Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,902 Bytes
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import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image
def tf_box_filter(x, r):
k_size = int(2 * r + 1)
ch = x.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
weight = 1 / (k_size ** 2)
box_kernel = weight * np.ones((k_size, k_size, ch, 1))
box_kernel = np.array(box_kernel).astype(np.float32)
output = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(x, box_kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], 'SAME')
return output
def guided_filter(x, y, r, eps=1e-2):
x_shape = tf.shape(x)
# y_shape = tf.shape(y)
N = tf_box_filter(tf.ones((1, x_shape[1], x_shape[2], 1), dtype=x.dtype), r)
mean_x = tf_box_filter(x, r) / N
mean_y = tf_box_filter(y, r) / N
cov_xy = tf_box_filter(x * y, r) / N - mean_x * mean_y
var_x = tf_box_filter(x * x, r) / N - mean_x * mean_x
A = cov_xy / (var_x + eps)
b = mean_y - A * mean_x
mean_A = tf_box_filter(A, r) / N
mean_b = tf_box_filter(b, r) / N
output = mean_A * x + mean_b
return output
def fast_guided_filter(lr_x, lr_y, hr_x, r=1, eps=1e-8):
# assert lr_x.shape.ndims == 4 and lr_y.shape.ndims == 4 and hr_x.shape.ndims == 4
lr_x_shape = tf.shape(lr_x)
# lr_y_shape = tf.shape(lr_y)
hr_x_shape = tf.shape(hr_x)
N = tf_box_filter(tf.ones((1, lr_x_shape[1], lr_x_shape[2], 1), dtype=lr_x.dtype), r)
mean_x = tf_box_filter(lr_x, r) / N
mean_y = tf_box_filter(lr_y, r) / N
cov_xy = tf_box_filter(lr_x * lr_y, r) / N - mean_x * mean_y
var_x = tf_box_filter(lr_x * lr_x, r) / N - mean_x * mean_x
A = cov_xy / (var_x + eps)
b = mean_y - A * mean_x
mean_A = tf.image.resize_images(A, hr_x_shape[1: 3])
mean_b = tf.image.resize_images(b, hr_x_shape[1: 3])
output = mean_A * hr_x + mean_b
return output
def resblock(inputs, out_channel=32, name='resblock'):
with tf.variable_scope(name):
x = slim.convolution2d(inputs, out_channel, [3, 3],
activation_fn=None, scope='conv1')
x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)
x = slim.convolution2d(x, out_channel, [3, 3],
activation_fn=None, scope='conv2')
return x + inputs
def unet_generator(inputs, channel=32, num_blocks=4, name='generator', reuse=False):
with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):
x0 = slim.convolution2d(inputs, channel, [7, 7], activation_fn=None)
x0 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x0)
x1 = slim.convolution2d(x0, channel, [3, 3], stride=2, activation_fn=None)
x1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x1)
x1 = slim.convolution2d(x1, channel * 2, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x1)
x2 = slim.convolution2d(x1, channel * 2, [3, 3], stride=2, activation_fn=None)
x2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x2)
x2 = slim.convolution2d(x2, channel * 4, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x2)
for idx in range(num_blocks):
x2 = resblock(x2, out_channel=channel * 4, name='block_{}'.format(idx))
x2 = slim.convolution2d(x2, channel * 2, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x2)
h1, w1 = tf.shape(x2)[1], tf.shape(x2)[2]
x3 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(x2, (h1 * 2, w1 * 2))
x3 = slim.convolution2d(x3 + x1, channel * 2, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x3 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x3)
x3 = slim.convolution2d(x3, channel, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x3 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x3)
h2, w2 = tf.shape(x3)[1], tf.shape(x3)[2]
x4 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(x3, (h2 * 2, w2 * 2))
x4 = slim.convolution2d(x4 + x0, channel, [3, 3], activation_fn=None)
x4 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x4)
x4 = slim.convolution2d(x4, 3, [7, 7], activation_fn=None)
return x4
def resize_crop(image):
h, w, c = np.shape(image)
#st.write(h, w, c)
if min(h, w) > 720:
if h > w:
h, w = int(720 * h / w), 720
h, w = 720, int(720 * w / h)
w = int(w / 2)
h = int(h / 2)
st.image(image, caption=f'Your image', width=w)
image = cv2.resize(np.float32(image), (w, h),
h, w = (h // 8) * 8, (w // 8) * 8
image = image[:h, :w, :]
return image
def cartoonize(infile, outfile, model_path):
input_photo = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, None, None, 3])
network_out = unet_generator(input_photo)
final_out = guided_filter(input_photo, network_out, r=1, eps=5e-3)
all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
gene_vars = [var for var in all_vars if 'generator' in]
saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=gene_vars)
config = tf.ConfigProto()
#config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path))
#image = cv2.imread(infile)
image = infile
image = resize_crop(image)
batch_image = image.astype(np.float32) / 127.5 - 1
batch_image = np.expand_dims(batch_image, axis=0)
output =, feed_dict={input_photo: batch_image})
output = (np.squeeze(output) + 1) * 127.5
output = np.clip(output, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite(outfile, output)
def main():
model_path = 'saved_model'
outfile = "result.jpg"
if os.path.exists(outfile):
os.system(f"rm -f {outfile}")
infile = st.file_uploader("Choose an image file to cartoonify", type=["jpg", "jpeg"])
if infile is not None:
image =
#st.image(image, caption=f'Your image', use_column_width=True)
cartoonize(image, outfile, model_path)
omage =
st.image(omage, caption=f'Cartoonized version: {outfile}')
if __name__ == "__main__":