File size: 10,195 Bytes
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import logging
import re
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, TypeVar
import torch
from PIL import Image
from transformers import Idefics2Processor, PreTrainedTokenizer
from utils import device, nested_apply, sorted_list
RE_PATTERN = r'^(deselect\s[A-Z](?:\s[A-Z])*(?:\sselect\s[A-Z](?:\s[A-Z])*)?|select\s[A-Z](?:\s[A-Z])*)$' # noqa
# Name type, newtype of str. e.g. "page4-249.png"
N = TypeVar('N')
ALPHABET = 'ABCDEFGHIJ' # we only have 10 images
LEGAL_TOKEN_IDS = [2, 315, 330, 334, 365, 382, 384, 401, 413,
420, 475, 5339, 634, 17960, 32002] # A - J and <end_of_utterance> and <\s> and 'select' and 'deselect'
384: 'D',
# 2: '</s>',
32002: '<end_of_utterance>',
420: 'G', 17960: 'elect',
330: 'A', 365: 'B', 334: 'C', 5339: 'select', 401: 'F', 475: 'J',
634: 'des', 315: 'I', 413: 'E', 382: 'H'}
class AlphabeticNameHash:
def __init__(self, context: List[N]) -> None:
self._forward_map = {im: ALPHABET[i] for i, im in enumerate(context)}
self._backward_map = {ALPHABET[i]: im for i, im in enumerate(context)}
def hash(self, im: N) -> str:
return self._forward_map[im]
def unhash(self, i: str) -> N:
return self._backward_map[i]
def valid_hash(self, i: str) -> bool:
return i in self._backward_map
class IdeficsAdapter:
LABEL_MASK_ID = 32001 # idefics2: image_token_id
LEGAL_TOKEN_MASK = torch.zeros(32003, requires_grad=False)\
.index_fill_(0, torch.tensor(LEGAL_TOKEN_IDS), 1).to(device=device(), dtype=torch.bool)
SUPPRESS_TOKEN_IDS = list(set(range(32003)) - set(LEGAL_TOKEN_IDS))
def __init__(self, image_folder: str, processor: Idefics2Processor) -> None:
self.t_max_length = 2048
self.image_folder = Path(image_folder)
self.image_cache = {}
self.processor = processor
self.tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer = self.processor.tokenizer # type: ignore
def get_image(self, im_name: N) -> Image.Image:
if im_name not in self.image_cache:
self.image_cache[im_name] =
return self.image_cache[im_name]
def unhash(self, context: List[N], c: str) -> N:
return AlphabeticNameHash(tuple(context)).unhash(c)
def valid_hash(self, context: List[N], c: str) -> bool:
return AlphabeticNameHash(tuple(context)).valid_hash(c)
def parse(self, context: List[N], decoded_out: str,
currently_selected: List[N]) -> List[str]:
h = AlphabeticNameHash(tuple(context))
# do inference
selection, deselection = self.parse_raw(decoded_out)
hashed_currently_selected = {h.hash(n) for n in currently_selected}
desel_to_remove = deselection - hashed_currently_selected
if len(desel_to_remove) > 0:
logging.debug(f"warn! {desel_to_remove=}")
deselection = deselection - desel_to_remove
sel_to_remove = selection & hashed_currently_selected
if len(sel_to_remove) > 0:
logging.debug(f"warn! {sel_to_remove=}")
selection = selection - sel_to_remove
logging.debug("post strict cleaning")
model_clicks = selection | deselection
model_clicks_png = [h.unhash(n)
for n in model_clicks if h.valid_hash(n)]
return model_clicks_png
def parse_raw(text: str) -> Tuple[Set[N], Set[N]]:
last_answer = text.strip()
if ":" in text:
last_answer_pattern = r":.*$"
xs = re.findall(last_answer_pattern, text)
last_answer = xs[0].removeprefix(":").strip()
xs =, last_answer)
if xs is None:
print("did not pass regex")
return set(), set()
select_pattern = r"(?<!de)select( [A-J])+$"
xs =, last_answer)
if xs is not None:
xs =
selections: Set[N] = set(xs.split(" ")[1:]) if xs else set()
deselect_pattern = r"^deselect( [A-J])+"
xs =, last_answer)
if xs is not None:
xs =
deselections: Set[N] = set(xs.split(" ")[1:]) if xs else set()
