import jax | |
import jax.numpy as jnp | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU') | |
import numpy as np | |
from alphafold.common import protein | |
from alphafold.common import residue_constants | |
from alphafold.model import model | |
from alphafold.model import folding | |
from alphafold.model import all_atom | |
from import shape_placeholders | |
####################### | |
# reshape inputs | |
####################### | |
def make_fixed_size(feat, model_runner, length, batch_axis=True): | |
'''pad input features''' | |
cfg = model_runner.config | |
if batch_axis: | |
shape_schema = {k:[None]+v for k,v in dict(} | |
else: | |
shape_schema = {k:v for k,v in dict(} | |
pad_size_map = { | |
shape_placeholders.NUM_RES: length, | |
shape_placeholders.NUM_MSA_SEQ:, | |
shape_placeholders.NUM_EXTRA_SEQ:, | |
shape_placeholders.NUM_TEMPLATES: | |
} | |
for k, v in feat.items(): | |
# Don't transfer this to the accelerator. | |
if k == 'extra_cluster_assignment': | |
continue | |
shape = list(v.shape) | |
schema = shape_schema[k] | |
assert len(shape) == len(schema), ( | |
f'Rank mismatch between shape and shape schema for {k}: ' | |
f'{shape} vs {schema}') | |
pad_size = [pad_size_map.get(s2, None) or s1 for (s1, s2) in zip(shape, schema)] | |
padding = [(0, p - tf.shape(v)[i]) for i, p in enumerate(pad_size)] | |
if padding: | |
feat[k] = tf.pad(v, padding, name=f'pad_to_fixed_{k}') | |
feat[k].set_shape(pad_size) | |
return {k:np.asarray(v) for k,v in feat.items()} | |
######################### | |
# rmsd | |
######################### | |
def jnp_rmsdist(true, pred): | |
return _np_rmsdist(true, pred) | |
def jnp_rmsd(true, pred, add_dist=False): | |
rmsd = _np_rmsd(true, pred) | |
if add_dist: rmsd = (rmsd + _np_rmsdist(true, pred))/2 | |
return rmsd | |
def jnp_kabsch_w(a, b, weights): | |
return _np_kabsch(a * weights[:,None], b) | |
def jnp_rmsd_w(true, pred, weights): | |
p = true - (true * weights[:,None]).sum(0,keepdims=True)/weights.sum() | |
q = pred - (pred * weights[:,None]).sum(0,keepdims=True)/weights.sum() | |
p = p @ _np_kabsch(p * weights[:,None], q) | |
return jnp.sqrt((weights*jnp.square(p-q).sum(-1)).sum()/weights.sum() + 1e-8) | |
def get_rmsd_loss_w(batch, outputs, copies=1): | |
weights = batch["all_atom_mask"][:,1] | |
true = batch["all_atom_positions"][:,1,:] | |
pred = outputs["structure_module"]["final_atom_positions"][:,1,:] | |
if copies == 1: | |
return jnp_rmsd_w(true, pred, weights) | |
else: | |
# TODO add support for weights | |
I = copies - 1 | |
L = true.shape[0] // copies | |
p = true - true[:L].mean(0) | |
q = pred - pred[:L].mean(0) | |
p = p @ _np_kabsch(p[:L], q[:L]) | |
rm = jnp.square(p[:L]-q[:L]).sum(-1).mean() | |
p,q = p[L:].reshape(I,1,L,-1),q[L:].reshape(1,I,L,-1) | |
rm += jnp.square(p-q).sum(-1).mean(-1).min(-1).sum() | |
return jnp.sqrt(rm / copies) | |
#################### | |
# confidence metrics | |
#################### | |
def get_plddt(outputs): | |
logits = outputs["predicted_lddt"]["logits"] | |
num_bins = logits.shape[-1] | |
bin_width = 1.0 / num_bins | |
bin_centers = jnp.arange(start=0.5 * bin_width, stop=1.0, step=bin_width) | |
probs = jax.nn.softmax(logits, axis=-1) | |
return jnp.sum(probs * bin_centers[None, :], axis=-1) | |
def get_pae(outputs): | |
prob = jax.nn.softmax(outputs["predicted_aligned_error"]["logits"],-1) | |
breaks = outputs["predicted_aligned_error"]["breaks"] | |
step = breaks[1]-breaks[0] | |
bin_centers = breaks + step/2 | |
bin_centers = jnp.append(bin_centers,bin_centers[-1]+step) | |
return (prob*bin_centers).sum(-1) | |
#################### | |
