Runtime error
Runtime error
# import IPython | |
import os | |
import matplotlib.animation as animation | |
import matplotlib.colors as colors | |
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
def save_fig(fig_id, tight_layout=True): | |
if tight_layout: | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
plt.savefig(fig_id + ".png", format="png", dpi=300) | |
def draw_stickfigure(mocap_track, frame, data=None, joints=None, draw_names=False, ax=None, figsize=(8, 8)): | |
if ax is None: | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | |
if joints is None: | |
joints_to_draw = mocap_track.skeleton.keys() | |
else: | |
joints_to_draw = joints | |
if data is None: | |
df = mocap_track.values | |
else: | |
df = data | |
for joint in joints_to_draw: | |
ax.scatter( | |
x=df["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame], y=df["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame], alpha=0.6, c="b", marker="o" | |
) | |
parent_x = df["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_y = df["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] | |
children_to_draw = [c for c in mocap_track.skeleton[joint]["children"] if c in joints_to_draw] | |
for c in children_to_draw: | |
child_x = df["%s_Xposition" % c][frame] | |
child_y = df["%s_Yposition" % c][frame] | |
ax.plot([parent_x, child_x], [parent_y, child_y], "k-", lw=2) | |
if draw_names: | |
ax.annotate(joint, (df["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] + 0.1, df["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] + 0.1)) | |
return ax | |
def draw_stickfigure3d(mocap_track, frame, data=None, joints=None, draw_names=False, ax=None, figsize=(8, 8)): | |
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D | |
if ax is None: | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") | |
if joints is None: | |
joints_to_draw = mocap_track.skeleton.keys() | |
else: | |
joints_to_draw = joints | |
if data is None: | |
df = mocap_track.values | |
else: | |
df = data | |
for joint in joints_to_draw: | |
parent_x = df["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_y = df["%s_Zposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_z = df["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] | |
# ^ In mocaps, Y is the up-right axis | |
ax.scatter(xs=parent_x, ys=parent_y, zs=parent_z, alpha=0.6, c="b", marker="o") | |
children_to_draw = [c for c in mocap_track.skeleton[joint]["children"] if c in joints_to_draw] | |
for c in children_to_draw: | |
child_x = df["%s_Xposition" % c][frame] | |
child_y = df["%s_Zposition" % c][frame] | |
child_z = df["%s_Yposition" % c][frame] | |
# ^ In mocaps, Y is the up-right axis | |
ax.plot([parent_x, child_x], [parent_y, child_y], [parent_z, child_z], "k-", lw=2, c="black") | |
if draw_names: | |
ax.text(x=parent_x + 0.1, y=parent_y + 0.1, z=parent_z + 0.1, s=joint, color="rgba(0,0,0,0.9") | |
return ax | |
def sketch_move(mocap_track, data=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 8)): | |
if ax is None: | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | |
if data is None: | |
data = mocap_track.values | |
for frame in range(0, data.shape[0], 4): | |
# draw_stickfigure(mocap_track, f, data=data, ax=ax) | |
for joint in mocap_track.skeleton.keys(): | |
children_to_draw = [c for c in mocap_track.skeleton[joint]["children"]] | |
parent_x = data["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_y = data["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] | |
frame_alpha = frame / data.shape[0] | |
for c in children_to_draw: | |
child_x = data["%s_Xposition" % c][frame] | |
child_y = data["%s_Yposition" % c][frame] | |
ax.plot([parent_x, child_x], [parent_y, child_y], "-", lw=1, color="gray", alpha=frame_alpha) | |
def render_mp4(mocap_track, filename, data=None, ax=None, axis_scale=50, elev=45, azim=45): | |
if ax is None: | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) | |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") | |
ax.set_xlim3d(-axis_scale, axis_scale) | |
ax.set_zlim3d(0, axis_scale) | |
ax.set_ylim3d(-axis_scale, axis_scale) | |
ax.grid(True) | |
ax.set_axis_off() | |
ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim) | |
xs = np.linspace(-200, 200, 50) | |
ys = np.linspace(-200, 200, 50) | |
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) | |
Z = np.zeros(X.shape) | |
wframe = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=2, cstride=2, color="grey", lw=0.2) | |
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) | |
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111) | |
if data is None: | |
data = mocap_track.values | |
fps = int(np.round(1 / mocap_track.framerate)) | |
lines = [] | |
lines.append( | |
[ | |
plt.plot( | |
[0, 0], | |
[0, 0], | |
[0, 0], | |
color="red", | |
lw=2, | |
path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground="black"), pe.Normal()], | |
)[0] | |
for _ in range(len(mocap_track.skeleton.keys())) | |
] | |
) | |
def animate(frame): | |
changed = [] | |
j = 0 | |
