import requests import os import sys from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from pyproj.transformer import Transformer import cv2 import asyncio from matplotlib import patches as mpatches from matplotlib import gridspec sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) from MapItAnywhere.mia.bev import get_bev from MapItAnywhere.mia.fpv import get_fpv from MapItAnywhere.mia.fpv import filters from MapItAnywhere.mia import logger def get_city_boundary(query, fetch_shape=False): # Use Nominatim API to get the boundary of the city base_url = "" params = { 'q': query, 'format': 'json', 'limit': 1, 'polygon_geojson': 1 if fetch_shape else 0 } headers = { 'User-Agent': f'mapperceptionnet_{query}' } response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: logger.error(f"Nominatim error when fetching boundary data for {query}.\n" f"Status code: {response.status_code}. Content: {response.content}") return None data = response.json() if data is None: logger.warn(f"No data returned by Nominatim for {query}") return None # Extract bbox data from the API response bbox_data = data[0]['boundingbox'] bbox = { 'west': float(bbox_data[2]), 'south': float(bbox_data[0]), 'east': float(bbox_data[3]), 'north': float(bbox_data[1]) } if fetch_shape: # Extract GeoJSON boundary data from the API response boundary_geojson = data[0]['geojson'] boundary_geojson = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ {"type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": boundary_geojson}] } return bbox, boundary_geojson else: return bbox def split_dataframe(df, chunk_size = 100): chunks = list() num_chunks = len(df) // chunk_size + 1 for i in range(num_chunks): chunks.append(df[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size]) return chunks downloader = get_fpv.MapillaryDownloader(os.getenv("MLY_TOKEN")) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def generate_error_plot(error_message): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.text(0.5, 0.5, error_message, fontsize=12, va='center', ha='center', wrap=True) ax.axis('off') fig_img_path = 'fpv_bev.png' fig.savefig(fig_img_path) fig_img = plt.imread(fig_img_path) return fig_img def fetch(location, num_images, filter_undistort, disable_cam_filter, map_length, mpp): TOTAL_LOOKED_INTO_LIMIT = 10000 ################ FPV bbox = get_city_boundary(query=location) tiles = get_fpv.get_tiles_from_boundary(boundary_info=dict(bound_type="auto_bbox", bbox=bbox), zoom=14) np.random.shuffle(tiles) total_looked_into = 0 dfs_meta = list() for tile in tiles: image_points_response = loop.run_until_complete(downloader.get_tiles_image_points([tile])) if image_points_response is None: continue try: df = get_fpv.parse_image_points_json_data(image_points_response) if len(df) == 0: continue total_looked_into += len(df) df_split = split_dataframe(df, chunk_size=100) for df in df_split: image_ids = df["id"] image_infos, num_fail = loop.run_until_complete(get_fpv.fetch_image_infos(image_ids, downloader, infos_dir)) df_meta = get_fpv.geojson_feature_list_to_pandas(image_infos.values()) # Some standardization of the data df_meta["model"] = df_meta["model"].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '').str.replace('_', '') df_meta["make"] = df_meta["make"].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '').str.replace('_', '') if filter_undistort: fp = no_cam_filter_pipeline if disable_cam_filter else filter_pipeline df_meta = fp(df_meta) dfs_meta.append(df_meta) total_rows = sum([len(x) for x in dfs_meta]) if total_rows > num_images: break elif total_looked_into > TOTAL_LOOKED_INTO_LIMIT: return generate_error_plot(f"Went through {total_looked_into} images and could not find images satisfying the filters." "\nPlease rerun or run the data engine locally for bulk time consuming operations.") if total_rows > num_images: break except: pass df_meta = pd.concat(dfs_meta) df_meta = df_meta.sample(num_images) # Calc derrivative attributes df_meta["loc_discrepancy"] = filters.haversine_np( lon1=df_meta["geometry.long"], lat1=df_meta[""], lon2=df_meta["computed_geometry.long"], lat2=df_meta[""] ) df_meta["angle_discrepancy"] = filters.angle_dist( df_meta["compass_angle"], df_meta["computed_compass_angle"] ) img_list_to_show = list() for index, row in df_meta.iterrows(): print("Processing image", row["id"]) desc = list() # Display attributes keys = ["id", "geometry.long", "", "compass_angle", "loc_discrepancy", "angle_discrepancy", "make", "model", "camera_type", "quality_score"] for k in keys: v = row[k] if isinstance(v, float): v = f"{v:.4f}" bullet = f"{k}: {v}" desc.append(bullet) metadata_fmt = "\n".join(desc) # yield metadata_fmt, None, None image_urls = list(df_meta.set_index("id")["thumb_2048_url"].items()) num_fail = loop.run_until_complete(get_fpv.fetch_images_pixels(image_urls, downloader, raw_image_dir)) if num_fail > 0: logger.error(f"Failed to download {num_fail} images.") seq_to_image_ids = df_meta.groupby('sequence')['id'].agg(list).to_dict() lon_center = (bbox['east'] + bbox['west']) / 2 lat_center = (bbox['north'] + bbox['south']) / 2 projection = get_fpv.Projection(lat_center, lon_center, max_extent=200e3) df_meta.index = df_meta["id"] image_infos = df_meta.to_dict(orient="index") process_sequence_args = get_fpv.default_cfg if filter_undistort: for seq_id, seq_image_ids in seq_to_image_ids.items(): try: d, pi = get_fpv.process_sequence( seq_image_ids, image_infos, projection, process_sequence_args, raw_image_dir, out_image_dir, ) if d is None or pi is None: raise Exception("process_sequence returned None") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to process sequence {seq_id} skipping it. Error: {repr(e)}.") fpv = plt.imread(out_image_dir/ f"{row['id']}_undistorted.jpg") else: print("Loading raw image") fpv = plt.imread(raw_image_dir/ f"{row['id']}.jpg") # yield metadata_fmt, fpv, None ################ BEV df = df_meta # convert pandas dataframe to geopandas dataframe gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy( df['computed_geometry.long'], df['']), crs=4326) # convert the geopandas dataframe to UTM utm_crs = gdf.estimate_utm_crs() gdf_utm = gdf.to_crs(utm_crs) transformer = Transformer.from_crs(utm_crs, 4326) # load OSM data, if available padding = 50 # calculate the required distance from the center to the edge of the image # so that the image will not be out of bounds when we rotate it map_length = map_length map_length = np.ceil(np.sqrt(map_length**2 + map_length**2)) distance = map_length * mpp # create bounding boxes for each point gdf_utm['bounding_box_utm_p1'] = gdf_utm.apply(lambda row: ( row.geometry.x - distance - padding, row.geometry.y - distance - padding, ), axis=1) gdf_utm['bounding_box_utm_p2'] = gdf_utm.apply(lambda row: ( row.geometry.x + distance + padding, row.geometry.y + distance + padding, ), axis=1) # convert the bounding box back to lat, long gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p1'] = gdf_utm.apply(lambda row: transformer.transform(*row['bounding_box_utm_p1']), axis=1) gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p2'] = gdf_utm.apply(lambda row: transformer.transform(*row['bounding_box_utm_p2']), axis=1) gdf_utm['bbox_min_lat'] = gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p1'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) gdf_utm['bbox_min_long'] = gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p1'].apply(lambda x: x[1]) gdf_utm['bbox_max_lat'] = gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p2'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) gdf_utm['bbox_max_long'] = gdf_utm['bounding_box_lat_long_p2'].apply(lambda x: x[1]) gdf_utm['bbox_formatted'] = gdf_utm.apply(lambda row: f"{row['bbox_min_long']},{row['bbox_min_lat']},{row['bbox_max_long']},{row['bbox_max_lat']}", axis=1) # iterate over the dataframe and get BEV images jobs = gdf_utm[['id', 'bbox_formatted', 'computed_compass_angle']] # only need the id and bbox_formatted columns for the jobs jobs = jobs.to_dict(orient='records').copy() get_bev.get_bev_from_bbox_worker_init(osm_cache_dir, bev_dir, semantic_mask_dir, rendered_mask_dir, "MapItAnywhere/mia/bev/styles/mia.yml", map_length, mpp, None, True, False, True, True, 1) for job_dict in jobs: get_bev.get_bev_from_bbox_worker(job_dict) bev = cv2.imread(rendered_mask_dir / f"{row['id']}.png") bev = cv2.cvtColor(bev, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) print("BEV shape", bev.shape) img_list_to_show_i = [fpv, bev, metadata_fmt] img_list_to_show.append(img_list_to_show_i) # Make plt figure plt_row = len(img_list_to_show) print("plt_row", plt_row) plt_col = 3 for i in range(plt_row): fpv, bev, metadata_fmt = img_list_to_show[i] if i == 0: imgs = [fpv, bev] ratios = [i.shape[1] / i.shape[0] for i in imgs] # W / H ratios.append(0.5) # Metadata figsize = [sum(ratios) * 4.5, 4.5 * plt_row] dpi = 100 fig, ax = plt.subplots( plt_row, plt_col, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": ratios} ) # Plot FPV image if plt_row == 1: ax0 = ax[0] ax1 = ax[1] ax2 = ax[2] else: ax0 = ax[i, 0] ax1 = ax[i, 1] ax2 = ax[i, 2] ax0.imshow(fpv) ax0.set_title("First Person View Image") ax0.axis('off') # Plot BEV image ax1.imshow(bev) # Put a white upward triangle at the center of the image ax1.scatter(bev.shape[1]//2, bev.shape[0]//2, s=200, c='white', marker='^', edgecolors='black') ax1.set_title("Bird's Eye View Map") ax1.axis('off') # Add legend to BEV image class_colors = { 'Road': (68, 68, 68), # 0: Black 'Crossing': (244, 162, 97), # 1; Red 'Sidewalk': (233, 196, 106), # 2: Yellow 'Building': (231, 111, 81), # 5: Magenta 'Terrain': (42, 157, 143), # 7: Cyan 'Parking': (204, 204, 204), # 8: Dark Grey } patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=[c/255.0 for c in color], label=label) for label, color in class_colors.items()] ax1.legend(handles=patches, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), ncol=3) # Plot metadata text ax2.axis('off') ax2.text(0.1, 0.5, metadata_fmt, fontsize=12, va='center', ha='left', wrap=True) ax2.set_title("Metadata") plt.tight_layout(pad=2.0) # Save figure and then read fig_img_path = 'fpv_bev.png' fig.savefig(fig_img_path) fig_img = plt.imread(fig_img_path) return fig_img filter_pipeline = filters.FilterPipeline.load_from_yaml("MapItAnywhere/mia/fpv/filter_pipelines/mia.yaml") filter_pipeline.verbose=False no_cam_filter_pipeline = filters.FilterPipeline.load_from_yaml("MapItAnywhere/mia/fpv/filter_pipelines/mia_rural.yaml") no_cam_filter_pipeline.verbose=False loc = Path(".") infos_dir =loc / "infos_dir" raw_image_dir = loc / "raw_images" out_image_dir = loc / "images" osm_cache_dir = loc / "osm_cache" bev_dir = loc / "bev_raw" semantic_mask_dir = loc / "semantic_masks" rendered_mask_dir = loc / "rendered_semantic_masks" all_dirs = [loc, osm_cache_dir, bev_dir, semantic_mask_dir, rendered_mask_dir, out_image_dir, raw_image_dir] for d in all_dirs: os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True)"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}, listdir: {os.listdir('.')}") description = """

Project Page | Repository \nUse our Data Engine to sample first-person view images and bird's-eye view semantic map pairs from locations worldwide. Simply pick a location to see the results!

Please note that the Huggingface demo runs much slower than running locally. If the curation takes longer than 1 minute, please restart the space (see the dropdown menu at the top-right of the page). For faster bulk downloads and more stringent filtering, visit our repository and follow the data engine instructions to run the data curation locally.

""" demo = gr.Interface( fn=fetch, inputs=[gr.Text("Pittsburgh, PA, United States", label="Location (City, {Optional: State,} Country)"), gr.Number(value=1, label="Number of Data Pairs to Generate (Max: 3)", minimum=1, maximum=3), gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Filter out images with high pose discrepancy (Enabled in paper. Results in better robot position estimate, but slower.)"), gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Disable camera model filtering (Enabled in paper. Results in better quality labels, but slower.)"), gr.Slider(minimum=64, maximum=512, step=1, label="BEV Dimension", value=224), gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=2, label="Meters Per Pixel", value=0.5)], outputs=[gr.Image(label="Data Pair")], title="MapItAnywhere (MIA) Data Engine", description=description, )"Starting server") demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860,share=False)