File size: 1,491 Bytes
79becd2 6ff9480 94f1533 79becd2 6ff9480 79becd2 94f1533 77a2880 94f1533 79becd2 a603a7e 94f1533 79becd2 77a2880 6ff9480 94f1533 79becd2 94f1533 79becd2 94f1533 |
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# Create necessary directories in the persistent /data volume
echo "Creating necessary directories in the persistent /data volume..."
mkdir -p /data/postgresql/data /data/postgresql/run
chmod 0700 /data/postgresql/data
chmod 0755 /data/postgresql/run
# Initialize PostgreSQL if not already initialized
echo "Initializing PostgreSQL if not already initialized..."
if [ ! -f "/data/postgresql/data/PG_VERSION" ]; then
# Initialize database
initdb -D /data/postgresql/data
# Modify pg_hba.conf to allow local connections
echo "local all all trust" > /data/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
echo "host all all trust" >> /data/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
# Start PostgreSQL with the persistent directories
echo "Starting PostgreSQL..."
pg_ctl -D /data/postgresql/data -o "-c listen_addresses='*' -c unix_socket_directories='/data/postgresql/run'" start
# Create database and roles
echo "Creating database and roles..."
createuser -s postgres || true
createuser -s node || true
createdb postgres || true
# Wait for PostgreSQL to be ready
echo "Waiting for PostgreSQL to be ready..."
until pg_isready -h /data/postgresql/run; do
echo "Waiting for PostgreSQL to be ready..."
sleep 1
# Update DATABASE_URL to use the correct socket directory
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@%2Fdata%2Fpostgresql%2Frun:5432/postgres"
# Run the original entrypoint script
./web/ node ./web/server.js --keepAliveTimeout 110000 |