# config.py import json import logging.config import sys from pathlib import Path from rich.logging import RichHandler # Base and Config Directories BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() CONFIG_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "config") # Data Directories RAW_DATA_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "raw_data") SENTENCE_DATA_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "sentence_data") TRAIN_DATA_DIR = Path(SENTENCE_DATA_DIR, "train") VAL_DATA_DIR = Path(SENTENCE_DATA_DIR, "val") TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(SENTENCE_DATA_DIR, "test") READING_DATA_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "reading_data") # Logs Directory LOGS_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "logs") # Model Storage Directory STORES_DIR = Path(BASE_DIR, "stores") RUN_REGISTRY = Path(STORES_DIR, "runs") # Create dirs RAW_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) SENTENCE_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) TRAIN_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) VAL_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) TEST_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) READING_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) LOGS_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) STORES_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) RUN_REGISTRY.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Special tokens reserved ASCII_SPACE_TOKEN = "\U0000FFFF" # this is used to replace the usual space characters before sending text to mecab, because mecab uses the usual space to separate words. # Seed SEED = 1271297 # Training parameters TRAIN_SIZE = 0.7 VAL_SIZE = 0.15 TEST_SIZE = 0.15 assert TRAIN_SIZE + VAL_SIZE + TEST_SIZE == 1 # Heteronym list with open(Path(CONFIG_DIR, "heteronyms.json")) as fp: HETERONYMS = json.load(fp) # Logger logging_config = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { "minimal": {"format": "%(message)s"}, "detailed": { "format": "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s [%(name)s:%(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d]\n%(message)s\n" }, }, "handlers": { "console": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "stream": sys.stdout, "formatter": "minimal", "level": logging.DEBUG, }, "info": { "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "filename": Path(LOGS_DIR, "info.log"), "maxBytes": 10485760, # 1 MB "backupCount": 10, "formatter": "detailed", "level": logging.INFO, }, "error": { "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "filename": Path(LOGS_DIR, "error.log"), "maxBytes": 10485760, # 1 MB "backupCount": 10, "formatter": "detailed", "level": logging.ERROR, }, }, "root": { "handlers": ["console", "info", "error"], "level": logging.INFO, "propagate": True, }, } logging.config.dictConfig(logging_config) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers[0] = RichHandler(markup=True)