"""Perform inference of one model on a dataset and measure time and energy.""" from __future__ import annotations import os import json import copy import atexit from typing import Generator, Literal, Iterable, Dict import gc import numpy as np import tyro import torch import rich from rich.table import Table from fastchat.serve.inference import prepare_logits_processor from fastchat.model.model_adapter import load_model, get_conversation_template from zeus.monitor import ZeusMonitor SYSTEM_PROMPTS = { "chat": ( "A chat between a human user (prompter) and an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant. " "The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. " ), "chat-concise": ( "A chat between a human user (prompter) and an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant. " "The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. " "The assistant's answers are very concise. " ), "instruct": ( "Below is an instruction that describes a task. " "Write a response that appropriately completes the request. " ), "instruct-concise": ( "Below is an instruction that describes a task. " "Write a response that appropriately completes the request. " "The response should be very concise. " ), } def is_partial_stop(output: str, stop_str: str): """Check whether the output contains a partial stop str.""" for i in range(0, min(len(output), len(stop_str))): if stop_str.startswith(output[-i:]): return True return False @torch.inference_mode() def generate_stream( model, tokenizer, params: Dict, device: str, context_len: int = 2048, ): # Read parameters prompts = params["prompt"] temperature = float(params.get("temperature", 1.0)) repetition_penalty = float(params.get("repetition_penalty", 1.0)) top_p = float(params.get("top_p", 1.0)) top_k = int(params.get("top_k", -1)) # -1 means disable max_new_tokens = int(params.get("max_new_tokens", 256)) stop_str = params.get("stop", None) stop_token_ids = params.get("stop_token_ids", None) or [] stop_token_ids.append(tokenizer.eos_token_id) batch_size = len(prompts) # left append prompts with eos to make all input prompts the same length tokenizer.padding_side = "left" tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token logits_processor = prepare_logits_processor( temperature, repetition_penalty, top_p, top_k ) input_ids = tokenizer(prompts, padding=True).input_ids output_ids = list(input_ids) if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: max_src_len = context_len else: # truncate max_src_len = context_len - max_new_tokens - 8 input_ids = [input_id[-max_src_len:] for input_id in input_ids] input_len = len(input_ids[0]) if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: encoder_output = model.encoder( input_ids=torch.as_tensor(input_ids, device=device) )[0] start_ids = torch.as_tensor( [[model.generation_config.decoder_start_token_id] for _ in range(batch_size)], dtype=torch.int64, device=device, ) past_key_values = out = None stopped = np.array(batch_size*[False]) for i in range(max_new_tokens): if i == 0: # prefill if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: out = model.decoder( input_ids=start_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, use_cache=True, ) logits = model.lm_head(out[0]) else: out = model(torch.as_tensor(input_ids, device=device), use_cache=True) logits = out.logits past_key_values = out.past_key_values else: # decoding if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: out = model.decoder( input_ids=torch.as_tensor( [[token[0]] for token in tokens], device=device ), encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, use_cache=True, past_key_values=past_key_values, ) logits = model.lm_head(out[0]) else: out = model( input_ids=torch.as_tensor( [[token[0]] for token in tokens], device=device ), use_cache=True, past_key_values=past_key_values, ) logits = out.logits past_key_values = out.past_key_values if logits_processor: if repetition_penalty > 1.0: tmp_output_ids = torch.as_tensor(output_ids, device=logits.device) else: tmp_output_ids = None last_token_logits = logits_processor(tmp_output_ids, logits[:, -1, :]) else: last_token_logits = logits[:, -1, :] if device == "mps": # Switch to CPU by avoiding some bugs in mps backend. last_token_logits = last_token_logits.float().to("cpu") if temperature < 1e-5 or top_p < 1e-8: # greedy _, indices = torch.topk(last_token_logits, 2) tokens = [[int(token) for token in query] for query in indices.tolist()] else: probs = torch.softmax(last_token_logits, dim=-1) indices = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=2) tokens = [[int(token) for token