MMOCR / mmocr /datasets /pipelines /
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import math
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from mmcv.runner.dist_utils import get_dist_info
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from PIL import Image
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import box as shapely_box
import mmocr.utils as utils
from mmocr.datasets.pipelines.crop import warp_img
class ResizeOCR:
"""Image resizing and padding for OCR.
height (int | tuple(int)): Image height after resizing.
min_width (none | int | tuple(int)): Image minimum width
after resizing.
max_width (none | int | tuple(int)): Image maximum width
after resizing.
keep_aspect_ratio (bool): Keep image aspect ratio if True
during resizing, Otherwise resize to the size height *
img_pad_value (int): Scalar to fill padding area.
width_downsample_ratio (float): Downsample ratio in horizontal
direction from input image to output feature.
backend (str | None): The image resize backend type. Options are `cv2`,
`pillow`, `None`. If backend is None, the global imread_backend
specified by ``mmcv.use_backend()`` will be used. Default: None.
def __init__(self,
width_downsample_ratio=1.0 / 16,
assert isinstance(height, (int, tuple))
assert utils.is_none_or_type(min_width, (int, tuple))
assert utils.is_none_or_type(max_width, (int, tuple))
if not keep_aspect_ratio:
assert max_width is not None, ('"max_width" must assigned '
'if "keep_aspect_ratio" is False')
assert isinstance(img_pad_value, int)
if isinstance(height, tuple):
assert isinstance(min_width, tuple)
assert isinstance(max_width, tuple)
assert len(height) == len(min_width) == len(max_width)
self.height = height
self.min_width = min_width
self.max_width = max_width
self.keep_aspect_ratio = keep_aspect_ratio
self.img_pad_value = img_pad_value
self.width_downsample_ratio = width_downsample_ratio
self.backend = backend
def __call__(self, results):
rank, _ = get_dist_info()
if isinstance(self.height, int):
dst_height = self.height
dst_min_width = self.min_width
dst_max_width = self.max_width
# Multi-scale resize used in distributed training.
# Choose one (height, width) pair for one rank id.
idx = rank % len(self.height)
dst_height = self.height[idx]
dst_min_width = self.min_width[idx]
dst_max_width = self.max_width[idx]
img_shape = results['img_shape']
ori_height, ori_width = img_shape[:2]
valid_ratio = 1.0
resize_shape = list(img_shape)
pad_shape = list(img_shape)
if self.keep_aspect_ratio:
new_width = math.ceil(float(dst_height) / ori_height * ori_width)
width_divisor = int(1 / self.width_downsample_ratio)
# make sure new_width is an integral multiple of width_divisor.
if new_width % width_divisor != 0:
new_width = round(new_width / width_divisor) * width_divisor
if dst_min_width is not None:
new_width = max(dst_min_width, new_width)
if dst_max_width is not None:
valid_ratio = min(1.0, 1.0 * new_width / dst_max_width)
resize_width = min(dst_max_width, new_width)
img_resize = mmcv.imresize(
results['img'], (resize_width, dst_height),
resize_shape = img_resize.shape
pad_shape = img_resize.shape
if new_width < dst_max_width:
img_resize = mmcv.impad(
shape=(dst_height, dst_max_width),
pad_shape = img_resize.shape
img_resize = mmcv.imresize(
results['img'], (new_width, dst_height),
resize_shape = img_resize.shape
pad_shape = img_resize.shape
img_resize = mmcv.imresize(
results['img'], (dst_max_width, dst_height),
resize_shape = img_resize.shape
pad_shape = img_resize.shape
results['img'] = img_resize
results['img_shape'] = resize_shape
results['resize_shape'] = resize_shape
results['pad_shape'] = pad_shape
results['valid_ratio'] = valid_ratio
return results
class ToTensorOCR:
"""Convert a ``PIL Image`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` to tensor."""