for joint in mocap_track.skeleton.keys(): | |
children_to_draw = [c for c in mocap_track.skeleton[joint]["children"]] | |
parent_x = data["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_y = data["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] | |
parent_z = data["%s_Zposition" % joint][frame] | |
# frame_alpha = frame/data.shape[0] | |
for c in children_to_draw: | |
child_x = data["%s_Xposition" % c][frame] | |
child_y = data["%s_Yposition" % c][frame] | |
child_z = data["%s_Zposition" % c][frame] | |
lines[0][j].set_data(np.array([[child_x, parent_x], [-child_z, -parent_z]])) | |
lines[0][j].set_3d_properties(np.array([child_y, parent_y])) | |
changed += lines | |
j += 1 | |
return changed | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(data.shape[0]), interval=1000 / fps) | |
if filename != None: | |, fps=fps, bitrate=13934) | |
ani.event_source.stop() | |
del ani | |
plt.close() | |
try: | | | | | |
except AttributeError as e: | |
pass | |
def viz_cnn_filter(feature_to_viz, mocap_track, data, gap=25): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4)) | |
ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 8), (0, 0)) | |
ax.imshow(feature_to_viz.T, aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest") | |
ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 8), (0, 1), colspan=7) | |
for frame in range(feature_to_viz.shape[0]): | |
frame_alpha = 0.2 # frame/data.shape[0] * 2 + 0.2 | |
for joint_i, joint in enumerate(mocap_track.skeleton.keys()): | |
children_to_draw = [c for c in mocap_track.skeleton[joint]["children"]] | |
parent_x = data["%s_Xposition" % joint][frame] + frame * gap | |
parent_y = data["%s_Yposition" % joint][frame] | |
ax.scatter( | |
x=parent_x, | |
y=parent_y, | |
alpha=0.6, | |
cmap="RdBu", | |
c=feature_to_viz[frame][joint_i] * 10000, | |
marker="o", | |
s=abs(feature_to_viz[frame][joint_i] * 10000), | |
) | |
plt.axis("off") | |
for c in children_to_draw: | |
child_x = data["%s_Xposition" % c][frame] + frame * gap | |
child_y = data["%s_Yposition" % c][frame] | |
ax.plot([parent_x, child_x], [parent_y, child_y], "-", lw=1, color="gray", alpha=frame_alpha) | |
def print_skel(X): | |
stack = [X.root_name] | |
tab = 0 | |
while stack: | |
joint = stack.pop() | |
tab = len(stack) | |
print("%s- %s (%s)" % ("| " * tab, joint, X.skeleton[joint]["parent"])) | |
for c in X.skeleton[joint]["children"]: | |
stack.append(c) | |
# def nb_play_mocap_fromurl(mocap, mf, frame_time=1/30, scale=1, base_url='http://titan:8385'): | |
# if mf == 'bvh': | |
# bw = BVHWriter() | |
# with open('test.bvh', 'w') as ofile: | |
# bw.write(mocap, ofile) | |
# filepath = '../notebooks/test.bvh' | |
# elif mf == 'pos': | |
# c = list(mocap.values.columns) | |
# for cc in c: | |
# if 'rotation' in cc: | |
# c.remove(cc) | |
# mocap.values.to_csv('test.csv', index=False, columns=c) | |
# filepath = '../notebooks/test.csv' | |
# else: | |
# return | |
# url = '%s/mocapplayer/player.html?data_url=%s&scale=%f&cz=200&order=xzyi&frame_time=%f'%(base_url, filepath, scale, frame_time) | |
# iframe = '<iframe src=' + url + ' width="100%" height=500></iframe>' | |
# link = '<a href=%s target="_blank">New Window</a>'%url | |
# return IPython.display.HTML(iframe+link) | |
# def nb_play_mocap(mocap, mf, meta=None, frame_time=1/30, scale=1, camera_z=500, base_url=None): | |
# data_template = 'var dataBuffer = `$$DATA$$`;' | |
# data_template += 'var metadata = $$META$$;' | |
# data_template += 'start(dataBuffer, metadata, $$CZ$$, $$SCALE$$, $$FRAMETIME$$);' | |
# dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) | |
# if base_url is None: | |
# base_url = os.path.join(dir_path, 'mocapplayer/playBuffer.html') | |
# # print(dir_path) | |
# if mf == 'bvh': | |
# pass | |
# elif mf == 'pos': | |
# cols = list(mocap.values.columns) | |
# for c in cols: | |
# if 'rotation' in c: | |
# cols.remove(c) | |
# data_csv = mocap.values.to_csv(index=False, columns=cols) | |
# if meta is not None: | |
# lines = [','.join(item) for item in meta.astype('str')] | |
# meta_csv = '[' + ','.join('[%s]'%l for l in lines) +']' | |
# else: | |
# meta_csv = '[]' | |
# data_assigned = data_template.replace('$$DATA$$', data_csv) | |
# data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$META$$', meta_csv) | |
# data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$CZ$$', str(camera_z)) | |
# data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$SCALE$$', str(scale)) | |
# data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$FRAMETIME$$', str(frame_time)) | |
# else: | |
# return | |
# with open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'mocapplayer/data.js'), 'w') as oFile: | |
# oFile.write(data_assigned) | |
# url = '%s?&cz=200&order=xzyi&frame_time=%f&scale=%f'%(base_url, frame_time, scale) | |
# iframe = '<iframe frameborder="0" src=' + url + ' width="100%" height=500></iframe>' | |
# link = '<a href=%s target="_blank">New Window</a>'%url | |
# return IPython.display.HTML(iframe+link) | |