import gc import time from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image, DiffusionPipeline import numpy as np from PIL import Image import torch from transformers.trainer_utils import set_seed import tyro from zeus.monitor import ZeusMonitor from utils import get_logger, CsvHandler from metrics import load_prompts, calculate_clip_score # default parameters DEVICE = "cuda:0" WEIGHT_DTYPE = torch.float16 SEED = 0 OUTPUT_FILE = "results.csv" OUTPUT_IMAGES = "images/" def get_pipeline(model, device=DEVICE, weight_dtype=WEIGHT_DTYPE): try: return AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained( model, torch_dtype=weight_dtype, safety_checker=None ).to(device) except ValueError: return DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( model, torch_dtype=weight_dtype, safety_checker=None ).to(device) def gpu_warmup(pipeline): """Warm up the GPU by running the given pipeline for 10 secs.""" logger = get_logger()"Warming up GPU") generator = torch.manual_seed(2) timeout_start = time.time() prompts, _ = load_prompts(1, 1) while time.time() < timeout_start + 10: _ = pipeline( prompts, num_images_per_prompt=10, generator=generator, output_type="numpy" ).images"Finished warming up GPU") def benchmark( model: str, benchmark_size: int = 0, batch_size: int = 1, result_file: str = OUTPUT_FILE, images_path: str = OUTPUT_IMAGES, device: str = DEVICE, seed: int = SEED, weight_dtype: torch.dtype = WEIGHT_DTYPE, write_header: bool = False, warmup: bool = False, settings: dict = {}, ) -> None: """Benchmarks given model with a set of parameters. Args: model: The name of the model to benchmark, as shown on HuggingFace. benchmark_size: The number of prompts to benchmark on. If 0, benchmarks the entire parti-prompts dataset. batch_size: The size of each batch of prompts. When benchmarking, the prompts are split into batches of this size, and prompts are fed into the model in batches. result_file: The path to the output csv file. images_path: The path to the output images directory. device: The device to run the benchmark on. seed: The seed to use for the RNG. weight_dtype: The weight dtype to use for the model. write_header: Whether to write the header row to the output csv file, recommended to be True for the first run. warmup: Whether to warm up the GPU before running the benchmark, recommended to be True for the first run of a model. settings: Any additional settings to pass to the pipeline, supports any keyword parameters accepted by the model chosen. See HuggingFace documentation on particular models for more details. """ logger = get_logger()"Running benchmark for model: " + model) csv_handler = CsvHandler(result_file) if write_header: csv_handler.write_header( [ "model", "GPU", "num_prompts", "batch_size", "clip_score", "average_batch_latency(s)", "throughput(image/s)", "avg_energy(J)", "peak_memory(GB)", ] ) set_seed(seed) prompts, batched_prompts = load_prompts(benchmark_size, batch_size)"Loaded prompts") generator = torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.set_device(device) monitor = ZeusMonitor(gpu_indices=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) pipeline = get_pipeline(model, device=device, weight_dtype=weight_dtype) if warmup: gpu_warmup(pipeline) torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect() torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats(device=device) monitor.begin_window("generate") images = [] for batch in batched_prompts: image = pipeline( batch, generator=generator, output_type="np", **settings ).images images.append(image) images = np.concatenate(images) result_monitor = monitor.end_window("generate") peak_memory = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(device=device) for saved_image, saved_prompt in zip(images[::10], prompts[::10]): saved_image = (saved_image * 255).astype(np.uint8) Image.fromarray(saved_image).save(images_path + saved_prompt + ".png") clip_score = calculate_clip_score(images, prompts) result = { "model": model, "GPU": torch.cuda.get_device_name(device), "num_prompts": len(prompts), "batch_size": batch_size, "clip_score": clip_score, "avg_batch_latency": result_monitor.time / (benchmark_size / batch_size), "throughput": benchmark_size / result_monitor.time, "avg_energy": result_monitor.total_energy / benchmark_size, "peak_memory": peak_memory, }"Results for model " + model + ":") csv_handler.write_results(result)"Finished benchmarking for " + model) if __name__ == "__main__": tyro.cli(benchmark)