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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from opt_einsum import contract as einsum
import copy
import dgl
from util import base_indices, RTs_by_torsion, xyzs_in_base_frame, rigid_from_3_points
def init_lecun_normal(module, scale=1.0):
def truncated_normal(uniform, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, a=-2, b=2):
normal = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(0, 1)
alpha = (a - mu) / sigma
beta = (b - mu) / sigma
alpha_normal_cdf = normal.cdf(torch.tensor(alpha))
p = alpha_normal_cdf + (normal.cdf(torch.tensor(beta)) - alpha_normal_cdf) * uniform
v = torch.clamp(2 * p - 1, -1 + 1e-8, 1 - 1e-8)
x = mu + sigma * np.sqrt(2) * torch.erfinv(v)
x = torch.clamp(x, a, b)
return x
def sample_truncated_normal(shape, scale=1.0):
stddev = np.sqrt(scale/shape[-1])/.87962566103423978 # shape[-1] = fan_in
return stddev * truncated_normal(torch.rand(shape))
module.weight = torch.nn.Parameter( (sample_truncated_normal(module.weight.shape)) )
return module
def init_lecun_normal_param(weight, scale=1.0):
def truncated_normal(uniform, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, a=-2, b=2):
normal = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(0, 1)
alpha = (a - mu) / sigma
beta = (b - mu) / sigma
alpha_normal_cdf = normal.cdf(torch.tensor(alpha))
p = alpha_normal_cdf + (normal.cdf(torch.tensor(beta)) - alpha_normal_cdf) * uniform
v = torch.clamp(2 * p - 1, -1 + 1e-8, 1 - 1e-8)
x = mu + sigma * np.sqrt(2) * torch.erfinv(v)
x = torch.clamp(x, a, b)
return x
def sample_truncated_normal(shape, scale=1.0):
stddev = np.sqrt(scale/shape[-1])/.87962566103423978 # shape[-1] = fan_in
return stddev * truncated_normal(torch.rand(shape))
weight = torch.nn.Parameter( (sample_truncated_normal(weight.shape)) )
return weight
# for gradient checkpointing
def create_custom_forward(module, **kwargs):
def custom_forward(*inputs):
return module(*inputs, **kwargs)
return custom_forward
def get_clones(module, N):
return nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)])
class Dropout(nn.Module):
# Dropout entire row or column
def __init__(self, broadcast_dim=None, p_drop=0.15):
super(Dropout, self).__init__()
# give ones with probability of 1-p_drop / zeros with p_drop
self.sampler = torch.distributions.bernoulli.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([1-p_drop]))
def forward(self, x):
if not # no drophead during evaluation mode
return x
shape = list(x.shape)
if not self.broadcast_dim == None:
shape[self.broadcast_dim] = 1
mask = self.sampler.sample(shape).to(x.device).view(shape)
x = mask * x / (1.0 - self.p_drop)
return x
def rbf(D):
# Distance radial basis function
D_min, D_max, D_count = 0., 20., 36
D_mu = torch.linspace(D_min, D_max, D_count).to(D.device)
D_mu = D_mu[None,:]
D_sigma = (D_max - D_min) / D_count
D_expand = torch.unsqueeze(D, -1)
RBF = torch.exp(-((D_expand - D_mu) / D_sigma)**2)
return RBF
def get_seqsep(idx):
- idx: residue indices of given sequence (B,L)
- seqsep: sequence separation feature with sign (B, L, L, 1)
Sergey found that having sign in seqsep features helps a little
seqsep = idx[:,None,:] - idx[:,:,None]
sign = torch.sign(seqsep)
neigh = torch.abs(seqsep)
neigh[neigh > 1] = 0.0 # if bonded -- 1.0 / else 0.0
neigh = sign * neigh
return neigh.unsqueeze(-1)
def make_full_graph(xyz, pair, idx, top_k=64, kmin=9):
- xyz: current backbone cooordinates (B, L, 3, 3)
- pair: pair features from Trunk (B, L, L, E)
- idx: residue index from ground truth pdb
- G: defined graph
B, L = xyz.shape[:2]
device = xyz.device
# seq sep
sep = idx[:,None,:] - idx[:,:,None]
b,i,j = torch.where(sep.abs() > 0)
src = b*L+i
tgt = b*L+j
G = dgl.graph((src, tgt), num_nodes=B*L).to(device)
G.edata['rel_pos'] = (xyz[b,j,:] - xyz[b,i,:]).detach() # no gradient through basis function
return G, pair[b,i,j][...,None]
def make_topk_graph(xyz, pair, idx, top_k=64, kmin=32, eps=1e-6):
- xyz: current backbone cooordinates (B, L, 3, 3)
- pair: pair features from Trunk (B, L, L, E)
- idx: residue index from ground truth pdb
- G: defined graph
B, L = xyz.shape[:2]
