humnifierai /
sashdev's picture
e2f13a4 verified
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from sematch.semantic.similarity import WordNetSimilarity
from vocabulary.vocabulary import Vocabulary as vb
import json
from random import randint
import spacy
import os.path
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
# Function to tag sentence with part of speach
def tag(sentence):
words = word_tokenize(sentence)
words = pos_tag(words)
return words
# Determine the POS to paraphrase
def paraphraseable(tag):
return tag.startswith('NN') or tag =='VB' or tag.startswith('JJ')
# POS tagging
def pos(tag):
if tag.startswith('NN'):
return wn.NOUN
elif tag.startswith('V'):
return wn.VERB
# Function to crate synonyms using wordnet nltk
def synonyms(word, tag):
listOfLemmas = [baseWord.lemmas() for baseWord in wn.synsets(word, pos(tag))]
if len(listOfLemmas) > 0:
listOfLemmas = listOfLemmas[0]
lemmas = ['ascii', 'ignore') for lemma in listOfLemmas]
return set(lemmas)
return set([])
# Create dictonary synonums
def dictonarySynonums(word):
synJSON = vb.synonym(word)
if synJSON != False:
synonyms_lists = [dictSyno["text"].encode('ascii', 'ignore') for dictSyno in json.loads(vb.synonym(word))]
return set(synonyms_lists)
return set([])
# controll set to calculate the semantic similarity of synonums from the base words using SPACY
def controlledSetSpacy(word,similarWords):
utf_en_word = nlp(word.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
for similarWord in similarWords.copy():
utf_en_similarWord = nlp(similarWord.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
if utf_en_word.similarity(utf_en_similarWord) <.76: # Variable to control accuracy of controlset
return similarWords
# controll set to calculate the semantic similarity of synonums from the base words using WordNetSimilarity
def controlledSetWordNetSimilarity(word,similarWords):
wns = WordNetSimilarity()
for similarWord in similarWords.copy():
if wns.word_similarity(word, similarWord, 'li') < 0.9996: # Variable to control accuracy of controlset
return similarWords
# to to get synonums from wordnet nltk as well as from python dictonary synonums
def synonymIfExists(sentence):
for (word, t) in tag(sentence):
if paraphraseable(t) and word not in ["i","I"]:
syns = synonyms(word, t)
if syns:
syns = controlledSetWordNetSimilarity(word,syns) # Or use the commented controlled set
#syns = controlledSetSpacy(word,syns)
if len(syns) > 1:
yield [word, list(syns)]
yield [word,[]]
# Function to get the semantic similar synonums and the total count of synonums in the entire sentence
def paraphrase(sentence):
bagOfWords = []
counter = 1
for tempArray in synonymIfExists(sentence):
counter *= len(eachBoW)
return bagOfWords,counter
# Function to re-create sentence with synonums where the synonums are taken in randon order
def paraPhraseThisSentence(sentence):
ppList = []
vList,count = paraphrase(sentence)
allWordsCount = len(vList)
for y in range(count):
str = []
returnStr = " "
for w in range(allWordsCount):
str.append(vList[w][randint(0,len(vList[w])-1)].replace("_"," "))
ppList = list(set(ppList))
print (ppList)
return ppList
paraPhraseThisSentence("Financial Institutes have always helped the society to become better version of itself.")