"""Compute near duplicates for a dataset.""" from typing import Iterable, Optional, cast from pydantic import Field as PydanticField from typing_extensions import override from ..schema import Field, Item, RichData, SignalInputType, field from ..signal import TextSignal from .minhash_dup import find_clusters CLUSTER_KEY = 'cluster_id' class NearDuplicateSignal(TextSignal): """Find near duplicate documents in a dataset using n-grams.
Documents are fingerprinted using n-grams with [minhash LSH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinHash). Documents are assigned the same cluster id if their Jaccard similarity is above the provided threshold. """ name = 'near_dup' display_name = 'Near duplicate documents' input_type = SignalInputType.TEXT threshold: float = PydanticField( default=0.85, description='The similarity threshold for detecting a near duplicate.', ) @override def fields(self) -> Field: return field(fields={CLUSTER_KEY: field('uint32', categorical=True)}) @override def compute(self, data: Iterable[RichData]) -> Iterable[Optional[Item]]: cluster_ids = find_clusters(cast(Iterable[str], data), threshold=self.threshold) for cluster_id in cluster_ids: yield {CLUSTER_KEY: cluster_id}