device = xyz.device
# distance map from current CA coordinates
D = torch.cdist(xyz, xyz) + torch.eye(L, device=device).unsqueeze(0)*999.9 # (B, L, L)
# seq sep
sep = idx[:,None,:] - idx[:,:,None]
sep = sep.abs() + torch.eye(L, device=device).unsqueeze(0)*999.9
D = D + sep*eps
# get top_k neighbors
D_neigh, E_idx = torch.topk(D, min(top_k, L), largest=False) # shape of E_idx: (B, L, top_k)
topk_matrix = torch.zeros((B, L, L), device=device)
topk_matrix.scatter_(2, E_idx, 1.0)
# put an edge if any of the 3 conditions are met:
# 1) |i-j| <= kmin (connect sequentially adjacent residues)
# 2) top_k neighbors
cond = torch.logical_or(topk_matrix > 0.0, sep < kmin)
b,i,j = torch.where(cond)
src = b*L+i
tgt = b*L+j
G = dgl.graph((src, tgt), num_nodes=B*L).to(device)
G.edata['rel_pos'] = (xyz[b,j,:] - xyz[b,i,:]).detach() # no gradient through basis function
return G, pair[b,i,j][...,None]
def make_rotX(angs, eps=1e-6):
B,L = angs.shape[:2]
NORM = torch.linalg.norm(angs, dim=-1) + eps
RTs = torch.eye(4, device=angs.device).repeat(B,L,1,1)
RTs[:,:,1,1] = angs[:,:,0]/NORM
RTs[:,:,1,2] = -angs[:,:,1]/NORM
RTs[:,:,2,1] = angs[:,:,1]/NORM
RTs[:,:,2,2] = angs[:,:,0]/NORM
return RTs
# rotate about the z axis
def make_rotZ(angs, eps=1e-6):
B,L = angs.shape[:2]
NORM = torch.linalg.norm(angs, dim=-1) + eps
RTs = torch.eye(4, device=angs.device).repeat(B,L,1,1)
RTs[:,:,0,0] = angs[:,:,0]/NORM
RTs[:,:,0,1] = -angs[:,:,1]/NORM
RTs[:,:,1,0] = angs[:,:,1]/NORM
RTs[:,:,1,1] = angs[:,:,0]/NORM
return RTs
# rotate about an arbitrary axis
def make_rot_axis(angs, u, eps=1e-6):
B,L = angs.shape[:2]
NORM = torch.linalg.norm(angs, dim=-1) + eps
RTs = torch.eye(4, device=angs.device).repeat(B,L,1,1)
ct = angs[:,:,0]/NORM
st = angs[:,:,1]/NORM
u0 = u[:,:,0]
u1 = u[:,:,1]
u2 = u[:,:,2]
RTs[:,:,0,0] = ct+u0*u0*(1-ct)
RTs[:,:,0,1] = u0*u1*(1-ct)-u2*st
RTs[:,:,0,2] = u0*u2*(1-ct)+u1*st
RTs[:,:,1,0] = u0*u1*(1-ct)+u2*st
RTs[:,:,1,1] = ct+u1*u1*(1-ct)
RTs[:,:,1,2] = u1*u2*(1-ct)-u0*st
RTs[:,:,2,0] = u0*u2*(1-ct)-u1*st
RTs[:,:,2,1] = u1*u2*(1-ct)+u0*st
RTs[:,:,2,2] = ct+u2*u2*(1-ct)
return RTs
class ComputeAllAtomCoords(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(ComputeAllAtomCoords, self).__init__()
self.base_indices = nn.Parameter(base_indices, requires_grad=False)
self.RTs_in_base_frame = nn.Parameter(RTs_by_torsion, requires_grad=False)
self.xyzs_in_base_frame = nn.Parameter(xyzs_in_base_frame, requires_grad=False)
def forward(self, seq, xyz, alphas, non_ideal=False, use_H=True):
B,L = xyz.shape[:2]
Rs, Ts = rigid_from_3_points(xyz[...,0,:],xyz[...,1,:],xyz[...,2,:], non_ideal=non_ideal)
RTF0 = torch.eye(4).repeat(B,L,1,1).to(device=Rs.device)
# bb
RTF0[:,:,:3,:3] = Rs
RTF0[:,:,:3,3] = Ts
# omega
RTF1 = torch.einsum(
RTF0, self.RTs_in_base_frame[seq,0,:], make_rotX(alphas[:,:,0,:]))
# phi
RTF2 = torch.einsum(
RTF0, self.RTs_in_base_frame[seq,1,:], make_rotX(alphas[:,:,1,:]))
# psi
RTF3 = torch.einsum(
RTF0, self.RTs_in_base_frame[seq,2,:], make_rotX(alphas[:,:,2,:]))
# CB bend
basexyzs = self.xyzs_in_base_frame[seq]
NCr = 0.5*(basexyzs[:,:,2,:3]+basexyzs[:,:,0,:3])
CAr = (basexyzs[:,:,1,:3])
CBr = (basexyzs[:,:,4,:3])
CBrotaxis1 = (CBr-CAr).cross(NCr-CAr)
CBrotaxis1 /= torch.linalg.norm(CBrotaxis1, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+1e-8
# CB twist
NCp = basexyzs[:,:,2,:3] - basexyzs[:,:,0,:3]
NCpp = NCp - torch.sum(NCp*NCr, dim=-1, keepdim=True)/ torch.sum(NCr*NCr, dim=-1, keepdim=True) * NCr
CBrotaxis2 = (CBr-CAr).cross(NCpp)
CBrotaxis2 /= torch.linalg.norm(CBrotaxis2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+1e-8
CBrot1 = make_rot_axis(alphas[:,:,7,:], CBrotaxis1 )
CBrot2 = make_rot_axis(alphas[:,:,8,:], CBrotaxis2 )
RTF8 = torch.einsum(
RTF0, CBrot1,CBrot2)
# chi1 + CG bend
RTF4 = torch.einsum(
# chi2
RTF5 = torch.einsum(
RTF4, self.RTs_in_base_frame[seq,4,:],make_rotX(alphas[:,:,4,:]))
# chi3
RTF6 = torch.einsum(
# chi4
RTF7 = torch.einsum(
RTframes = torch.stack((
xyzs = torch.einsum(
RTframes.gather(2,self.base_indices[seq][...,None,None].repeat(1,1,1,4,4)), basexyzs
if use_H:
return RTframes, xyzs[...,:3]
return RTframes, xyzs[...,:14,:3]