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import json
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Union, Callable
from .utils.utils import get_api
from .video_zone import VideoZoneTypes
from import Api, get_session
from .utils.credential import Credential
API = get_api("search")
class SearchObjectType(Enum):
+ VIDEO : 视频
+ BANGUMI : 番剧
+ FT : 影视
+ LIVE : 直播
+ ARTICLE : 专栏
+ TOPIC : 话题
+ USER : 用户
+ LIVEUSER : 直播间用户
VIDEO = "video"
BANGUMI = "media_bangumi"
FT = "media_ft"
LIVE = "live"
ARTICLE = "article"
TOPIC = "topic"
USER = "bili_user"
LIVEUSER = "live_user"
PHOTO = "photo"
class OrderVideo(Enum):
+ TOTALRANK : 综合排序
+ CLICK : 最多点击
+ PUBDATE : 最新发布
+ DM : 最多弹幕
+ STOW : 最多收藏
+ SCORES : 最多评论
Ps: Api 中 的 order_sort 字段决定顺序还是倒序
TOTALRANK = "totalrank"
CLICK = "click"
PUBDATE = "pubdate"
DM = "dm"
STOW = "stow"
SCORES = "scores"
class OrderLiveRoom(Enum):
+ NEWLIVE 最新开播
+ ONLINE 综合排序
NEWLIVE = "live_time"
ONLINE = "online"
class OrderArticle(Enum):
+ TOTALRANK : 综合排序
+ CLICK : 最多点击
+ PUBDATE : 最新发布
+ ATTENTION : 最多喜欢
+ SCORES : 最多评论
TOTALRANK = "totalrank"
PUBDATE = "pubdate"
CLICK = "click"
ATTENTION = "attention"
SCORES = "scores"
class OrderUser(Enum):
+ FANS : 按照粉丝数量排序
+ LEVEL : 按照等级排序
FANS = "fans"
LEVEL = "level"
class OrderCheese(Enum):
+ SELL : 销量最高
+ NEW : 最新上架
+ CHEEP : 售价最低
SELL = 1
NEW = 2
class CategoryTypePhoto(Enum):
+ All 全部
+ DrawFriend 画友
+ PhotoFriend 摄影
All = 0
DrawFriend = 2
PhotoFriend = 1
class CategoryTypeArticle(Enum):
+ All 全部
+ Anime 动画
+ Game 游戏
+ TV 电视
+ Life 生活
+ Hobby 兴趣
+ LightNovel 轻小说
+ Technology 科技
All = 0
Anime = 2
Game = 1
TV = 28
Life = 3
Hobby = 29
LightNovel = 16
Technology = 17
async def search(keyword: str, page: int = 1) -> dict:
只指定关键字在 web 进行搜索,返回未经处理的字典
keyword (str): 搜索关键词
page (int): 页码. Defaults to 1.