in query] for query in indices.tolist()] old_stopped = stopped stopped = np.logical_or(old_stopped, np.array([True if token[0] in stop_token_ids else False for token in tokens])) output_ids = [ids + [token[0]] for ids, token in zip(output_ids, tokens)] def slice(s, pos): return s[:pos] vec_slice = np.vectorize(slice, otypes=[str]) vec_is_partial_stop = np.vectorize(is_partial_stop) # Yield the output tokens if any(stopped): tmp_output_ids = [ids[input_len:] for ids in output_ids] rfind_start = 0 output = tokenizer.batch_decode( tmp_output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, spaces_between_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, ) output = np.array(output) partially_stopped = np.array(len(output_ids) * [False]) different_indices = np.empty(shape=(0,)) if stop_str: if isinstance(stop_str, str): pos_array = np.char.rfind(output, stop_str, rfind_start) find_stop = pos_array != -1 output[find_stop] = vec_slice(output[find_stop], pos_array[find_stop]) stopped = find_stop partially_stopped = vec_is_partial_stop(output, stop_str) elif isinstance(stop_str, Iterable): for each_stop in stop_str: pos_array = np.char.rfind(output, stop_str, rfind_start) find_stop = pos_array != -1 output[find_stop] = vec_slice(output[find_stop], pos_array[find_stop]) stopped = find_stop partially_stopped = partially_stopped | vec_is_partial_stop(output, each_stop) else: raise ValueError("Invalid stop field type.") # Prevent yielding partial stop sequence if not any(partially_stopped): # indicates which request in batch stopped different_indices = np.where(stopped != old_stopped)[0] stop_length = np.array([(i, len(output[i])) for i in different_indices]) yield { "text": output, "stop_length": stop_length, } if all(stopped): break false_indices = np.where(stopped == False)[0] if any(stopped) == False: tmp_output_ids = [ids[input_len:] for ids in output_ids] output = tokenizer.batch_decode( tmp_output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, spaces_between_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, ) stop_length = np.array([(i, len(output[i])) for i in false_indices]) yield { "text": output, "stop_length": stop_length, } # Clean del past_key_values, out gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() def main( model_path: str, input_file: str = "sharegpt/sg_90k_part1_html_cleaned_lang_first_sampled.json", output_dir: str = "data", device_index: int = 0, task: Literal[tuple(SYSTEM_PROMPTS)] = "chat", # type: ignore load_8bit: bool = False, temperature: float = 0.7, repitition_penalty: float = 1.0, max_new_tokens: int = 512, batch: int = 1, ) -> None: """Run benchmarking for one model on the entire input file. Args: model_path: Path to or Huggingface Hub Id of the model. input_file: Path to the input JSON file. Assumed to be our cleaned ShareGPT data. (Default: "sharegpt/sg_90k_part1_html_cleaned_lang_first_sampled.json") output_dir: Path to the output directory. (Default: "data") device_index: Index of the GPU to use for inference. (Default: 0) task: Type of task to perform inference on. (Default: "chat") load_8bit: Whether to load the model in 8-bit mode. (Default: False) temperature: Temperature to use for sampling. (Default: 0.7) repitition_penalty: Repitition penalty to use for the model. (Default: 1.0) max_new_tokens: Maximum numbers of tokens to generate, ignoring the prompt. (Default: 512) """ # NOTE(JW): ChatGLM is implemented as a special case in FastChat inference. # Also, it's primarily a model that's fine-tuned for Chinese, so it doesn't # make sense to prompt it in English and talk about its verbosity. if "chatglm" in model_path.lower(): raise ValueError("ChatGLM is not supported.") # Get Rich Console instance. console = rich.get_console() # Print out what we're about to do. if model_path.endswith("/"): model_path = model_path[:-1] model_name_cleaned = "--".join(model_path.split("/")[-2:]) output_dir = f"{output_dir}/{task}/{model_name_cleaned}" output_csv_path = f"{output_dir}/benchmark.json" config_json_path = f"{output_dir}/config.json" table = Table(title="Benchmark") table.add_column("Configuration") table.add_column("Value") table.add_row("Model", f"{model_name_cleaned} (path: {model_path})") table.add_row("Input", input_file) table.add_row("Device", f"cuda:{device_index}") table.add_row("Task", task) table.add_row("8-bit", str(load_8bit)) table.add_row("Temperature", f"{temperature:.2f}") table.add_row("Repitition Penalty", f"{repitition_penalty:.2f}") table.add_row("Max New Tokens", str(max_new_tokens)) table.add_row("Output CSV", output_csv_path) table.add_row("Config