import json import os import torch from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset from datasets import DatasetDict, load_from_disk from PIL import Image from import Dataset from pycocotools import mask as maskUtils import numpy as np import copy from xtuner.registry import BUILDER from xtuner.dataset.huggingface import process_hf_dataset, build_origin_dataset import torchvision.transforms as T from xtuner.utils import DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode from .encode_fn import video_lisa_encode_fn from .utils import dynamic_preprocess import random import torch.nn.functional as F class OspreyDataset(Dataset): os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'true' IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN = '' IMG_START_TOKEN = '' IMG_END_TOKEN = '' LIMIT = '' VP_START_TOKEN = '' VP_END_TOKEN = '' IMAGENET_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) IMAGENET_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) def __init__(self, image_folder, data_path=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=8196, special_tokens=None, template_map_fn=None, extra_image_processor=None, lazy=True, repeats=1, single_image_mode=False, ): super().__init__() assert lazy self.lazy = lazy self.max_length = max_length json_data = self.json_file_preprocess(data_path) self.text_data = json_data self.image_folder = image_folder self.tokenizer = if special_tokens is not None: self.tokenizer.add_tokens(special_tokens, special_tokens=True) self.template_map_fn = template_map_fn if isinstance(self.template_map_fn, dict) and self.lazy: _type = self.template_map_fn['type'] del self.template_map_fn['type'] self.template_map_fn = _type(**self.template_map_fn) if extra_image_processor is not None: self.extra_image_processor = self.repeats = repeats self._system = '' self.min_dynamic_patch = 1 self.max_dynamic_patch = 12 self.downsample_ratio = 0.5 self.image_size = 448 self.use_thumbnail = True patch_size = 14 self.patch_size = patch_size self.patch_token = int((self.image_size // patch_size) ** 2 * (self.downsample_ratio ** 2)) self.transformer = T.Compose([ T.Lambda(lambda img: img.convert('RGB') if img.mode != 'RGB' else img), T.Resize((self.image_size, self.image_size), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize(mean=self.IMAGENET_MEAN, std=self.IMAGENET_STD) ]) if special_tokens is not None: self.tokenizer.add_tokens(special_tokens, special_tokens=True) self.single_image_mode = single_image_mode def json_file_preprocess(self, data_path): with open(data_path, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) return json_data @property def modality_length(self): length_list = [] for data_dict in self.text_data: if self.lazy: cur_len = 100 else: cur_len = len(data_dict['input_ids']) if data_dict.get('image', None) is None: cur_len = -cur_len length_list.append(cur_len) return length_list * self.repeats def __len__(self): return len(self.text_data) * self.repeats def real_len(self): return len(self.text_data) def annToMask(self, mask_ann, h, w): if isinstance(mask_ann, list): rles = maskUtils.frPyObjects(mask_ann, h, w) rle = maskUtils.merge(rles) elif isinstance(mask_ann['counts'], list): # uncompressed RLE rle = maskUtils.frPyObjects(mask_ann, h, w) else: # rle rle = mask_ann mask = maskUtils.decode(rle) return mask def decode_mask(self, object_masks, ori_height, ori_width): binary_masks = [] for object_mask in object_masks: binary_mask = self.annToMask(object_mask, ori_height, ori_width) binary_masks.append(binary_mask) if len(binary_masks) == 0: return None masks = np.stack(binary_masks, axis=0) masks = torch.from_numpy(masks) return masks def _process_conversation(self, converations, n_regions, region_pixels): start_region_str = ' There are {} part regions in the picture: '.format(n_regions) for i in range(n_regions): start_region_str = start_region_str + \ f"region{i+1}" + self.VP_START_TOKEN + self.IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN * region_pixels[i] + self.VP_END_TOKEN if i == n_regions - 1: start_region_str = start_region_str + '.\n' else: start_region_str = start_region_str + ', ' for i, item in enumerate(converations): item['value'] = item['value'].replace('<', '').replace('>', '') if item['from'] == 'human': item['value'] = item['value'] + self.LIMIT # first conv process if i == 0: assert item['from'] == "human" item['value'] = start_region_str + item['value'] messages = converations input = '' conversation = [] while messages and messages[0]['from'] == 'gpt': # Skip the first one if it is from gpt messages = messages[1:] for msg in messages: if msg['from'] == 'human': if DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN in msg['value']: msg['value'] = msg['value'].replace(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN, '').strip() msg['value'] = DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN + '\n' + msg['value'] msg['value'] = msg['value'].strip() input += msg['value'] elif msg['from'] == 'gpt': conversation.append({'input': input, 'output': msg['value']}) input = '' else: raise NotImplementedError return conversation def _get_region_infos(self, masks): # masks tensor, (n_obj, h, w) masks = F.interpolate( masks.unsqueeze(0), size=(int(self.image_size // self.patch_size * self.downsample_ratio), int(self.image_size // self.patch_size * self.downsample_ratio)), mode='nearest').squeeze(0) region_pixels = [] for mask in masks: region_pixels.append(mask.bool().to(torch.int64).sum()) return masks, region_pixels def dataset_map_fn(self, data_dict): file_name = data_dict['file_name'] # image file name conversations = data_dict['conversations'] masks = [anno["segmentation"] for anno in data_dict["annotation"]] height = data_dict['height'] width = data_dict['width'] _ret = {} _ret['image'] = file_name _ret['height'] = height _ret['width'] = width masks = self.decode_mask(masks, height, width) masks, region_pixels = self._get_region_infos(masks) if masks is None: return None conversations = self._process_conversation(conversations, len(masks), region_pixels) _ret['conversation'] = conversations _ret['prompt_masks'] = masks return _ret def replace_image_str(self, data_dict, image_str): data_dict['conversation'][0]['input'] = \ data_dict['conversation'][0]['input'].replace(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN, image_str) return data_dict def __getitem__(self, index): index = index % self.real_len() data_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.text_data[index]) # parse datasets result = self.dataset_map_fn(data_dict) # {'image', 'height', 'width', 'conversation', 'masks'} if result is None or result['prompt_masks'] is None: return self.__getitem__(0) data_dict = result # process image image_file = data_dict['image'] if isinstance(self.image_folder, list): for image_folder in self.image_folder: image_path = os.path.join(image_folder, image_file) if os.path.exists(image_path): image ='RGB') break else: image =, image_file)).convert('RGB') ori_width, ori_height = image.size if self.single_image_mode: images = [image] else: images = dynamic_preprocess(image, self.min_dynamic_patch, self.max_dynamic_patch, self.image_size, self.use_thumbnail) vp_overall_mask = torch.Tensor([False] * (len(images) - 1) + [True]) data_dict['vp_overall_mask'] = vp_overall_mask pixel_values = [self.transformer(image) for image in images] pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values) data_dict['pixel_values'] = pixel_values num_image_tokens = pixel_values.shape[0] * self.patch_token image_token_str = f'{self.IMG_START_TOKEN}' \ f'{self.IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN * num_image_tokens}' \ f'{self.IMG_END_TOKEN}' data_dict = self.replace_image_str(data_dict, image_token_str) result = self.template_map_fn(data_dict) data_dict.update(result) result = video_lisa_encode_fn(data_dict, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_length=self.max_length, with_image_token=True) data_dict.update(result) # process mask # data_dict['prompt_masks'] = data_dict['prompt_masks'] if data_dict['prompt_masks'] is None: return self.__getitem__(0) return data_dict DETAILED_QUESTIONS = [ 'Can you provide me with a detailed description of the region in the picture marked by ?', "I'm curious about the region represented by in the picture. Could you describe it in detail?", 'What can you tell me about the region indicated by in the image?', "I'd like to know more about the area in the photo labeled . Can you give me a detailed description?", 'Could you describe the region shown as in the picture in great detail?', 'What details can you give me about the region outlined by in the photo?', 'Please provide me with a comprehensive description of the region marked with in the image.', 'Can you give me a detailed account of the region labeled as in the picture?', "I'm interested in learning more about the region represented by in the photo. Can you describe it in detail?", 'What is the region outlined by in the picture like? Could you give me a detailed description?', 'Can you provide me with a detailed description of the region in the picture marked by , please?', "I'm curious about the region represented by in the picture. Could you describe it in detail, please?", 'What can you tell me about the region indicated by in the image, exactly?', "I'd like to know more about the area in the photo labeled , please. Can you give me a detailed description?", 'Could you describe the region shown as in the picture in great detail, please?', 'What details can you give me about the region outlined by in the photo, please?', 'Please provide me with a comprehensive description of the region marked with in the image, please.', 'Can you give me a detailed account of the region labeled as in the picture, please?', "I'm interested in learning more about the region represented by in the