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
api = API["search"]["web_search"]
params = {"keyword": keyword, "page": page}
return await Api(**api).update_params(**params).result
async def search_by_type(
keyword: str,
search_type: Union[SearchObjectType, None] = None,
order_type: Union[OrderUser, OrderLiveRoom, OrderArticle, OrderVideo, None] = None,
time_range: int = -1,
video_zone_type: Union[int, VideoZoneTypes, None] = None,
order_sort: Union[int, None] = None,
category_id: Union[CategoryTypeArticle, CategoryTypePhoto, int, None] = None,
page: int = 1,
page_size: int = 42,
debug_param_func: Union[Callable, None] = None,
) -> dict:
debug_param_func (Callable | None, optional) : 参数回调器,用来存储或者什么的
order_sort (int | None, optional) : 用户粉丝数及等级排序顺序 默认为0 由高到低:0 由低到高:1
category_id (CategoryTypeArticle | CategoryTypePhoto | int | None, optional) : 专栏/相簿分区筛选,指定分类,只在相册和专栏类型下生效
time_range (int, optional) : 指定时间,自动转换到指定区间,只在视频类型下生效 有四种:10分钟以下,10-30分钟,30-60分钟,60分钟以上
video_zone_type (int | ZoneTypes | None, optional) : 话题类型,指定 tid (可使用 channel 模块查询)
order_type (OrderUser | OrderLiveRoom | OrderArticle | OrderVideo | None, optional): 排序分类类型
keyword (str) : 搜索关键词
search_type (SearchObjectType | None, optional) : 搜索类型
page (int, optional) : 页码
page_size (int, optional) : 每一页的数据大小
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
params = {"keyword": keyword, "page": page, "page_size": page_size}
if search_type:
params["search_type"] = search_type.value
raise ValueError("Missing arg:search_type")
# params["search_type"] = SearchObjectType.VIDEO.value
# category_id
if (
search_type.value == SearchObjectType.ARTICLE.value
or search_type.value == SearchObjectType.PHOTO.value
if category_id:
if isinstance(category_id, int):
params["category_id"] = category_id
params["category_id"] = category_id.value
# time_code
if search_type.value == SearchObjectType.VIDEO.value:
if time_range > 60:
time_code = 4
elif 30 < time_range <= 60:
time_code = 3
elif 10 < time_range <= 30:
time_code = 2
elif 0 < time_range <= 10:
time_code = 1
time_code = 0
params["duration"] = time_code
# zone_type
if video_zone_type:
if isinstance(video_zone_type, int):
params["tids"] = video_zone_type
elif isinstance(video_zone_type, VideoZoneTypes):
params["tids"] = video_zone_type.value
params["tids"] = video_zone_type
# order_type
if order_type:
params["order"] = order_type.value
# order_sort
if search_type.value == SearchObjectType.USER.value:
params["order_sort"] = order_sort
if debug_param_func:
api = API["search"]["web_search_by_type"]
return await Api(**api).update_params(**params).result
async def get_default_search_keyword() -> dict:
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
api = API["search"]["default_search_keyword"]
return await Api(**api).result
async def get_hot_search_keywords() -> dict:
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
api = API["search"]["hot_search_keywords"]
sess = get_session()
return json.loads((await sess.request("GET", api["url"])).text)
async def get_suggest_keywords(keyword: str) -> List[str]:
keyword(str): 搜索关键词
List[str]: 关键词列表
keywords = []
sess = get_session()
api = API["search"]["suggest"]
params = {"term": keyword}
res = await Api(**api).update_params(**params).result
for key in res["tag"]:
return keywords
async def search_games(keyword: str) -> dict:
keyword (str): 搜索关键词
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
api = API["search"]["game"]
params = {"keyword": keyword}
return await Api(**api).update_params(**params).result
async def search_manga(
keyword: str, page_num: int = 1, page_size: int = 9, credential: Credential = None
keyword (str): 搜索关键词
page_num (int): 页码. Defaults to 1.
page_size (int): 每一页的数据大小. Defaults to 9.
credential (Credential): 凭据类. Defaults to None.
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
credential = credential if credential else Credential()
api = API["search"]["manga"]
data = {"key_word": keyword, "page_num": page_num, "page_size": page_size}
return (
await Api(**api, credential=credential, no_csrf=True).update_data(**data).result
async def search_cheese(
keyword: str,
page_num: int = 1,
page_size: int = 30,
order: OrderCheese = OrderCheese.RECOMMEND,
keyword (str) : 搜索关键词
page_num (int) : 页码. Defaults to 1.
page_size (int) : 每一页的数据大小. Defaults to 30.
order (OrderCheese): 排序方式. Defaults to OrderCheese.RECOMMEND
dict: 调用 API 返回的结果
api = API["search"]["cheese"]
params = {
"word": keyword,
"page": page_num,
"page_size": page_size,
"sort_type": order.value,
return await Api(**api).update_params(**params).result