# loss functions | |
#################### | |
def get_rmsd_loss(batch, outputs): | |
true = batch["all_atom_positions"][:,1,:] | |
pred = outputs["structure_module"]["final_atom_positions"][:,1,:] | |
return _np_rmsd(true,pred) | |
def _distogram_log_loss(logits, bin_edges, batch, num_bins, copies=1): | |
"""Log loss of a distogram.""" | |
pos,mask = batch['pseudo_beta'],batch['pseudo_beta_mask'] | |
sq_breaks = jnp.square(bin_edges) | |
dist2 = jnp.square(pos[:,None] - pos[None,:]).sum(-1,keepdims=True) | |
true_bins = jnp.sum(dist2 > sq_breaks, axis=-1) | |
true = jax.nn.one_hot(true_bins, num_bins) | |
if copies == 1: | |
errors = -(true * jax.nn.log_softmax(logits)).sum(-1) | |
sq_mask = mask[:,None] * mask[None,:] | |
avg_error = (errors * sq_mask).sum()/(1e-6 + sq_mask.sum()) | |
return avg_error | |
else: | |
# TODO add support for masks | |
L = pos.shape[0] // copies | |
I = copies - 1 | |
true_, pred_ = true[:L,:L], logits[:L,:L] | |
errors = -(true_ * jax.nn.log_softmax(pred_)).sum(-1) | |
avg_error = errors.mean() | |
true_, pred_ = true[:L,L:], logits[:L,L:] | |
true_, pred_ = true_.reshape(L,I,1,L,-1), pred_.reshape(L,1,I,L,-1) | |
errors = -(true_ * jax.nn.log_softmax(pred_)).sum(-1) | |
avg_error += errors.mean((0,-1)).min(-1).sum() | |
return avg_error / copies | |
def get_dgram_loss(batch, outputs, model_config, logits=None, copies=1): | |
# get cb features (ca in case of glycine) | |
pb, pb_mask = model.modules.pseudo_beta_fn(batch["aatype"], | |
batch["all_atom_positions"], | |
batch["all_atom_mask"]) | |
if logits is None: logits = outputs["distogram"]["logits"] | |
dgram_loss = _distogram_log_loss(logits, | |
outputs["distogram"]["bin_edges"], | |
batch={"pseudo_beta":pb,"pseudo_beta_mask":pb_mask}, | |
num_bins=model_config.model.heads.distogram.num_bins, | |
copies=copies) | |
return dgram_loss | |
def get_fape_loss(batch, outputs, model_config, use_clamped_fape=False): | |
sub_batch = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x, batch) | |
sub_batch["use_clamped_fape"] = use_clamped_fape | |
loss = {"loss":0.0} | |
folding.backbone_loss(loss, sub_batch, outputs["structure_module"], model_config.model.heads.structure_module) | |
return loss["loss"] | |
#################### | |
# loss functions (restricted to idx and/or sidechains) | |
#################### | |
def get_dgram_loss_idx(batch, outputs, idx, model_config): | |
idx_ref = batch["idx"] | |
pb, pb_mask = model.modules.pseudo_beta_fn(batch["aatype"][idx_ref], | |
batch["all_atom_positions"][idx_ref], | |
batch["all_atom_mask"][idx_ref]) | |
dgram_loss = model.modules._distogram_log_loss(outputs["distogram"]["logits"][:,idx][idx,:], | |
outputs["distogram"]["bin_edges"], | |
batch={"pseudo_beta":pb,"pseudo_beta_mask":pb_mask}, | |
num_bins=model_config.model.heads.distogram.num_bins) | |
return dgram_loss["loss"] | |
def get_fape_loss_idx(batch, outputs, idx, model_config, backbone=False, sidechain=True, use_clamped_fape=False): | |
idx_ref = batch["idx"] | |
sub_batch = batch.copy() | |
sub_batch.pop("idx") | |
sub_batch = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[idx_ref,...],sub_batch) | |
sub_batch["use_clamped_fape"] = use_clamped_fape | |
value = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x, outputs["structure_module"]) | |
loss = {"loss":0.0} | |
if sidechain: | |
value.update(folding.compute_renamed_ground_truth(sub_batch, value['final_atom14_positions'][idx,...])) | |
value['sidechains']['frames'] = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[:,idx,:], value["sidechains"]["frames"]) | |
