import streamlit as st import hashlib import uuid import time import json def generate_mock_hash(): return hashlib.sha256(str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest() from utils import ( CLIENT_DIR, CURRENT_DIR, DEPLOYMENT_DIR, KEYS_DIR, INPUT_BROWSER_LIMIT, clean_directory, SERVER_DIR, ) from import FHEModelClient st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.sidebar.title("Contact") """ - Reda Bellafqira - Mehdi Ben Ghali - Pierre-Elisée Flory - Mohammed Lansari - Thomas Winninger """ ) st.title("Zamark: Secure Watermarking Service") # st.image( # "llm_watermarking.png", # caption="A Watermark for Large Language Models (", # ) def todo(): st.warning("Not implemented yet", icon="⚠️") def key_gen_fn(client_id): """ Generate keys for a given user. The keys are saved in KEYS_DIR !!! needs a model in DEPLOYMENT_DIR as "" !!! Args: client_id (str): The client_id, retrieved from streamlit """ clean_directory() client = FHEModelClient(path_dir=DEPLOYMENT_DIR, key_dir=KEYS_DIR / f"{client_id}") client.load() # Creates the private and evaluation keys on the client side client.generate_private_and_evaluation_keys() # Get the serialized evaluation keys serialized_evaluation_keys = client.get_serialized_evaluation_keys() assert isinstance(serialized_evaluation_keys, bytes) # Save the evaluation key evaluation_key_path = KEYS_DIR / f"{client_id}/evaluation_key" with"wb") as f: f.write(serialized_evaluation_keys) # show bit of key serialized_evaluation_keys_shorten_hex = serialized_evaluation_keys.hex()[ :INPUT_BROWSER_LIMIT ] # shpw len of key # f"{len(serialized_evaluation_keys) / (10**6):.2f} MB" with st.expander("Generated keys"): st.write(f"{len(serialized_evaluation_keys) / (10**6):.2f} MB") st.code(serialized_evaluation_keys_shorten_hex) st.success("Keys have been generated!", icon="✅") def gen_trigger_set(client_id, hf_id): # input : random images seeded by client_id # labels : binary array of the id watermark_uuid = uuid.uuid1() hash = hashlib.sha256() hash.update(client_id + str(watermark_uuid)) client_seed = hash.digest() hash = hashlib.sha256() hash.update(hf_id + str(watermark_uuid)) hf_seed = hash.digest() trigger_set_size = 128 trigger_set_client = [ {"input": 1, "label": digit} for digit in encode_id(client_id, trigger_set_size) ] todo() def encode_id(ascii_rep, size=128): """Encode a string id to a string of bits Args: ascii_rep (_type_): The id string size (_type_): The size of the output bit string Returns: _type_: a string of bits """ return "".join([format(ord(x), "b").zfill(8) for x in client_id])[:size] def decode_id(binary_rep): """Decode a string of bits to an ascii string Args: binary_rep (_type_): the binary string Returns: _type_: an ascii string """ # Initializing a binary string in the form of # 0 and 1, with base of 2 binary_int = int(binary_rep, 2) # Getting the byte number byte_number = binary_int.bit_length() + 7 // 8 # Getting an array of bytes binary_array = binary_int.to_bytes(byte_number, "big") # Converting the array into ASCII text ascii_text = binary_array.decode() # Getting the ASCII value return ascii_text def compare_id(client_id, binary_triggert_set_result): """Compares the string id with the labels of the trigger set on the tested API Args: client_id (_type_): the ascii string binary_triggert_set_result (_type_): the binary string Returns: _type_: _description_ """ ground_truth = encode_id(client_id, 128) correct_bit = 0 for true_bit, real_bit in zip(ground_truth, binary_triggert_set_result): if true_bit != real_bit: correct_bit += 1 return correct_bit / len(binary_triggert_set_result) def watermark(model, trigger_set): """Watermarking function Args: model (_type_): The model to watermark trigger_set (_type_): the trigger set """ todo() model_file_path = SERVER_DIR / "watermarked_model" trigger_set_file_path = SERVER_DIR / "trigger_set" # TODO: remove once model correctly watermarked model_file_path.touch() trigger_set_file_path.touch() # Once the model is watermarked and dumped to files (model + trigger set), the user can download them with open(model_file_path, "rb") as model_file: st.download_button( label="Download the watermarked file", data=model_file, mime="application/octet-stream", ) with open(trigger_set_file_path, "rb") as trigger_set_file: st.download_button( label="Download the triggert set", data=trigger_set_file, mime="application/octet-stream", ) st.header("Client Configuration", divider=True) client_id = st.text_input("Identification string", "team-8-uuid") if st.button("Generate keys"): key_gen_fn(client_id) st.header("Model Watermarking", divider=True) encrypted_model = st.file_uploader("Upload your encrypted model") if st.button("Start Watermarking"): watermark(None, None) st.header("Watermarking Verification", divider=True) st.header("Update Blockchain", divider=True) # Initialize session state to store the block data if 'block_data' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.block_data = None # Button to update the blockchain if st.button("Update Blockchain"): previous_hash = generate_mock_hash() timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) # Current timestamp in milliseconds watermarked_model_hash = generate_mock_hash() trigger_set_hash = generate_mock_hash() # Create the block data structure st.session_state.block_data = { "blockNumber": 42, "previousHash": previous_hash, "timestamp": timestamp, "transactions": [ { "type": "Watermarked Model Hash", "hash": watermarked_model_hash }, { "type": "Trigger Set Hash", "hash": trigger_set_hash } ] } st.success("Blockchain updated successfully!") # Display the JSON if block_data exists if st.session_state.block_data: st.subheader("Latest Block Data (JSON)") # Convert the data to a formatted JSON string block_json = json.dumps(st.session_state.block_data, indent=2) # Display the JSON st.code(block_json, language='json')