from __future__ import annotations import json import asyncio from datetime import datetime from typing import AsyncGenerator, Literal, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING import aiohttp from pytz import timezone from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from spitfight.log import get_logger from spitfight.utils import BoundedExpiringDict, TokenGenerationBuffer, create_task from spitfight.colosseum.controller.worker import WorkerService from spitfight.prompt import get_system_prompt, apply_model_characteristics if TYPE_CHECKING: from spitfight.colosseum.controller.router import ControllerConfig controller_logger = get_logger(__name__) request_logger = get_logger("colosseum_requests") def now() -> datetime: return"US/Eastern")) # Internal states # The two "chose_*" stages are both the result of voting on a response. # A normal user will sequentially go through either # "prompted" -> "chose_less_energy_response", or # "prompted" -> "chose_more_energy_response" -> "voted_energy" UserStage = Literal[ "prompted", "chose_less_energy_response", "chose_more_energy_response", "voted_energy", ] class RequestState(BaseModel): """Models the state of a Colosseum play. This model is also serialized as is and logged. """ request_id: str model_names: list[str] raw_prompt: str responses: list[str] = ["UNSET", "UNSET"] model_prompts: list[str] = ["UNSET", "UNSET"] energy_consumptions: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0] response_victory_index: Optional[Literal[0, 1]] = None extra_energy_was_worth: Optional[bool] = None # The time when the user's stage changed. timestamp: datetime = Field(default_factory=now) # The user's current stage. user_stage: UserStage = "prompted" # When the the user is not going through the aforementioned stages, # the user's stage transition is recorded here. abnormal_stage_change: list[tuple[UserStage, UserStage]] = [] def set_response_and_energy(self, model_index: Literal[0, 1], response: str, energy_consumption: float) -> None: self.timestamp = now() self.energy_consumptions[model_index] = energy_consumption self.responses[model_index] = response def set_response_vote(self, victory_index: Literal[0, 1]) -> None: self.timestamp = now() # Next stage depends on the user's vote. energy_a, energy_b = self.energy_consumptions if (victory_index == 0 and energy_a <= energy_b) or (victory_index == 1 and energy_a >= energy_b): next_stage = "chose_less_energy_response" else: next_stage = "chose_more_energy_response" # Detect abnormal stage change. if self.user_stage != "prompted": self.abnormal_stage_change.append((self.user_stage, next_stage)) self.user_stage = next_stage self.response_victory_index = victory_index def set_energy_vote(self, is_worth: bool) -> None: self.timestamp = now() # Detect abnormal stage change. if self.user_stage != "chose_more_energy_response": self.abnormal_stage_change.append((self.user_stage, "voted_energy")) self.user_stage = "voted_energy" self.extra_energy_was_worth = is_worth class GenerationConfig(BaseModel): """Configuration for generation of prompts.""" max_new_tokens: int do_sample: bool temperature: float repetition_penalty: float top_k: int top_p: float class Controller: def __init__( self, background_task_interval: int, max_num_req_states: int, req_state_expiration_time: int, worker_service: WorkerService, generation_config: GenerationConfig, ): self.request_states: BoundedExpiringDict[str, RequestState] = \ BoundedExpiringDict(max_num_req_states, req_state_expiration_time) self.worker_service = worker_service self.generation_config = generation_config self.background_task_handle = create_task( self._background_task(background_task_interval), ) def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shutdown the controller.""" self.background_task_handle.cancel() async def _background_task(self, heartbeat_interval: int) -> None: """Periodically check if dead workers are alive again and do request state GC.""" while True: await asyncio.sleep(heartbeat_interval) await self.worker_service.check_workers() prev_num_req_states = len(self.request_states) self.request_states.cleanup() "Request state garbage collection done: Removed %d reqeusts", prev_num_req_states - len(self.request_states), ) def response_vote(self, request_id: str, victory_index: Literal[0, 1]) -> RequestState | None: """Record the user's response vote and return the new state.""" if (state := self.request_states.get(request_id)) is not None: state.set_response_vote(victory_index) # Pop the state from the dict if the user has voted on energy. if state.user_stage == "chose_less_energy_response": self.request_states.pop(request_id) return state return None def energy_vote(self, request_id: str, is_worth: bool) -> RequestState | None: """Record the user's energy vote and return the new state.""" # Pop the state from the dict, since this is the last step in any case. if (state := self.request_states.pop(request_id)) is not None: state.set_energy_vote(is_worth) return state return None async def prompt( self, request_id: str, prompt: str, model_index: Literal[0, 1], ) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]: # This method is called twice for the same request, once for each model. # If it's the first time this method is called, assign models to the request. if request_id not in self.request_states: workers = self.worker_service.choose_two() model_names = [worker.model_name for worker in workers] self.request_states[request_id] = RequestState( request_id=request_id, raw_prompt=prompt, model_names=model_names, ) request_state = self.request_states[request_id] model_name = request_state.model_names[model_index] try: worker = self.worker_service.get_worker(model_name) except KeyError: controller_logger.error("Worker %s not found.", model_name) raise except RuntimeError: controller_logger.error("Worker %s is dead.", model_name) raise # Models have different prompt formatting requirements and stopping criteria. prompt, stop_str, stop_token_ids = apply_model_characteristics( prompt=prompt, model_name=worker.model_id, ) request_state.model_prompts[model_index] = prompt # Request the model worker to stream the response to the user's prompt. response = "" energy = 0.0 client = worker.get_client() buffer = TokenGenerationBuffer(stop_str=stop_str) try: async for resp in client.generate_stream( prompt=prompt, stop_sequences=[stop_str] if stop_str is not None else None, **self.generation_config.dict(), ): # Even special tokens consume energy when they're generated. energy += # Stop tokens usually don't overlap with (human-readable) stop sequences. # if resp.token.special or in stop_token_ids: if in stop_token_ids: # If the buffer is not empty (i.e., we had partial stop_str matches), # just yield it to the user. if (chunk := buffer.token_buffer): response += chunk yield json.dumps(chunk).encode() + b"\0" break # Skip special tokens. if resp.token.special: continue # The buffer automatically handles `stop_str` partial and full matches. buffer.append(resp.token.text) if (chunk := buffer.pop()) is not None: response += chunk yield json.dumps(chunk).encode() + b"\0" elif buffer.matched_stop_str: break except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError: worker.status = "down" controller_logger.error( "Problem talking to %s. Aborting and setting worker status to down", repr(worker), ) raise except Exception: yield json.dumps(buffer.token_buffer).encode() + b"\0" raise finally: request_state.set_response_and_energy(model_index, response, energy) CONTROLLER: Controller | None = None def init_global_controller(config: ControllerConfig) -> None: global CONTROLLER CONTROLLER = Controller( background_task_interval=config.background_task_interval, max_num_req_states=config.max_num_req_states, req_state_expiration_time=config.req_state_expiration_time, worker_service=WorkerService(config.compose_files), generation_config=GenerationConfig( max_new_tokens=config.max_new_tokens, do_sample=config.do_sample, temperature=config.temperature, repetition_penalty=config.repetition_penalty, top_k=config.top_k, top_p=config.top_p, ), ) def get_global_controller() -> Controller: global CONTROLLER assert CONTROLLER is not None return CONTROLLER