from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
from src.yolo3.model import *
from src.yolo3.detect import *
from src.utils.image import *
from src.utils.datagen import *
from src.utils.fixes import *
def prepare_model(approach):
Prepare the YOLO model
global input_shape, class_names, anchor_boxes, num_classes, num_anchors, model
# shape (height, width) of the imput image
input_shape = (416, 416)
# class names
if approach == 1:
class_names = ['H', 'V', 'W']
elif approach == 2:
class_names = ['W','WH','WV','WHV']
elif approach == 3:
class_names = ['W']
raise NotImplementedError('Approach should be 1, 2, or 3')
# anchor boxes
if approach == 1:
anchor_boxes = np.array(
np.array([[ 76, 59], [ 84, 136], [188, 225]]) /32, # output-1 anchor boxes
np.array([[ 25, 15], [ 46, 29], [ 27, 56]]) /16, # output-2 anchor boxes
np.array([[ 5, 3], [ 10, 8], [ 12, 26]]) /8 # output-3 anchor boxes
anchor_boxes = np.array(
np.array([[ 73, 158], [128, 209], [224, 246]]) /32, # output-1 anchor boxes
np.array([[ 32, 50], [ 40, 104], [ 76, 73]]) /16, # output-2 anchor boxes
np.array([[ 6, 11], [ 11, 23], [ 19, 36]]) /8 # output-3 anchor boxes
# number of classes and number of anchors
num_classes = len(class_names)
num_anchors = anchor_boxes.shape[0] * anchor_boxes.shape[1]
# input and output
input_tensor = Input( shape=(input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 3) ) # input
num_out_filters = ( num_anchors//3 ) * ( 5 + num_classes ) # output
# build the model
model = yolo_body(input_tensor, num_out_filters)
# load weights
weight_path = f'model-data/weights/pictor-ppe-v302-a{approach}-yolo-v3-weights.h5'
model.load_weights( weight_path )
def get_detection(img):
# save a copy of the img
act_img = img.copy()
# shape of the image
ih, iw = act_img.shape[:2]
# preprocess the image
img = letterbox_image(img, input_shape)
img = np.expand_dims(img, 0)
image_data = np.array(img) / 255.
# raw prediction from yolo model
prediction = model.predict(image_data)
# process the raw prediction to get the bounding boxes
boxes = detection(
image_shape=(ih, iw),
input_shape=(416, 416),
# convert tensor to numpy
boxes = boxes[0].numpy()
# draw the detection on the actual image
return (draw_detection(act_img, boxes, class_names), boxes)
def run (image_in, approach):
# input_shape = (416, 416)
img = letterbox_image(image_in, input_shape)
# get the detection on the image
img, all_classes = get_detection(img)
#print (all_classes)
WHV = 0
WV = 0
WH = 0
W = 0
H = 0
V = 0
for i in all_classes:
if class_names[int(i[-1])] == "WHV":
WHV += 1
W += 1
elif class_names[int(i[-1])] == "WH":
WH += 1
W += 1
elif class_names[int(i[-1])] == "H":
H += 1
elif class_names[int(i[-1])] == "V":
V += 1
elif class_names[int(i[-1])] == "WV":
WV += 1
W += 1
elif class_names[int(i[-1])] == "W":
W += 1
#Outputs to display the number of each classes in an interpretable format
texts = ""
texts = texts + "Total workers: " + str(W) + "\n"
if approach != 3:
if approach == 1:
texts = texts + "Number of Helmets: " + str(H) + "\n"
texts = texts + "Number of Vests: " + str(V) + "\n"
elif approach == 2:
texts = texts + "Workers wearing helmet and vest: " + str(WHV) + "\n"
texts = texts + "Workers wearing only vest: " + str(WV) + "\n"
texts = texts + "Workers wearing only helmet: " + str(WH) + "\n"
if (W > WHV) and (WHV != 0):
texts = texts + "Workers not wearing helmet and vest: " + str(W - WHV) + "\n"
if (W > WH) and (WH != 0):
texts = texts + "Workers not wearing helmet and vest: " + str(W - WH) + "\n"
if (W > WV) and (WV != 0):
texts = texts + "Workers not wearing helmet and vest: " + str(W - WV) + "\n"
return {'img': img[:, :, ::-1], 'text': texts}