import re import torch import random from tqdm import tqdm from unidecode import unidecode from import Dataset from transformers import GPT2Model, GPT2LMHeadModel, PreTrainedModel from samplings import top_p_sampling, top_k_sampling, temperature_sampling from utils import PATCH_SIZE, PATCH_LENGTH, PATCH_SAMPLING_BATCH_SIZE class Patchilizer: """ A class for converting music bars to patches and vice versa. """ def __init__(self): self.delimiters = ["|:", "::", ":|", "[|", "||", "|]", "|"] self.regexPattern = f"({'|'.join(map(re.escape, self.delimiters))})" self.pad_token_id = 0 self.bos_token_id = 1 self.eos_token_id = 2 def split_bars(self, body): """ Split a body of music into individual bars. """ bars = re.split(self.regexPattern, "".join(body)) bars = list(filter(None, bars)) # remove empty strings if bars[0] in self.delimiters: bars[1] = bars[0] + bars[1] bars = bars[1:] bars = [bars[i * 2] + bars[i * 2 + 1] for i in range(len(bars) // 2)] return bars def bar2patch(self, bar, patch_size=PATCH_SIZE): """ Convert a bar into a patch of specified length. """ patch = [self.bos_token_id] + [ord(c) for c in bar] + [self.eos_token_id] patch = patch[:patch_size] patch += [self.pad_token_id] * (patch_size - len(patch)) return patch def patch2bar(self, patch): """ Convert a patch into a bar. """ return "".join( chr(idx) if idx > self.eos_token_id else "" for idx in patch if idx != self.eos_token_id ) def encode( self, abc_code, patch_length=PATCH_LENGTH, patch_size=PATCH_SIZE, add_special_patches=False, ): """ Encode music into patches of specified length. """ lines = unidecode(abc_code).split("\n") lines = list(filter(None, lines)) # remove empty lines body = "" patches = [] for line in lines: if len(line) > 1 and ( (line[0].isalpha() and line[1] == ":") or line.startswith("%%score") ): if body: bars = self.split_bars(body) patches.extend( self.bar2patch( bar + "\n" if idx == len(bars) - 1 else bar, patch_size ) for idx, bar in enumerate(bars) ) body = "" patches.append(self.bar2patch(line + "\n", patch_size)) else: body += line + "\n" if body: patches.extend( self.bar2patch(bar, patch_size) for bar in self.split_bars(body) ) if add_special_patches: bos_patch = [self.bos_token_id] * (patch_size - 1) + [self.eos_token_id] eos_patch = [self.bos_token_id] + [self.eos_token_id] * (patch_size - 1) patches = [bos_patch] + patches + [eos_patch] return patches[:patch_length] def decode(self, patches): """ Decode patches into music. """ return "".join(self.patch2bar(patch) for patch in patches) class PatchLevelDecoder(PreTrainedModel): """ An Patch-level Decoder model for generating patch features in an auto-regressive manner. It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.patch_embedding = torch.nn.Linear(PATCH_SIZE * 128, config.n_embd) torch.nn.init.normal_(self.patch_embedding.weight, std=0.02) self.base = GPT2Model(config) def forward(self, patches: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ The forward pass of the patch-level decoder model. :param patches: the patches to be encoded :return: the encoded patches """ patches = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(patches, num_classes=128).float() patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE * 128) patches = self.patch_embedding( return self.base(inputs_embeds=patches) class CharLevelDecoder(PreTrainedModel): """ A Char-level Decoder model for generating the characters within each bar patch sequentially. It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.pad_token_id = 0 self.bos_token_id = 1 self.eos_token_id = 2 self.base = GPT2LMHeadModel(config) def forward( self, encoded_patches: torch.Tensor, target_patches: torch.Tensor, patch_sampling_batch_size: int, ): """ The forward pass of the char-level decoder model. :param encoded_patches: the encoded patches :param target_patches: the target patches :return: the decoded patches """ # preparing the labels for model training target_masks = target_patches == self.pad_token_id labels = target_patches.clone().masked_fill_(target_masks, -100) # masking the labels for model training target_masks = torch.ones_like(labels) target_masks = target_masks.masked_fill_(labels == -100, 0) # select patches if ( patch_sampling_batch_size != 0 and patch_sampling_batch_size < target_patches.shape[0] ): indices = list(range(len(target_patches))) random.shuffle(indices) selected_indices = sorted(indices[:patch_sampling_batch_size]) target_patches = target_patches[selected_indices, :] target_masks = target_masks[selected_indices, :] encoded_patches = encoded_patches[selected_indices, :] labels = labels[selected_indices, :] # get input embeddings inputs_embeds = torch.nn.functional.embedding( target_patches, self.base.transformer.wte.weight ) # concatenate the encoded patches with the input embeddings inputs_embeds = (encoded_patches.unsqueeze(1), inputs_embeds[:, 1:, :]), dim=1 ) return self.base( inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=target_masks, labels=labels ) def generate(self, encoded_patch: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor): """ The generate function for generating a patch based on the encoded patch and already generated tokens. :param encoded_patch: the encoded patch :param tokens: already generated tokens in the patch :return: the probability distribution of next token """ encoded_patch = encoded_patch.reshape(1, 1, -1) tokens = tokens.reshape(1, -1) # Get input embeddings tokens = torch.nn.functional.embedding(tokens, self.base.transformer.wte.weight) # Concatenate the encoded patch with the input embeddings tokens =, tokens[:, 1:, :]), dim=1) # Get output from model outputs = self.base(inputs_embeds=tokens) # Get probabilities of next token probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits.squeeze(0)[-1], dim=-1) return probs class TunesFormer(PreTrainedModel): """ TunesFormer is a hierarchical music generation model based on bar patching. It includes a patch-level decoder and a character-level decoder. It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers. """ def __init__(self, encoder_config, decoder_config, share_weights=False): super().__init__(encoder_config) self.pad_token_id = 0 self.bos_token_id = 1 self.eos_token_id = 2 if share_weights: max_layers = max( encoder_config.num_hidden_layers, decoder_config.num_hidden_layers ) max_context_size = max(encoder_config.max_length, decoder_config.max_length) max_position_embeddings = max( encoder_config.max_position_embeddings, decoder_config.max_position_embeddings, ) encoder_config.num_hidden_layers = max_layers encoder_config.max_length = max_context_size encoder_config.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings decoder_config.num_hidden_layers = max_layers decoder_config.max_length = max_context_size decoder_config.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.patch_level_decoder = PatchLevelDecoder(encoder_config) self.char_level_decoder = CharLevelDecoder(decoder_config) if share_weights: self.patch_level_decoder.base = self.char_level_decoder.base.transformer def forward( self, patches: torch.Tensor, patch_sampling_batch_size: int = PATCH_SAMPLING_BATCH_SIZE, ): """ The forward pass of the TunesFormer model. :param patches: the patches to be both encoded and decoded :return: the decoded patches """ patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE) encoded_patches = self.patch_level_decoder(patches)["last_hidden_state"] return self.char_level_decoder( encoded_patches.squeeze(0)[:-1, :], patches.squeeze(0)[1:, :], patch_sampling_batch_size, ) def generate( self, patches: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor, top_p: float = 1, top_k: int = 0, temperature: float = 1, seed: int = None, ): """ The generate function for generating patches based on patches. :param patches: the patches to be encoded :return: the generated patches """ patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE) encoded_patches = self.patch_level_decoder(patches)["last_hidden_state"] if tokens == None: tokens = torch.tensor([self.bos_token_id], device=self.device) generated_patch = [] random.seed(seed) while True: if seed != None: n_seed = random.randint(0, 1000000) random.seed(n_seed) else: n_seed = None prob = ( self.char_level_decoder.generate(encoded_patches[0][-1], tokens) .cpu() .detach() .numpy() ) prob = top_p_sampling(prob, top_p=top_p, return_probs=True) prob = top_k_sampling(prob, top_k=top_k, return_probs=True) token = temperature_sampling(prob, temperature=temperature, seed=n_seed) generated_patch.append(token) if token == self.eos_token_id or len(tokens) >= PATCH_SIZE - 1: break else: tokens = (tokens, torch.tensor([token], device=self.device)), dim=0 ) return generated_patch, n_seed class PatchilizedData(Dataset): def __init__(self, items, patchilizer): self.texts = [] for item in tqdm(items): text = item["control code"] + "\n".join( item["abc notation"].split("\n")[1:] ) input_patch = patchilizer.encode(text, add_special_patches=True) input_patch = torch.tensor(input_patch) if torch.sum(input_patch) != 0: self.texts.append(input_patch) def __len__(self): return len(self.texts) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.texts[idx]