value['sidechains']['atom_pos'] = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[:,idx,:], value["sidechains"]["atom_pos"]) | |
loss.update(folding.sidechain_loss(sub_batch, value, model_config.model.heads.structure_module)) | |
if backbone: | |
value["traj"] = value["traj"][...,idx,:] | |
folding.backbone_loss(loss, sub_batch, value, model_config.model.heads.structure_module) | |
return loss["loss"] | |
def get_sc_rmsd(true_pos, pred_pos, aa_ident, atoms_to_exclude=None): | |
if atoms_to_exclude is None: atoms_to_exclude = ["N","C","O"] | |
# collect atom indices | |
idx,idx_alt = [],[] | |
for n,a in enumerate(aa_ident): | |
aa = idx_to_resname[a] | |
atoms = set(residue_constants.residue_atoms[aa]) | |
atoms14 = residue_constants.restype_name_to_atom14_names[aa] | |
swaps = residue_constants.residue_atom_renaming_swaps.get(aa,{}) | |
swaps.update({v:k for k,v in swaps.items()}) | |
for atom in atoms.difference(atoms_to_exclude): | |
idx.append(n * 14 + atoms14.index(atom)) | |
if atom in swaps: | |
idx_alt.append(n * 14 + atoms14.index(swaps[atom])) | |
else: | |
idx_alt.append(idx[-1]) | |
idx, idx_alt = np.asarray(idx), np.asarray(idx_alt) | |
# select atoms | |
T, P = true_pos.reshape(-1,3)[idx], pred_pos.reshape(-1,3)[idx] | |
# select non-ambigious atoms | |
non_amb = idx == idx_alt | |
t, p = T[non_amb], P[non_amb] | |
# align non-ambigious atoms | |
aln = _np_kabsch(t-t.mean(0), p-p.mean(0)) | |
T,P = (T-t.mean(0)) @ aln, P-p.mean(0) | |
P_alt = pred_pos.reshape(-1,3)[idx_alt]-p.mean(0) | |
# compute rmsd | |
msd = jnp.minimum(jnp.square(T-P).sum(-1),jnp.square(T-P_alt).sum(-1)).mean() | |
return jnp.sqrt(msd + 1e-8) | |
def get_sidechain_rmsd_idx(batch, outputs, idx, model_config, include_ca=True): | |
idx_ref = batch["idx"] | |
true_aa_idx = batch["aatype"][idx_ref] | |
true_pos = all_atom.atom37_to_atom14(batch["all_atom_positions"],batch)[idx_ref,:,:] | |
pred_pos = outputs["structure_module"]["final_atom14_positions"][idx,:,:] | |
bb_atoms_to_exclude = ["N","C","O"] if include_ca else ["N","CA","C","O"] | |
return get_sc_rmsd(true_pos, pred_pos, true_aa_idx, bb_atoms_to_exclude) | |
################################################################################# | |
################################################################################# | |
################################################################################# | |
def _np_len_pw(x, use_jax=True): | |
'''compute pairwise distance''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
x_norm = _np.square(x).sum(-1) | |
xx = _np.einsum("...ia,...ja->...ij",x,x) | |
sq_dist = x_norm[...,:,None] + x_norm[...,None,:] - 2 * xx | |
# due to precision errors the values can sometimes be negative | |
if use_jax: sq_dist = jax.nn.relu(sq_dist) | |
else: sq_dist[sq_dist < 0] = 0 | |
# return euclidean pairwise distance matrix | |
return _np.sqrt(sq_dist + 1e-8) | |
def _np_rmsdist(true, pred, use_jax=True): | |
'''compute RMSD of distance matrices''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
t = _np_len_pw(true, use_jax=use_jax) | |
p = _np_len_pw(pred, use_jax=use_jax) | |
return _np.sqrt(_np.square(t-p).mean() + 1e-8) | |
def _np_kabsch(a, b, return_v=False, use_jax=True): | |
'''get alignment matrix for two sets of coodinates''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
ab = a.swapaxes(-1,-2) @ b | |
u, s, vh = _np.linalg.svd(ab, full_matrices=False) | |
flip = _np.linalg.det(u @ vh) < 0 | |
u_ = _np.where(flip, -u[...,-1].T, u[...,-1].T).T | |
if use_jax: u =[...,-1].set(u_) | |
else: u[...,-1] = u_ | |
return u if return_v else (u @ vh) | |
def _np_rmsd(true, pred, use_jax=True): | |