return selections, deselections
def compose(self, context, chats, previous_selected, hash_images, padding):
select_accum, deselect_accum, clickss = self.unfold_select_deselect(
select_accum = select_accum + [[]]
deselect_accum = deselect_accum + [[]]
previous_selected = [[]] + previous_selected # old states pre click
assert len(chats) == len(select_accum) == len(
deselect_accum) == len(previous_selected)
messages, images = self.build_processor_input(
context, chats, select_accum, deselect_accum, previous_selected, hash_images, omit_last_answer=True, sort_names=True, omit_context=False, chat_feedback=None)
prompt = self.processor.apply_chat_template(
messages, add_generation_prompt=True)
prompt = prompt.strip()
# Keep consistent with train_script
inputs = self.processor(
text=prompt, images=images,
padding=padding, truncation=True, max_length=self.t_max_length,
return inputs
def build_processor_input(self, image_pngs: List[N], chats: List[str],
select_accum: List[List[N]],
deselect_accum: List[List[N]],
pre_click_selected_accum: List[List[N]],
hash_image: bool, omit_last_answer: bool,
sort_names: bool, omit_context: bool,
chat_feedback: str, ):
def _text_content(text): return {"type": "text", "text": text}
def _image_content(): return {"type": "image"}
def _user_prompt(content): return {"role": "user", "content": content}
def _assistant_prompt(content): return {
"role": "assistant", "content": content}
def _system_prompt(content): return {
"role": "system", "content": content}
def _current_state(selected: List[N]):
if len(selected) == 0:
return 'none is selected'
return f'{" ".join(selected)} currently selected'
def _listener_action(select: List[N], deselect: List[N]):
if len(select) == 0 and len(deselect) == 0:
return 'nothing'
if len(select) == 0:
return f'deselect {" ".join(deselect)}'
if len(deselect) == 0:
return f'select {" ".join(select)}'
return f'deselect {" ".join(deselect)} select {" ".join(select)}'
func = AlphabeticNameHash(tuple(image_pngs)).hash if hash_image else id
context, select_accum, deselect_accum, pre_click_selected_accum = nested_apply(
func, (image_pngs, select_accum, deselect_accum, pre_click_selected_accum))
prompt = []
images = []
if not omit_context:
images = [self.get_image(im) for im in image_pngs]
images_and_names_content = []
for im_name in context:
if not len(chats) == len(select_accum) == len(deselect_accum) == len(pre_click_selected_accum):
assert False
for i, (chat, select, deselect, pre_click_selected) in enumerate(
zip(chats, select_accum, deselect_accum, pre_click_selected_accum)):
if sort_names:
select = sorted(select)
deselect = sorted(deselect)
pre_click_selected = sorted(pre_click_selected)
[_text_content(_listener_action(select, deselect))]))
if omit_last_answer:
# idefics2 has processor.apply_chat_template(messages, add_generation_prompt=True) instead
if chat_feedback is not None:
return prompt, images
def unfold_select_deselect(self, previous_selected: List[List[N]]) -> Tuple[List[N], List[N], List[N]]:
# currently selected AFTER i-th turn
num_turns = len(previous_selected)
selected: List[List[str]] = [] # turn-wise selection
deselected: List[List[str]] = [] # turn-wise deselection
clicks: List[List[str]] = []
# combining turn-wise newly selected and newly deselected
prev_selected = set()
for turn in range(num_turns):
curr_selected = set(previous_selected[turn])
newly_selected = curr_selected - prev_selected
newly_deselected = prev_selected - curr_selected
clicks.append(sorted_list(newly_selected | newly_deselected))
prev_selected = curr_selected.copy()
return selected, deselected, clicks