JSON", config_json_path) console.print(table) # Set the device. torch.cuda.set_device(f"cuda:{device_index}") # Load the model (Huggingface PyTorch) and tokenizer (Huggingface). model, tokenizer = load_model( model_path=model_path, device="cuda", num_gpus=1, max_gpu_memory=None, load_8bit=load_8bit, cpu_offloading=False, gptq_config=None, debug=False, ) # Chats are accumulated in a conversation helper object. conv_base = get_conversation_template(model_path) # Standardize the system prompt for every model. conv_base.system = SYSTEM_PROMPTS[task] conv_base.messages = [] conv_base.offset = 0 gen_params = { "model": model_path, "prompt": "EMPTY", "temperature": temperature, "repitition_penalty": repitition_penalty, "max_new_tokens": max_new_tokens, "stop": conv_base.stop_str, "stop_token_ids": conv_base.stop_token_ids, } monitor = ZeusMonitor(gpu_indices=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) # Output files. # Leave only the last two path components and replace slashes with double dashes. os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) output_json = open(output_csv_path, "w") output_json.write("[\n") output_json.flush() # Conclude the JSON file format with a closing bracket. Using `atexit` will # handle all cases of the program exiting, including Ctrl-C and errors. atexit.register(lambda: output_json.write("\n]\n")) # Dump the configuration to a JSON file. with open(config_json_path, "w") as config_json: json.dump( { "model_path": model_path, "input_file": input_file, "device_index": device_index, "task": task, "load_8bit": load_8bit, "temperature": temperature, "repitition_penalty": repitition_penalty, "max_new_tokens": max_new_tokens, }, config_json, indent=4, ) config_json.write("\n") def dataloader(input_file: str) -> Generator[tuple[bool, str], None, None]: """Yields a tuple of whether this is a warmup run and the input prompt.""" for _ in range(3*batch): yield True, "Say something long and random. I don't care about the content." for item in json.load(open(input_file, "r")): input_prompt = item["conversations"][0]["value"] yield False, input_prompt # Warm up the GPU with some random prompts. # Forward through all the prompts. is_first = True convs = [] prompts = [] data_iter = iter(dataloader(input_file)) end_of_file = False # flag to track the end of the file while True: try: is_warmup, input_prompt = next(data_iter) except StopIteration: end_of_file = True # no more data # Construct the input prompt. if not end_of_file: conv = copy.deepcopy(conv_base) conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], input_prompt) conv.append_message(conv.roles[1], "") prompt = conv.get_prompt() prompts.append(prompt) convs.append(conv) if (len(convs) < batch): continue gen_params["prompt"] = prompts # Print input prompt. for i in range(len(convs)): console.print(f"\n[u cyan]{'Warmup ' if is_warmup else ''}Prompt[/u cyan](batch_{i}):") console.print(prompts[i].strip() + "\n", markup=False) # Generate the ouptut from the model. output_stream = generate_stream(model, tokenizer, gen_params, device="cuda", context_len=2048) output = {} batch_token_len = {} ################################################# # Inference and measurement zone! ################################################# monitor.begin_window("inference") for output in output_stream: stop_length = output["stop_length"] for it in stop_length: batch_token_len[it[0]] = it[1] measurements = monitor.end_window("inference") ################################################# # Record numbers. output_text = output["text"] if not is_warmup: response_length = int(sum(batch_token_len.values())) # number of valid tokens latency = measurements.time throughput = response_length / latency energy = measurements.total_energy output = { "model": model_name_cleaned, "batch": len(convs), "throughput": throughput, "response_length": response_length, "latency": latency, "energy": energy, "input": [prompt.strip() for prompt in prompts], "output": [output_text[i][:batch_token_len[i]].strip() for i in range(len(convs))], } output_str = json.dumps(output, indent=4) if not is_warmup: if not is_first: output_json.write(",\n" + output_str) else: is_first = False output_json.write(output_str) output_json.flush() # Print the response. for i in range(len(convs)): console.print(f"\n[u cyan]{'Warmup ' if is_warmup else ''}Response[/u cyan](batch_{i}):") console.print(output_text[i][:batch_token_len[i]].strip() + "\n", markup=False) # Print measurement. console.print(measurements) convs = [] prompts = [] if end_of_file: break if __name__ == "__main__": tyro.cli(main)