<script lang="ts"> |
import ChatWindow from "$lib/components/chat/ChatWindow.svelte"; |
import { pendingMessage } from "$lib/stores/pendingMessage"; |
import { isAborted } from "$lib/stores/isAborted"; |
import { onMount } from "svelte"; |
import { page } from "$app/stores"; |
import { goto, invalidate } from "$app/navigation"; |
import { base } from "$app/paths"; |
import { shareConversation } from "$lib/shareConversation"; |
import { UrlDependency } from "$lib/types/UrlDependency"; |
import { ERROR_MESSAGES, error } from "$lib/stores/errors"; |
import { randomUUID } from "$lib/utils/randomUuid"; |
import { findCurrentModel } from "$lib/utils/models"; |
import { webSearchParameters } from "$lib/stores/webSearchParameters"; |
import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message"; |
import type { MessageUpdate, WebSearchUpdate } from "$lib/types/MessageUpdate"; |
import titleUpdate from "$lib/stores/titleUpdate"; |
import file2base64 from "$lib/utils/file2base64"; |
export let data; |
let messages = data.messages; |
let lastLoadedMessages = data.messages; |
let webSearchMessages: WebSearchUpdate[] = []; |
$: if (data.messages !== lastLoadedMessages) { |
messages = data.messages; |
lastLoadedMessages = data.messages; |
} |
let loading = false; |
let pending = false; |
let files: File[] = []; |
async function convFromShared() { |
try { |
loading = true; |
const res = await fetch(`${base}/conversation`, { |
method: "POST", |
headers: { |
"Content-Type": "application/json", |
}, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
fromShare: $page.params.id, |
model: data.model, |
}), |
}); |
if (!res.ok) { |
error.set("Error while creating conversation, try again."); |
console.error("Error while creating conversation: " + (await res.text())); |
return; |
} |
const { conversationId } = await res.json(); |
return conversationId; |
} catch (err) { |
error.set(ERROR_MESSAGES.default); |
console.error(String(err)); |
throw err; |
} |
} |
async function writeMessage({ |
prompt, |
messageId = randomUUID(), |
isRetry = false, |
isContinue = false, |
}: { |
prompt?: string; |
messageId?: ReturnType<typeof randomUUID>; |
isRetry?: boolean; |
isContinue?: boolean; |
}): Promise<void> { |
try { |
$isAborted = false; |
loading = true; |
pending = true; |
// first we check if the messageId already exists, indicating a retry |
let msgIndex = messages.findIndex((msg) => msg.id === messageId); |
if (msgIndex === -1) { |
msgIndex = messages.length - 1; |
} |
if (isRetry && messages[msgIndex].from === "assistant") { |
throw new Error("Trying to retry a message that is not from user"); |
} |
if (isContinue && messages[msgIndex].from === "user") { |
throw new Error("Trying to continue a message that is not from assistant"); |
} |
const module = await import("browser-image-resizer"); |
const resizedImages = await Promise.all( |
files.map(async (file) => { |
return await module |
.readAndCompressImage(file, { |
maxHeight: 224, |
maxWidth: 224, |
quality: 1, |
}) |
.then(async (el) => await file2base64(el as File)); |
}) |
); |
if (isRetry) { |
messages = [ |
...messages.slice(0, msgIndex), |
{ |
from: "user", |
content: messages[msgIndex].content, |
id: messageId, |
files: messages[msgIndex].files, |
}, |
]; |
} else if (!isContinue) { |
// or add a new message if its not a continue request |
if (!prompt) { |
throw new Error("Prompt is undefined"); |
} |
messages = [ |
...messages, |
{ |
from: "user", |
content: prompt ?? "", |
id: messageId, |
files: resizedImages, |
}, |
]; |
} |
files = []; |
const hasAssistant = !!$page.data.assistant; |
const response = await fetch(`${base}/conversation/${$page.params.id}`, { |
method: "POST", |
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
inputs: prompt, |
id: messageId, |
is_retry: isRetry, |
is_continue: isContinue, |
web_search: !hasAssistant && $webSearchParameters.useSearch, |
files: isRetry ? undefined : resizedImages, |
}), |
}); |
files = []; |
if (!response.body) { |
throw new Error("Body not defined"); |
} |
if (!response.ok) { |
error.set((await response.json())?.message); |
return; |
} |
const encoder = new TextDecoderStream(); |
const reader = response?.body?.pipeThrough(encoder).getReader(); |
let finalAnswer = ""; |
const messageUpdates: MessageUpdate[] = []; |
{"type": "stream", "token": |
// It should be => {"type": "stream", "token": "Hello"} = prev_input_chunk + "Hello"} |
let prev_input_chunk = [""]; |
while (finalAnswer === "") { |
// check for abort |
if ($isAborted) { |
reader?.cancel(); |
break; |
} |
await reader?.read().then(async ({ done, value }) => { |
// we read, if it's done we cancel |
if (done) { |
reader.cancel(); |
return; |
} |
if (!value) { |
return; |
} |
value = prev_input_chunk.pop() + value; |
const inputs = value.split("\n"); |
inputs.forEach(async (el: string) => { |
try { |
const update = JSON.parse(el) as MessageUpdate; |
if (update.type !== "stream") { |
messageUpdates.push(update); |
} |
if (update.type === "finalAnswer") { |