photo. Can you describe it in detail, please?", 'What is the region outlined by in the picture like, please? Could you give me a detailed description?', 'Please describe the region in the image in detail.', 'Can you offer a thorough analysis of the region in the image?', 'Could you elaborate on the region highlighted by in the picture provided?', 'Please share more information about the zone emphasized with in the photo.', 'What insights can you give about the area denoted by in the image presented?', 'Can you share a comprehensive rundown of the region denoted by in the presented image?', "I'd like to know more about the region highlighted by in the picture provided.", 'Work through the important details of the area in the image.', 'Illustrate the area represented by through a descriptive explanation.', 'Examine the region closely and share its details.' ] class OspreyDescriptionDataset(OspreyDataset): os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'true' IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN = '' IMG_START_TOKEN = '' IMG_END_TOKEN = '' VP_START_TOKEN = '' VP_END_TOKEN = '' LIMIT='' IMAGENET_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) IMAGENET_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) def __init__(self, image_folder, data_path=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=8196, special_tokens=None, template_map_fn=None, extra_image_processor=None, lazy=True, repeats=1, single_image_mode=False, ): super(OspreyDescriptionDataset, self).__init__( image_folder=image_folder, data_path=data_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=max_length, special_tokens=special_tokens, template_map_fn=template_map_fn, extra_image_processor=extra_image_processor, lazy=lazy, repeats=repeats, single_image_mode=single_image_mode, ) def dataset_map_fn(self, data_dict): file_name = data_dict['file_name'] # image file name descriptions = data_dict['description'] masks = [anno["segmentation"] for anno in data_dict["annotation"]] height = data_dict['height'] width = data_dict['width'] _ret = {} _ret['image'] = file_name _ret['height'] = height _ret['width'] = width masks = self.decode_mask(masks, height, width) masks, region_pixels = self._get_region_infos(masks) if masks is None: return None conversations = self._process_conversation(descriptions, len(masks), region_pixels) _ret['conversation'] = conversations _ret['prompt_masks'] = masks return _ret def _process_conversation(self, descriptions, n_regions, region_pixels): start_region_str = ' There are {} part regions in the picture: '.format(n_regions) for i in range(n_regions): start_region_str = start_region_str + \ f"region{i+1}" + self.VP_START_TOKEN + self.IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN * region_pixels[i] + self.VP_END_TOKEN if i == n_regions - 1: start_region_str = start_region_str + '.\n' else: start_region_str = start_region_str + ', ' converations = [] for i, item in enumerate(descriptions): question = random.choice(DETAILED_QUESTIONS).strip().replace('', f"region{i+1}") + self.LIMIT answer = item.replace('<', '').replace('>', '') # first conv process if i == 0: question = start_region_str + question converations.append({'from': 'human', 'value': question}) converations.append({'from': 'gpt', 'value': answer}) messages = converations input = '' conversation = [] while messages and messages[0]['from'] == 'gpt': # Skip the first one if it is from gpt messages = messages[1:] for msg in messages: if msg['from'] == 'human': if DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN in msg['value']: msg['value'] = msg['value'].replace(DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN, '').strip() msg['value'] = DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN + '\n' + msg['value'] msg['value'] = msg['value'].strip() input += msg['value'] elif msg['from'] == 'gpt': conversation.append({'input': input, 'output': msg['value']}) input = '' else: raise NotImplementedError return conversation class OspreyShortDescriptionDataset(OspreyDataset): os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'true' IMG_CONTEXT_TOKEN = '' IMG_START_TOKEN = '' IMG_END_TOKEN = '' VP_START_TOKEN = '' VP_END_TOKEN = '' LIMIT = ' Answer the question using a single word or phrase.' IMAGENET_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) IMAGENET_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) def __init__(self, image_folder, data_path=None, tokenizer=None, max_length=8196, special_tokens=None, template_map_fn=None, extra_image_processor=None, lazy=True, repeats=1, single_image_mode=False, ): super(OspreyShortDescriptionDataset, self).__init__( image_folder=image_folder, data_path=data_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=max_length, special_tokens=special_tokens, template_map_fn=template_map_fn, extra_image_processor=extra_image_processor, lazy=lazy, repeats=repeats, single_image_mode=single_image_mode, )