'''compute RMSD of coordinates after alignment''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
p = true - true.mean(-2,keepdims=True) | |
q = pred - pred.mean(-2,keepdims=True) | |
p = p @ _np_kabsch(p, q, use_jax=use_jax) | |
return _np.sqrt(_np.square(p-q).sum(-1).mean(-1) + 1e-8) | |
def _np_norm(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True, eps=1e-8, use_jax=True): | |
'''compute norm of vector''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
return _np.sqrt(_np.square(x).sum(axis,keepdims=keepdims) + 1e-8) | |
def _np_len(a, b, use_jax=True): | |
'''given coordinates a-b, return length or distance''' | |
return _np_norm(a-b, use_jax=use_jax) | |
def _np_ang(a, b, c, use_acos=False, use_jax=True): | |
'''given coordinates a-b-c, return angle''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
norm = lambda x: _np_norm(x, use_jax=use_jax) | |
ba, bc = b-a, b-c | |
cos_ang = (ba * bc).sum(-1,keepdims=True) / (norm(ba) * norm(bc)) | |
# note the derivative at acos(-1 or 1) is inf, to avoid nans we use cos(ang) | |
if use_acos: return _np.arccos(cos_ang) | |
else: return cos_ang | |
def _np_dih(a, b, c, d, use_atan2=False, standardize=False, use_jax=True): | |
'''given coordinates a-b-c-d, return dihedral''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
normalize = lambda x: x/_np_norm(x, use_jax=use_jax) | |
ab, bc, cd = normalize(a-b), normalize(b-c), normalize(c-d) | |
n1,n2 = _np.cross(ab, bc), _np.cross(bc, cd) | |
sin_ang = (_np.cross(n1, bc) * n2).sum(-1,keepdims=True) | |
cos_ang = (n1 * n2).sum(-1,keepdims=True) | |
if use_atan2: | |
return _np.arctan2(sin_ang, cos_ang) | |
else: | |
angs = _np.concatenate([sin_ang, cos_ang],-1) | |
if standardize: return normalize(angs) | |
else: return angs | |
def _np_extend(a,b,c, L,A,D, use_jax=True): | |
''' | |
given coordinates a-b-c, | |
c-d (L)ength, b-c-d (A)ngle, and a-b-c-d (D)ihedral | |
return 4th coordinate d | |
''' | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
normalize = lambda x: x/_np_norm(x, use_jax=use_jax) | |
bc = normalize(b-c) | |
n = normalize(_np.cross(b-a, bc)) | |
return c + sum([L * _np.cos(A) * bc, | |
L * _np.sin(A) * _np.cos(D) * _np.cross(n, bc), | |
L * _np.sin(A) * _np.sin(D) * -n]) | |
def _np_get_cb(N,CA,C, use_jax=True): | |
'''compute CB placement from N, CA, C''' | |
return _np_extend(C, N, CA, 1.522, 1.927, -2.143, use_jax=use_jax) | |
def _np_get_6D(all_atom_positions, all_atom_mask=None, use_jax=True): | |
'''get 6D features (see TrRosetta paper)''' | |
# get CB coordinate | |
atom_idx = {k:residue_constants.atom_order[k] for k in ["N","CA","C"]} | |
out = {k:all_atom_positions[...,i,:] for k,i in atom_idx.items()} | |
out["CB"] = _np_get_cb(**out, use_jax=use_jax) | |
if all_atom_mask is not None: | |
idx = np.fromiter(atom_idx.values(),int) | |
out["CB_mask"] = all_atom_mask[...,idx].prod(-1) | |
# get pairwise features | |
N,A,B = (out[k] for k in ["N","CA","CB"]) | |
j = {"use_jax":use_jax} | |
out.update({"dist": _np_len_pw(B,**j), | |
"phi": _np_ang(A[...,:,None,:],B[...,:,None,:],B[...,None,:,:],**j), | |
"omega": _np_dih(A[...,:,None,:],B[...,:,None,:],B[...,None,:,:],A[...,None,:,:],**j), | |
"theta": _np_dih(N[...,:,None,:],A[...,:,None,:],B[...,:,None,:],B[...,None,:,:],**j), | |
}) | |
return out | |
#################### | |
# 6D loss (see TrRosetta paper) | |
#################### | |
def _np_get_6D_loss(true, pred, mask=None, use_theta=True, use_dist=False, use_jax=True): | |
_np = jnp if use_jax else np | |
f = {"T":_np_get_6D(true, mask, use_jax=use_jax), | |
"P":_np_get_6D(pred, use_jax=use_jax)} | |