finalAnswer = update.text; |
reader.cancel(); |
loading = false; |
pending = false; |
invalidate(UrlDependency.Conversation); |
} else if (update.type === "stream") { |
pending = false; |
let lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]; |
if (lastMessage.from !== "assistant") { |
messages = [ |
...messages, |
{ from: "assistant", id: randomUUID(), content: update.token }, |
]; |
} else { |
lastMessage.content += update.token; |
messages = [...messages]; |
} |
} else if (update.type === "webSearch") { |
webSearchMessages = [...webSearchMessages, update]; |
} else if (update.type === "status") { |
if (update.status === "title" && update.message) { |
const conv = data.conversations.find(({ id }) => id === $page.params.id); |
if (conv) { |
conv.title = update.message; |
$titleUpdate = { |
title: update.message, |
convId: $page.params.id, |
}; |
} |
} else if (update.status === "error") { |
$error = update.message ?? "An error has occurred"; |
} |
} else if (update.type === "error") { |
error.set(update.message); |
reader.cancel(); |
} |
} catch (parseError) { |
// in case of parsing error we wait for the next message |
if (el === inputs[inputs.length - 1]) { |
prev_input_chunk.push(el); |
} |
return; |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
webSearchMessages = []; |
const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]; |
lastMessage.updates = messageUpdates; |
await invalidate(UrlDependency.ConversationList); |
} catch (err) { |
if (err instanceof Error && err.message.includes("overloaded")) { |
$error = "Too much traffic, please try again."; |
} else if (err instanceof Error && err.message.includes("429")) { |
$error = ERROR_MESSAGES.rateLimited; |
} else if (err instanceof Error) { |
$error = err.message; |
} else { |
$error = ERROR_MESSAGES.default; |
} |
console.error(err); |
} finally { |
loading = false; |
pending = false; |
} |
} |
async function voteMessage(score: Message["score"], messageId: string) { |
let conversationId = $page.params.id; |
let oldScore: Message["score"] | undefined; |
// optimistic update to avoid waiting for the server |
messages = messages.map((message) => { |
if (message.id === messageId) { |
oldScore = message.score; |
return { ...message, score }; |
} |
return message; |
}); |
try { |
await fetch(`${base}/conversation/${conversationId}/message/${messageId}/vote`, { |
method: "POST", |
body: JSON.stringify({ score }), |
}); |
} catch { |
// revert score on any error |
messages = messages.map((message) => { |
return message.id !== messageId ? message : { ...message, score: oldScore }; |
}); |
} |
} |
onMount(async () => { |
// only used in case of creating new conversations (from the parent POST endpoint) |
if ($pendingMessage) { |
files = $pendingMessage.files; |
await writeMessage({ prompt: $pendingMessage.content }); |
$pendingMessage = undefined; |
} |
}); |
async function onMessage(event: CustomEvent<string>) { |
if (!data.shared) { |
await writeMessage({ prompt: event.detail }); |
} else { |
await convFromShared() |
.then(async (convId) => { |
await goto(`${base}/conversation/${convId}`, { invalidateAll: true }); |
}) |
.then(async () => await writeMessage({ prompt: event.detail })) |
.finally(() => (loading = false)); |
} |
} |
async function onRetry(event: CustomEvent<{ id: Message["id"]; content: string }>) { |
if (!data.shared) { |
await writeMessage({ |
prompt: event.detail.content, |
messageId: event.detail.id, |
isRetry: true, |
}); |
} else { |
await convFromShared() |
.then(async (convId) => { |
await goto(`${base}/conversation/${convId}`, { invalidateAll: true }); |
}) |
.then( |
async () => |
await writeMessage({ |
prompt: event.detail.content, |
messageId: event.detail.id, |
isRetry: true, |
}) |
) |
.finally(() => (loading = false)); |
} |
} |
async function onContinue(event: CustomEvent<{ id: Message["id"] }>) { |
if (!data.shared) { |
writeMessage({ messageId: event.detail.id, isContinue: true }); |
} |
} |
$: $page.params.id, (($isAborted = true), (loading = false)); |
$: title = data.conversations.find((conv) => conv.id === $page.params.id)?.title ?? data.title; |
</script> |
<svelte:head> |
<title>{title}</title> |
<link |
rel="stylesheet" |
href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.8/dist/katex.min.css" |
integrity="sha384-GvrOXuhMATgEsSwCs4smul74iXGOixntILdUW9XmUC6+HX0sLNAK3q71HotJqlAn" |
crossorigin="anonymous" |
/> |
</svelte:head> |
<ChatWindow |
{loading} |
{pending} |
{messages} |
shared={data.shared} |
preprompt={data.preprompt} |
bind:webSearchMessages |
bind:files |
on:message={onMessage} |
on:retry={onRetry} |
on:continue={onContinue} |
on:vote={(event) => voteMessage(event.detail.score, event.detail.id)} |
on:share={() => shareConversation($page.params.id, data.title)} |
on:stop={() => (($isAborted = true), (loading = false))} |
models={data.models} |
currentModel={findCurrentModel([...data.models, ...data.oldModels], data.model)} |
assistant={data.assistant} |
/> |