import json from typing import Any from import ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam from import FunctionCall from import ( ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam, Function, ) from neollm.types import ( ChatCompletionMessage, Chunk, ClientSettings, InputType, LLMSettings, Message, Messages, OutputType, PriceInfo, PrintColor, Role, TokenInfo, ) from neollm.utils.postprocess import json2dict from neollm.utils.utils import CPrintParam, cprint TITLE_COLOR: PrintColor = "blue" YEN_PAR_DOLLAR: float = 140.0 # 150円になってしまったぴえん(231027) def _ChatCompletionMessage2dict(message: ChatCompletionMessage) -> Message: message_dict = ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(content=message.content, role=message.role) if message.function_call is not None: message_dict["function_call"] = FunctionCall( arguments=message.function_call.arguments, ) if message.tool_calls is not None: message_dict["tool_calls"] = [ ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam(, function=Function(arguments=tool_call.function.arguments,, type=tool_call.type, ) for tool_call in message.tool_calls ] return message_dict def _get_tool_calls(message_dict: Message) -> list[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam]: tool_calls: list[ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam] = [] if "tool_calls" in message_dict: _tool_calls = message_dict.get("tool_calls", None) if _tool_calls is not None and isinstance(_tool_calls, list): # isinstance(_tool_calls, list)ないと通らん,,, for _tool_call in _tool_calls: tool_call = ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam( id=_tool_call["id"], function=Function( arguments=_tool_call["function"]["arguments"], name=_tool_call["function"]["name"], ), type=_tool_call["type"], ) tool_calls.append(tool_call) if "function_call" in message_dict: function_call = message_dict.get("function_call", None) if function_call is not None and isinstance( function_call, dict ): # isinstance(function_call, dict)ないと通らん,,, tool_calls.append( ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam( id="", function=Function( arguments=function_call["arguments"], name=function_call["name"], ), type="function", ) ) return tool_calls def print_metadata(time: float, token: TokenInfo, price: PriceInfo) -> None: try: cprint("[metadata]", color=TITLE_COLOR, kwargs={"end": " "}) print( f"{time:.1f}s; " f"{,}({token.input:,}+{token.output:,})tokens; " f"${}; ¥{*YEN_PAR_DOLLAR:.2g}" ) except Exception as e: cprint(e, color="red", background=True) def print_inputs(inputs: InputType) -> None: try: cprint("[inputs]", color=TITLE_COLOR) print(json.dumps(_arange_dumpable_object(inputs), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)) except Exception as e: cprint(e, color="red", background=True) def print_outputs(outputs: OutputType) -> None: try: cprint("[outputs]", color=TITLE_COLOR) print(json.dumps(_arange_dumpable_object(outputs), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)) except Exception as e: cprint(e, color="red", background=True) def print_messages(messages: list[ChatCompletionMessage] | Messages | None, title: bool = True) -> None: if messages is None: cprint("Not yet running _preprocess", color="red") return # try: if title: cprint("[messages]", color=TITLE_COLOR) role2prarams: dict[Role, CPrintParam] = { "system": {"color": "green"}, "user": {"color": "green"}, "assistant": {"color": "green"}, "function": {"color": "green", "background": True}, "tool": {"color": "green", "background": True}, } for message in messages: message_dict: Message if isinstance(message, ChatCompletionMessage): message_dict = _ChatCompletionMessage2dict(message) else: message_dict = message # roleの出力 ---------------------------------------- print(" ", end="") role = message_dict["role"] cprint(role, **role2prarams[role]) # contentの出力 ---------------------------------------- content = message_dict.get("content", None) if isinstance(content, str): print(" " + content.replace("\n", "\n ")) elif isinstance(content, list): for content_part in content: if content_part["type"] == "text": print(" " + content_part["text"].replace("\n", "\n ")) elif content_part["type"] == "image_url": cprint(" ", color="green", kwargs={"end": " "}) print(content_part["image_url"]) # TODO: 画像出力 # TODO: Preview用、content_part["image"]: str, dict両方いけてしまう else: # TODO: 未対応のcontentの出力 pass # tool_callの出力 ---------------------------------------- for tool_call in _get_tool_calls(message_dict): print(" ", end="") cprint(tool_call["function"]["name"], color="green", background=True) print(" " + str(json2dict(tool_call["function"]["arguments"], error_key=None)).replace("\n", "\n ")) # except Exception as e: # cprint(e, color="red", background=True) def print_delta(chunk: Chunk) -> None: if len(chunk.choices) == 0: return choice = chunk.choices[0] # TODO: n>2の対応 if is not None: print(" ", end="") cprint(, color="green") print(" ", end="") if is not None: print("\n", "\n "), end="") if is not None: if is not None: cprint(, color="green", background=True) print(" ", end="") if is not None: print("\n", "\n "), end="") if is not None: for tool_call in if tool_call.function is not None: if is not None: if tool_call.index != 0: print("\n ", end="") cprint(, color="green", background=True) print(" ", end="") if tool_call.function.arguments is not None: print(tool_call.function.arguments.replace("\n", "\n "), end="") if choice.finish_reason is not None: print() def print_llm_settings(llm_settings: LLMSettings, model: str, engine: str | None, platform: str) -> None: try: cprint("[llm_settings]", color=TITLE_COLOR, kwargs={"end": " "}) llm_settings_copy = dict(platform=platform, **llm_settings) llm_settings_copy["model"] = model # Azureの場合 if platform == "azure": llm_settings_copy["engine"] = engine # engineを追加 print(llm_settings_copy or "-") except Exception as e: cprint(e, color="red", background=True) def print_client_settings(client_settings: ClientSettings) -> None: try: cprint("[client_settings]", color=TITLE_COLOR, kwargs={"end": " "}) print(client_settings or "-") except Exception as e: cprint(e, color="red", background=True) # ------- _DumplableEntity = int | float | str | bool | None | list[Any] | dict[Any, Any] DumplableType = _DumplableEntity | list["DumplableType"] | dict["DumplableType", "DumplableType"] def _arange_dumpable_object(obj: Any) -> DumplableType: # 基本データ型の場合、そのまま返す if isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool, type(None))): return obj # リストの場合、再帰的に各要素を変換 if isinstance(obj, list): return [_arange_dumpable_object(item) for item in obj] # 辞書の場合、再帰的に各キーと値を変換 if isinstance(obj, dict): return {_arange_dumpable_object(key): _arange_dumpable_object(value) for key, value in obj.items()} # それ以外の型の場合、型情報を含めて文字列に変換 return f"<{type(obj).__name__}>{str(obj)}"