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# Description: This file contains the functions to interact with the Semantic Scholar API
# Imports
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import requests
# Functions
# Constants
"Computer Science", "Medicine", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Materials Science",
"Physics", "Geology", "Psychology", "Art", "History", "Geography",
"Sociology", "Business", "Political Science", "Economics", "Philosophy",
"Mathematics", "Engineering", "Environmental Science",
"Agricultural and Food Sciences", "Education", "Law", "Linguistics"
"Review", "JournalArticle", "CaseReport", "ClinicalTrial", "Conference",
"Dataset", "Editorial", "LettersAndComments", "MetaAnalysis", "News",
"Study", "Book", "BookSection"
def search_papers(
query: str,
page: int,
fields_of_study: List[str],
publication_types: List[str],
year_range: str,
venue: str,
min_citations: int,
open_access_only: bool,
limit: int = 10
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Search for papers using the Semantic Scholar API with all available filters"""
if not query.strip():
return {"total": 0, "offset": 0, "next": 0, "data": []}
url = ""
params = {
"query": query,
"offset": page * limit,
"limit": limit,
"fields": "title,abstract,year,citationCount,authors,venue,openAccessPdf,url,publicationTypes,publicationDate"
# Add optional filters
if fields_of_study:
params["fieldsOfStudy"] = ",".join(fields_of_study)
if publication_types:
params["publicationTypes"] = ",".join(publication_types)
if venue:
params["venue"] = venue
if min_citations:
params["minCitationCount"] = str(min_citations)
if open_access_only:
params["openAccessPdf"] = ""
if year_range:
if "-" in year_range:
start_year, end_year = year_range.split("-")
params["year"] = f"{start_year.strip()}-{end_year.strip()}"
params["year"] = year_range.strip()
except ValueError:
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
return response.json()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
return {"error": f"API Error: {str(e)}", "total": 0, "offset": 0, "data": []}
def get_paper_details(paper_id):
"""Get detailed information about a specific paper"""
url = f"{paper_id}"
params = {
"fields": "title,abstract,year,citationCount,authors,venue,openAccessPdf,url,references,citations"
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
return response.json()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
return {"error": f"API Error: {str(e)}"}
def format_paper_info(paper: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
"""Format paper information for display"""
authors = ", ".join([author["name"] for author in paper.get("authors", [])])
year = f"Year: {paper.get('year', 'N/A')}"
venue = f"Venue: {paper.get('venue', 'N/A')}"
citations = f"Citations: {paper.get('citationCount', 0)}"
pub_types = f"Types: {', '.join(paper.get('publicationTypes', ['N/A']))}"
pdf_link = ""
if paper.get("openAccessPdf"):
pdf_link = f"\nPDF: {paper['openAccessPdf']['url']}"
s2_link = f"\nSemantic Scholar: {paper.get('url', '')}"
formatted = f"""# {paper.get('title', 'No Title')}
Authors: {authors}
{year} | {venue} | {citations}
{paper.get('abstract', 'No abstract available')}
return formatted
def search_and_display(
query: str,
page: int,
fields_of_study: List[str],
publication_types: List[str],
year_range: str,
venue: str,
min_citations: int,
open_access_only: bool
) -> tuple[str, int, int, str]:
"""Search for papers and return formatted results with pagination info"""
result = search_papers(
query, page, fields_of_study, publication_types,
year_range, venue, min_citations, open_access_only
if "error" in result:
return result["error"], 0, 0, "0"
if not result["data"]:
return "No results found.", 0, 0, "0"
papers = result["data"]
total_results = int(result.get("total", "0"))
max_pages = (total_results + 9) // 10 # Ceiling division
results = []
for paper in papers:
formatted_results = "\n\n---\n\n".join(results)
# Add pagination information
pagination_info = f"\n\n---\n\nShowing results {result['offset'] + 1}-{result['offset'] + len(papers)} of {total_results}"
return formatted_results + pagination_info, page, max_pages - 1, str(total_results)
# End of