-- Create the table for storing documentation CREATE TABLE documentation ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, tenant_id UUID NOT NULL, doc_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- Insert initial documentation data INSERT INTO documentation (tenant_id, doc_type, title, content) VALUES ('tenant-1-uuid', 'User Guide', 'Getting Started with Agents', 'This guide will help you get started with setting up and managing agents.'), ('tenant-1-uuid', 'API Reference', 'Agent API Endpoints', 'This document provides details on the API endpoints available for agent management.'), ('tenant-2-uuid', 'User Guide', 'Advanced Agent Configuration', 'This guide covers advanced configuration options for agents.'), ('tenant-2-uuid', 'Compliance', 'Data Privacy Policies', 'This document outlines the data privacy policies applicable to agents.'); -- Enable Row-Level Security (RLS) for the documentation table ALTER TABLE documentation ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; -- Create RLS policies for documentation CREATE POLICY "tenant_isolation" ON documentation FOR ALL USING (tenant_id = current_setting('app.current_tenant')::uuid); CREATE POLICY "Enable real-time" ON documentation FOR SELECT USING (true); CREATE POLICY "documentation_access" ON documentation FOR SELECT USING (auth.uid() = user_id); -- Create indexes for optimization CREATE INDEX idx_documentation_tenant_id ON documentation(tenant_id);