for k in f: f[k]["dist"] /= 10.0 | |
keys = ["omega","phi"] | |
if use_theta: keys.append("theta") | |
if use_dist: keys.append("dist") | |
sq_diff = sum([_np.square(f["T"][k]-f["P"][k]).sum(-1) for k in keys]) | |
mask = _np.ones(true.shape[0]) if mask is None else f["T"]["CB_mask"] | |
mask = mask[:,None] * mask[None,:] | |
loss = (sq_diff * mask).sum((-1,-2)) / mask.sum((-1,-2)) | |
return _np.sqrt(loss + 1e-8).mean() | |
def get_6D_loss(batch, outputs, **kwargs): | |
true = batch["all_atom_positions"] | |
pred = outputs["structure_module"]["final_atom_positions"] | |
mask = batch["all_atom_mask"] | |
return _np_get_6D_loss(true, pred, mask, **kwargs) | |
################################################################################# | |
################################################################################# | |
################################################################################# | |
#################### | |
# update sequence | |
#################### | |
def soft_seq(seq_logits, temp=1.0, hard=True): | |
seq_soft = jax.nn.softmax(seq_logits / temp) | |
if hard: | |
seq_hard = jax.nn.one_hot(seq_soft.argmax(-1),20) | |
return jax.lax.stop_gradient(seq_hard - seq_soft) + seq_soft | |
else: | |
return seq_soft | |
def update_seq(seq, inputs, seq_1hot=None, seq_pssm=None, msa_input=None): | |
'''update the sequence features''' | |
if seq_1hot is None: seq_1hot = seq | |
if seq_pssm is None: seq_pssm = seq | |
msa_feat = jnp.zeros_like(inputs["msa_feat"]).at[...,0:20].set(seq_1hot).at[...,25:45].set(seq_pssm) | |
if seq.ndim == 3: | |
target_feat = jnp.zeros_like(inputs["target_feat"]).at[...,1:21].set(seq[0]) | |
else: | |
target_feat = jnp.zeros_like(inputs["target_feat"]).at[...,1:21].set(seq) | |
inputs.update({"target_feat":target_feat,"msa_feat":msa_feat}) | |
def update_aatype(aatype, inputs): | |
if jnp.issubdtype(aatype.dtype, jnp.integer): | |
inputs.update({"aatype":aatype, | |
"atom14_atom_exists":residue_constants.restype_atom14_mask[aatype], | |
"atom37_atom_exists":residue_constants.restype_atom37_mask[aatype], | |
"residx_atom14_to_atom37":residue_constants.restype_atom14_to_atom37[aatype], | |
"residx_atom37_to_atom14":residue_constants.restype_atom37_to_atom14[aatype]}) | |
else: | |
restype_atom14_to_atom37 = jax.nn.one_hot(residue_constants.restype_atom14_to_atom37,37) | |
restype_atom37_to_atom14 = jax.nn.one_hot(residue_constants.restype_atom37_to_atom14,14) | |
inputs.update({"aatype":aatype, | |
"atom14_atom_exists":jnp.einsum("...a,am->...m", aatype, residue_constants.restype_atom14_mask), | |
"atom37_atom_exists":jnp.einsum("...a,am->...m", aatype, residue_constants.restype_atom37_mask), | |
"residx_atom14_to_atom37":jnp.einsum("...a,abc->...bc", aatype, restype_atom14_to_atom37), | |
"residx_atom37_to_atom14":jnp.einsum("...a,abc->...bc", aatype, restype_atom37_to_atom14)}) | |
#################### | |
# utils | |
#################### | |
def pdb_to_string(pdb_file): | |
lines = [] | |
for line in open(pdb_file,"r"): | |
if line[:6] == "HETATM" and line[17:20] == "MSE": | |
line = "ATOM "+line[6:17]+"MET"+line[20:] | |
if line[:4] == "ATOM": | |
lines.append(line) | |
return "".join(lines) | |
def save_pdb(outs, filename="tmp.pdb"): | |
seq = outs["seq"].argmax(-1) | |
while seq.ndim > 1: seq = seq[0] | |
b_factors = np.zeros_like(outs["outputs"]['final_atom_mask']) | |
p = protein.Protein( | |
aatype=seq, | |
atom_positions=outs["outputs"]["final_atom_positions"], | |
atom_mask=outs["outputs"]['final_atom_mask'], | |
residue_index=jnp.arange(len(seq))+1, | |
b_factors=b_factors) | |
