Huggingface](https://huggingface.co/spaces/vinthony/SadTalker) | [SDWebUI-Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/camenduru/stable-diffusion-webui-colab/blob/main/video/stable/stable_diffusion_1_5_video_webui_colab.ipynb) | [Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/Winfredy/SadTalker/blob/main/quick_demo.ipynb) **Local Autiomatic1111 stable-diffusion webui extension**: please refer to [Autiomatic1111 stable-diffusion webui docs](docs/webui_extension.md). **Local gradio demo(highly recommanded!)**: Similar to our [hugging-face demo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/vinthony/SadTalker) can be run by: ```bash ## you need manually install TTS(https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS) via `pip install tts` in advanced. python app.py ``` **Local gradio demo(highly recommanded!)**: - windows: just double click `webui.bat`, the requirements will be installed automatically. - Linux/Mac OS: run `bash webui.sh` to start the webui. ### Manually usages: ##### Animating a portrait image from default config: ```bash python inference.py --driven_audio \ --source_image \ --enhancer gfpgan ``` The results will be saved in `results/$SOME_TIMESTAMP/*.mp4`. ##### Full body/image Generation: Using `--still` to generate a natural full body video. You can add `enhancer` to improve the quality of the generated video. ```bash python inference.py --driven_audio \ --source_image \ --result_dir \ --still \ --preprocess full \ --enhancer gfpgan ``` More examples and configuration and tips can be founded in the [ >>> best practice documents <<<](docs/best_practice.md). ## 🛎 Citation If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing: ```bibtex @article{zhang2022sadtalker, title={SadTalker: Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation}, author={Zhang, Wenxuan and Cun, Xiaodong and Wang, Xuan and Zhang, Yong and Shen, Xi and Guo, Yu and Shan, Ying and Wang, Fei}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12194}, year={2022} } ``` ## 💗 Acknowledgements Facerender code borrows heavily from [zhanglonghao's reproduction of face-vid2vid](https://github.com/zhanglonghao1992/One-Shot_Free-View_Neural_Talking_Head_Synthesis) and [PIRender](https://github.com/RenYurui/PIRender). We thank the authors for sharing their wonderful code. In training process, We also use the model from [Deep3DFaceReconstruction](https://github.com/microsoft/Deep3DFaceReconstruction) and [Wav2lip](https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip). We thank for their wonderful work. See also these wonderful 3rd libraries we use: - **Face Utils**: https://github.com/xinntao/facexlib - **Face Enhancement**: https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN - **Image/Video Enhancement**:https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN ## 🥂 Extensions: - [SadTalker-Video-Lip-Sync](https://github.com/Zz-ww/SadTalker-Video-Lip-Sync) from [@Zz-ww](https://github.com/Zz-ww): SadTalker for Video Lip Editing ## 🥂 Related Works - [StyleHEAT: One-Shot High-Resolution Editable Talking Face Generation via Pre-trained StyleGAN (ECCV 2022)](https://github.com/FeiiYin/StyleHEAT) - [CodeTalker: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Discrete Motion Prior (CVPR 2023)](https://github.com/Doubiiu/CodeTalker) - [VideoReTalking: Audio-based Lip Synchronization for Talking Head Video Editing In the Wild (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022)](https://github.com/vinthony/video-retalking) - [DPE: Disentanglement of Pose and Expression for General Video Portrait Editing (CVPR 2023)](https://github.com/Carlyx/DPE) - [3D GAN Inversion with Facial Symmetry Prior (CVPR 2023)](https://github.com/FeiiYin/SPI/) - [T2M-GPT: Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with Discrete Representations (CVPR 2023)](https://github.com/Mael-zys/T2M-GPT) ## 📢 Disclaimer This is not an official product of Tencent. This repository can only be used for personal/research/non-commercial purposes. LOGO: color and font suggestion: [ChatGPT](ai.com), logo font:[Montserrat Alternates ](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat+Alternates?preview.text=SadTalker&preview.text_type=custom&query=mont). All the copyright of the demo images and audio are from communities users or the geneartion from stable diffusion. Free free to contact us if you feel uncomfortable.