import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import spiga.models.gnn.pose_proj as pproj from spiga.models.cnn.cnn_multitask import MultitaskCNN from spiga.models.gnn.step_regressor import StepRegressor, RelativePositionEncoder class SPIGA(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_landmarks=98, num_edges=15, steps=3, **kwargs): super(SPIGA, self).__init__() # Model parameters self.steps = steps # Cascaded regressors self.embedded_dim = 512 # GAT input channel self.nstack = 4 # Number of stacked GATs per step self.kwindow = 7 # Output cropped window dimension (kernel) self.swindow = 0.25 # Scale of the cropped window at first step (Dft. 25% w.r.t the input featuremap) self.offset_ratio = [self.swindow/(2**step)/2 for step in range(self.steps)] # CNN parameters self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks self.num_edges = num_edges # Initialize backbone self.visual_cnn = MultitaskCNN(num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_edges=self.num_edges) # Features dimensions self.img_res = self.visual_cnn.img_res self.visual_res = self.visual_cnn.out_res self.visual_dim = self.visual_cnn.ch_dim # Initialize Pose head self.channels_pose = 6 self.pose_fc = nn.Linear(self.visual_cnn.ch_dim, self.channels_pose) # Initialize feature extractors: # Relative positional encoder shape_dim = 2 * (self.num_landmarks - 1) shape_encoder = [] for step in range(self.steps): shape_encoder.append(RelativePositionEncoder(shape_dim, self.embedded_dim, [256, 256])) self.shape_encoder = nn.ModuleList(shape_encoder) # Diagonal mask used to compute relative positions diagonal_mask = (torch.ones(self.num_landmarks, self.num_landmarks) - torch.eye(self.num_landmarks)).type(torch.bool) self.diagonal_mask = nn.parameter.Parameter(diagonal_mask, requires_grad=False) # Visual feature extractor conv_window = [] theta_S = [] for step in range(self.steps): # S matrix per step WH = self.visual_res # Width/height of ftmap Wout = self.swindow / (2 ** step) * WH # Width/height of the window K = self.kwindow # Kernel or resolution of the window scale = K / WH * (Wout - 1) / (K - 1) # Scale of the affine transformation # Rescale matrix S theta_S_stp = torch.tensor([[scale, 0], [0, scale]]) theta_S.append(nn.parameter.Parameter(theta_S_stp, requires_grad=False)) # Convolutional to embedded to BxLxCx1x1 conv_window.append(nn.Conv2d(self.visual_dim, self.embedded_dim, self.kwindow)) self.theta_S = nn.ParameterList(theta_S) self.conv_window = nn.ModuleList(conv_window) # Initialize GAT modules self.gcn = nn.ModuleList([StepRegressor(self.embedded_dim, 256, self.nstack) for i in range(self.steps)]) def forward(self, data): # Inputs: Visual features and points projections pts_proj, features = self.backbone_forward(data) # Visual field visual_field = features['VisualField'][-1] # Params compute only once gat_prob = [] features['Landmarks'] = [] for step in range(self.steps): # Features generation embedded_ft = self.extract_embedded(pts_proj, visual_field, step) # GAT inference offset, gat_prob = self.gcn[step](embedded_ft, gat_prob) offset = F.hardtanh(offset) # Update coordinates pts_proj = pts_proj + self.offset_ratio[step] * offset features['Landmarks'].append(pts_proj.clone()) features['GATProb'] = gat_prob return features def backbone_forward(self, data): # Inputs: Image and model3D imgs = data[0] model3d = data[1] cam_matrix = data[2] # HourGlass Forward features = self.visual_cnn(imgs) # Head pose estimation pose_raw = features['HGcore'][-1] B, L, _, _ = pose_raw.shape pose = pose_raw.reshape(B, L) pose = self.pose_fc(pose) features['Pose'] = pose.clone() # Project model 3D euler = pose[:, 0:3] trl = pose[:, 3:] rot = pproj.euler_to_rotation_matrix(euler) pts_proj = pproj.projectPoints(model3d, rot, trl, cam_matrix) pts_proj = pts_proj / self.visual_res return pts_proj, features def extract_embedded(self, pts_proj, receptive_field, step): # Visual features visual_ft = self.extract_visual_embedded(pts_proj, receptive_field, step) # Shape features shape_ft = self.calculate_distances(pts_proj) shape_ft = self.shape_encoder[step](shape_ft) # Addition embedded_ft = visual_ft + shape_ft return embedded_ft def extract_visual_embedded(self, pts_proj, receptive_field, step): # Affine matrix generation B, L, _ = pts_proj.shape # Pts_proj range:[0,1] centers = pts_proj + 0.5 / self.visual_res # BxLx2 centers = centers.reshape(B * L, 2) # B*Lx2 theta_trl = (-1 + centers * 2).unsqueeze(-1) # BxLx2x1 theta_s = self.theta_S[step] # 2x2 theta_s = theta_s.repeat(B * L, 1, 1) # B*Lx2x2 theta =, theta_trl), -1) # B*Lx2x3 # Generate crop grid B, C, _, _ = receptive_field.shape grid = torch.nn.functional.affine_grid(theta, (B * L, C, self.kwindow, self.kwindow)) grid = grid.reshape(B, L, self.kwindow, self.kwindow, 2) grid = grid.reshape(B, L, self.kwindow * self.kwindow, 2) # Crop windows crops = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(receptive_field, grid, padding_mode="border") # BxCxLxK*K crops = crops.transpose(1, 2) # BxLxCxK*K crops = crops.reshape(B * L, C, self.kwindow, self.kwindow) # Flatten features visual_ft = self.conv_window[step](crops) _, Cout, _, _ = visual_ft.shape visual_ft = visual_ft.reshape(B, L, Cout) return visual_ft def calculate_distances(self, pts_proj): B, L, _ = pts_proj.shape # BxLx2 pts_a = pts_proj.unsqueeze(-2).repeat(1, 1, L, 1) pts_b = pts_a.transpose(1, 2) dist = pts_a - pts_b dist_wo_self = dist[:, self.diagonal_mask, :].reshape(B, L, -1) return dist_wo_self