pdb_lines = protein.to_pdb(p) | |
with open(filename, 'w') as f: | |
f.write(pdb_lines) | |
order_restype = {v: k for k, v in residue_constants.restype_order.items()} | |
idx_to_resname = dict((v,k) for k,v in residue_constants.resname_to_idx.items()) | |
template_aa_map = np.eye(20)[[residue_constants.HHBLITS_AA_TO_ID[order_restype[i]] for i in range(20)]].T | |
########################### | |
# MISC | |
########################### | |
jalview_color_list = {"Clustal": ["#80a0f0","#f01505","#00ff00","#c048c0","#f08080","#00ff00","#c048c0","#f09048","#15a4a4","#80a0f0","#80a0f0","#f01505","#80a0f0","#80a0f0","#ffff00","#00ff00","#00ff00","#80a0f0","#15a4a4","#80a0f0"], | |
"Zappo": ["#ffafaf","#6464ff","#00ff00","#ff0000","#ffff00","#00ff00","#ff0000","#ff00ff","#6464ff","#ffafaf","#ffafaf","#6464ff","#ffafaf","#ffc800","#ff00ff","#00ff00","#00ff00","#ffc800","#ffc800","#ffafaf"], | |
"Taylor": ["#ccff00","#0000ff","#cc00ff","#ff0000","#ffff00","#ff00cc","#ff0066","#ff9900","#0066ff","#66ff00","#33ff00","#6600ff","#00ff00","#00ff66","#ffcc00","#ff3300","#ff6600","#00ccff","#00ffcc","#99ff00"], | |
"Hydrophobicity": ["#ad0052","#0000ff","#0c00f3","#0c00f3","#c2003d","#0c00f3","#0c00f3","#6a0095","#1500ea","#ff0000","#ea0015","#0000ff","#b0004f","#cb0034","#4600b9","#5e00a1","#61009e","#5b00a4","#4f00b0","#f60009","#0c00f3","#680097","#0c00f3"], | |
"Helix Propensity": ["#e718e7","#6f906f","#1be41b","#778877","#23dc23","#926d92","#ff00ff","#00ff00","#758a75","#8a758a","#ae51ae","#a05fa0","#ef10ef","#986798","#00ff00","#36c936","#47b847","#8a758a","#21de21","#857a85","#49b649","#758a75","#c936c9"], | |
"Strand Propensity": ["#5858a7","#6b6b94","#64649b","#2121de","#9d9d62","#8c8c73","#0000ff","#4949b6","#60609f","#ecec13","#b2b24d","#4747b8","#82827d","#c2c23d","#2323dc","#4949b6","#9d9d62","#c0c03f","#d3d32c","#ffff00","#4343bc","#797986","#4747b8"], | |
"Turn Propensity": ["#2cd3d3","#708f8f","#ff0000","#e81717","#a85757","#3fc0c0","#778888","#ff0000","#708f8f","#00ffff","#1ce3e3","#7e8181","#1ee1e1","#1ee1e1","#f60909","#e11e1e","#738c8c","#738c8c","#9d6262","#07f8f8","#f30c0c","#7c8383","#5ba4a4"], | |
"Buried Index": ["#00a35c","#00fc03","#00eb14","#00eb14","#0000ff","#00f10e","#00f10e","#009d62","#00d52a","#0054ab","#007b84","#00ff00","#009768","#008778","#00e01f","#00d52a","#00db24","#00a857","#00e619","#005fa0","#00eb14","#00b649","#00f10e"]} | |
########################### | |
# to be deprecated functions | |
########################### | |
def set_dropout(model_config, dropout=0.0): | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.evoformer.msa_row_attention_with_pair_bias.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.evoformer.triangle_attention_ending_node.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.evoformer.triangle_attention_starting_node.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.evoformer.triangle_multiplication_incoming.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.evoformer.triangle_multiplication_outgoing.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.template.template_pair_stack.triangle_attention_ending_node.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.template.template_pair_stack.triangle_attention_starting_node.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.template.template_pair_stack.triangle_multiplication_incoming.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.embeddings_and_evoformer.template.template_pair_stack.triangle_multiplication_outgoing.dropout_rate = dropout | |
model_config.model.heads.structure_module.dropout = dropout | |
return model_config | |