# FROM python:3.9 # RUN apt update && apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx imagemagick # RUN pip install -U pip # # #RUN pip install -U pyyaml # # RUN pip install -U runway-python # # #runway --force-reinstall # # #RUN pip install -U tensorflow # COPY requirements.txt . # RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # COPY . . # #目前的写法是成功找到了magick文件并且python可以执行,就是magick文件没有找对 # # 修改 magick 文件的执行权限 # RUN chmod +x ./magick # ENV IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY=./magick # EXPOSE 7860 # #compo-singleone-v1-dev-acc.py # CMD ["uvicorn", "server:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"] #现成magick docker镜像测试 FROM ampervue/python34 # https://github.com/ampervue/docker-ffmpeg # https://hub.docker.com/r/ampervue/ffmpeg/ MAINTAINER David Karchmer ##################################################################### # # A Docker image with everything needed to run Python/FFMPEG scripts # # Image based on Ubuntu:14.04 # # with # - Latest Python 3.4 # - Latest FFMPEG (built) # - ImageMagick # # plus a bunch of build/web essentials # ##################################################################### RUN magick -h RUN pip install -U pip COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . . EXPOSE 7860 #compo-singleone-v1-dev-acc.py CMD ["uvicorn", "server:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]