import torch |
from torch import nn |
class BarDistribution(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, borders: torch.Tensor): |
super().__init__() |
assert len(borders.shape) == 1 |
self.register_buffer('borders', borders) |
self.register_buffer('bucket_widths', self.borders[1:] - self.borders[:-1]) |
full_width = self.bucket_widths.sum() |
assert (full_width - (self.borders[-1] - self.borders[0])).abs() < 1e-4, f'diff: {full_width - (self.borders[-1] - self.borders[0])}' |
assert (torch.argsort(borders) == torch.arange(len(borders))).all(), "Please provide sorted borders!" |
self.num_bars = len(borders) - 1 |
def map_to_bucket_idx(self, y): |
target_sample = torch.searchsorted(self.borders, y) - 1 |
target_sample[y == self.borders[0]] = 0 |
target_sample[y == self.borders[-1]] = self.num_bars - 1 |
return target_sample |
def forward(self, logits, y): |
target_sample = self.map_to_bucket_idx(y) |
assert (target_sample >= 0).all() and (target_sample < self.num_bars).all(), f'y {y} not in support set for borders (min_y, max_y) {self.borders}' |
assert logits.shape[-1] == self.num_bars, f'{logits.shape[-1]} vs {self.num_bars}' |
bucket_log_probs = torch.log_softmax(logits, -1) |
scaled_bucket_log_probs = bucket_log_probs - torch.log(self.bucket_widths) |
return -scaled_bucket_log_probs.gather(-1,target_sample.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) |
def mean(self, logits): |
bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths/2 |
p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) |
return p @ bucket_means |
def quantile(self, logits, center_prob=.682): |
logits_shape = logits.shape |
logits = logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1]) |
side_prob = (1-center_prob)/2 |
probs = logits.softmax(-1) |
flipped_probs = probs.flip(-1) |
cumprobs = torch.cumsum(probs, -1) |
flipped_cumprobs = torch.cumsum(flipped_probs, -1) |
def find_lower_quantile(probs, cumprobs, side_prob, borders): |
idx = (torch.searchsorted(cumprobs, side_prob)).clamp(0, len(cumprobs)-1) |
left_prob = cumprobs[idx-1] |
rest_prob = side_prob - left_prob |
left_border, right_border = borders[idx:idx+2] |
return left_border + (right_border-left_border)*rest_prob/probs[idx] |
results = [] |
for p,cp,f_p,f_cp in zip(probs, cumprobs, flipped_probs, flipped_cumprobs): |
r = find_lower_quantile(p, cp, side_prob, self.borders), find_lower_quantile(f_p, f_cp, side_prob, self.borders.flip(0)) |
results.append(r) |
return torch.tensor(results).reshape(*logits_shape[:-1],2) |
def mode(self, logits): |
mode_inds = logits.argmax(-1) |
bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths/2 |
return bucket_means[mode_inds] |
def ei(self, logits, best_f, maximize=True): |
bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths/2 |
if maximize: |
bucket_contributions = torch.tensor( |
[max((bucket_max + max(bucket_min, best_f)) / 2 - best_f,0) for |
bucket_min, bucket_max, bucket_mean in zip(self.borders[:-1], self.borders[1:], bucket_means)], dtype=logits.dtype, device=logits.device) |
else: |
bucket_contributions = torch.tensor( |
[-min((min(bucket_max,best_f) + bucket_min) / 2 - best_f,0) for |
bucket_min, bucket_max, bucket_mean in zip(self.borders[:-1], self.borders[1:], bucket_means)], dtype=logits.dtype, device=logits.device) |
p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) |
return p @ bucket_contributions |
class FullSupportBarDistribution(BarDistribution): |
@staticmethod |
def halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(range_max,p=.5): |
s = range_max / torch.distributions.HalfNormal(torch.tensor(1.)).icdf(torch.tensor(p)) |
return torch.distributions.HalfNormal(s) |
def forward(self, logits, y): |
assert self.num_bars > 1 |
target_sample = self.map_to_bucket_idx(y) |
target_sample.clamp_(0,self.num_bars-1) |
assert logits.shape[-1] == self.num_bars |
bucket_log_probs = torch.log_softmax(logits, -1) |
scaled_bucket_log_probs = bucket_log_probs - torch.log(self.bucket_widths) |
log_probs = scaled_bucket_log_probs.gather(-1,target_sample.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) |
side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) |
log_probs[target_sample == 0] += side_normals[0].log_prob((self.borders[1]-y[target_sample == 0]).clamp(min=.00000001)) + torch.log(self.bucket_widths[0]) |
log_probs[target_sample == self.num_bars-1] += side_normals[1].log_prob(y[target_sample == self.num_bars-1]-self.borders[-2]) + torch.log(self.bucket_widths[-1]) |
return -log_probs |
def mean(self, logits): |
bucket_means = self.borders[:-1] + self.bucket_widths / 2 |
p = torch.softmax(logits, -1) |
side_normals = (self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[0]), |
self.halfnormal_with_p_weight_before(self.bucket_widths[-1])) |
bucket_means[0] = -side_normals[0].mean + self.borders[1] |
bucket_means[-1] = side_normals[1].mean + self.borders[-2] |
return p @ bucket_means |
def get_bucket_limits(num_outputs:int, full_range:tuple=None, ys:torch.Tensor=None): |
assert (ys is not None) or (full_range is not None) |
if ys is not None: |
ys = ys.flatten() |
if len(ys) % num_outputs: ys = ys[:-(len(ys) % num_outputs)] |
print(f'Using {len(ys)} y evals to estimate {num_outputs} buckets. Cut off the last {len(ys) % num_outputs} ys.') |
ys_per_bucket = len(ys) // num_outputs |
if full_range is None: |
full_range = (ys.min(), ys.max()) |
else: |
assert full_range[0] <= ys.min() and full_range[1] >= ys.max() |
full_range = torch.tensor(full_range) |
ys_sorted, ys_order = ys.sort(0) |
bucket_limits = (ys_sorted[ys_per_bucket-1::ys_per_bucket][:-1]+ys_sorted[ys_per_bucket::ys_per_bucket])/2 |
print(full_range) |
bucket_limits = torch.cat([full_range[0].unsqueeze(0), bucket_limits, full_range[1].unsqueeze(0)],0) |
else: |
class_width = (full_range[1] - full_range[0]) / num_outputs |
bucket_limits = torch.cat([full_range[0] + torch.arange(num_outputs).float()*class_width, torch.tensor(full_range[1]).unsqueeze(0)], 0) |
assert len(bucket_limits) - 1 == num_outputs and full_range[0] == bucket_limits[0] and full_range[-1] == bucket_limits[-1] |
return bucket_limits |