Linly-Talker / pytorch3d /tests /
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import importlib
import json
import os
import sys
import unittest
import unittest.mock
from collections import Counter
from .common_testing import get_pytorch3d_dir
# This file groups together tests which look at the code without running it.
in_conda_build = os.environ.get("CONDA_BUILD_STATE", "") == "TEST"
in_re_worker = os.environ.get("INSIDE_RE_WORKER") is not None
class TestBuild(unittest.TestCase):
def test_name_clash(self):
# For, all translation units need distinct names, so we
# cannot have and foo.cpp, even in different directories.
source_dir = get_pytorch3d_dir() / "pytorch3d"
stems = []
for extension in [".cu", ".cpp"]:
files = source_dir.glob(f"**/*{extension}")
stems.extend(f.stem for f in files)
counter = Counter(stems)
for k, v in counter.items():
self.assertEqual(v, 1, f"Too many files with stem {k}.")
@unittest.skipIf(in_re_worker, "In RE worker")
def test_valid_ipynbs(self):
# Check that the ipython notebooks are valid json
root_dir = get_pytorch3d_dir()
tutorials_dir = root_dir / "docs" / "tutorials"
tutorials = sorted(tutorials_dir.glob("*.ipynb"))
for tutorial in tutorials:
with open(tutorial) as f:
@unittest.skipIf(in_conda_build or in_re_worker, "In conda build, or RE worker")
def test_enumerated_ipynbs(self):
# Check that the tutorials are all referenced in tutorials.json.
root_dir = get_pytorch3d_dir()
tutorials_dir = root_dir / "docs" / "tutorials"
tutorials_on_disk = sorted(i.stem for i in tutorials_dir.glob("*.ipynb"))
json_file = root_dir / "website" / "tutorials.json"
with open(json_file) as f:
cfg_dict = json.load(f)
listed_in_json = []
for section in cfg_dict.values():
listed_in_json.extend(item["id"] for item in section)
self.assertListEqual(sorted(listed_in_json), tutorials_on_disk)
@unittest.skipIf(in_conda_build or in_re_worker, "In conda build, or RE worker")
def test_enumerated_notes(self):
# Check that the notes are all referenced in sidebars.json.
root_dir = get_pytorch3d_dir()
notes_dir = root_dir / "docs" / "notes"
notes_on_disk = sorted(i.stem for i in notes_dir.glob("*.md"))
json_file = root_dir / "website" / "sidebars.json"
with open(json_file) as f:
cfg_dict = json.load(f)
listed_in_json = []
for section in cfg_dict["docs"].values():
self.assertListEqual(sorted(listed_in_json), notes_on_disk)
def test_no_import_cycles(self):
# Check each module of pytorch3d imports cleanly,
# which may fail if there are import cycles.
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(sys.modules):
for module in list(sys.modules):
# If any of pytorch3d is already imported,
# the test would be pointless.
if module.startswith("pytorch3d"):
sys.modules.pop(module, None)
root_dir = get_pytorch3d_dir() / "pytorch3d"
for module_file in root_dir.glob("**/*.py"):
if module_file.stem in ("__init__", "plotly_vis"):
if "implicitron" in str(module_file):
relative_module = str(module_file.relative_to(root_dir))[:-3]
module = "pytorch3d." + relative_module.replace("/", ".")
with self.subTest(name=module):
with unittest.mock.patch.dict(sys.modules):