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, results):
results['img'] = TF.to_tensor(results['img'].copy())
return results
class NormalizeOCR:
"""Normalize a tensor image with mean and standard deviation."""
def __init__(self, mean, std):
self.mean = mean
self.std = std
def __call__(self, results):
results['img'] = TF.normalize(results['img'], self.mean, self.std)
results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(mean=self.mean, std=self.std)
return results
class OnlineCropOCR:
"""Crop text areas from whole image with bounding box jitter. If no bbox is
given, return directly.
box_keys (list[str]): Keys in results which correspond to RoI bbox.
jitter_prob (float): The probability of box jitter.
max_jitter_ratio_x (float): Maximum horizontal jitter ratio
relative to height.
max_jitter_ratio_y (float): Maximum vertical jitter ratio
relative to height.
def __init__(self,
box_keys=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'x3', 'y3', 'x4', 'y4'],
assert utils.is_type_list(box_keys, str)
assert 0 <= jitter_prob <= 1
assert 0 <= max_jitter_ratio_x <= 1
assert 0 <= max_jitter_ratio_y <= 1
self.box_keys = box_keys
self.jitter_prob = jitter_prob
self.max_jitter_ratio_x = max_jitter_ratio_x
self.max_jitter_ratio_y = max_jitter_ratio_y
def __call__(self, results):
if 'img_info' not in results:
return results
crop_flag = True
box = []
for key in self.box_keys:
if key not in results['img_info']:
crop_flag = False
if not crop_flag:
return results
jitter_flag = np.random.random() > self.jitter_prob
kwargs = dict(
crop_img = warp_img(results['img'], box, **kwargs)
results['img'] = crop_img
results['img_shape'] = crop_img.shape
return results
class FancyPCA:
"""Implementation of PCA based image augmentation, proposed in the paper
``Imagenet Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks``.
It alters the intensities of RGB values along the principal components of
ImageNet dataset.
def __init__(self, eig_vec=None, eig_val=None):
if eig_vec is None:
eig_vec = torch.Tensor([
[-0.5675, +0.7192, +0.4009],
[-0.5808, -0.0045, -0.8140],
[-0.5836, -0.6948, +0.4203],
if eig_val is None:
eig_val = torch.Tensor([[0.2175, 0.0188, 0.0045]])
self.eig_val = eig_val # 1*3
self.eig_vec = eig_vec # 3*3
def pca(self, tensor):
assert tensor.size(0) == 3
alpha = torch.normal(mean=torch.zeros_like(self.eig_val)) * 0.1
reconst = * alpha, self.eig_vec)
tensor = tensor + reconst.view(3, 1, 1)
return tensor
def __call__(self, results):
img = results['img']
tensor = self.pca(img)
results['img'] = tensor
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = self.__class__.__name__
return repr_str
class RandomPaddingOCR:
"""Pad the given image on all sides, as well as modify the coordinates of
character bounding box in image.
max_ratio (list[int]): [left, top, right, bottom].
box_type (None|str): Character box type. If not none,
should be either 'char_rects' or 'char_quads', with
'char_rects' for rectangle with ``xyxy`` style and
'char_quads' for quadrangle with ``x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4`` style.
def __init__(self, max_ratio=None, box_type=None):
if max_ratio is None:
max_ratio = [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2]
assert utils.is_type_list(max_ratio, float)
assert len(max_ratio) == 4
assert box_type is None or box_type in ('char_rects', 'char_quads')
self.max_ratio = max_ratio
self.box_type = box_type
def __call__(self, results):
img_shape = results['img_shape']
ori_height, ori_width = img_shape[:2]
random_padding_left = round(
np.random.uniform(0, self.max_ratio[0]) * ori_width)
random_padding_top = round(
np.random.uniform(0, self.max_ratio[1]) * ori_height)
random_padding_right = round(
np.random.uniform(0, self.max_ratio[2]) * ori_width)
random_padding_bottom = round(
np.random.uniform(0, self.max_ratio[3]) * ori_height)
padding = (random_padding_left, random_padding_top,
random_padding_right, random_padding_bottom)
img = mmcv.impad(results['img'], padding=padding, padding_mode='edge')
results['img'] = img
results['img_shape'] = img.shape
if self.box_type is not None:
num_points = 2 if self.box_type == 'char_rects' else 4
char_num = len(results['ann_info'][self.box_type])
for i in range(char_num):
for j in range(num_points):
j * 2] += random_padding_left
j * 2 + 1] += random_padding_top
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = self.__class__.__name__
return repr_str
class RandomRotateImageBox:
"""Rotate augmentation for segmentation based text recognition.
min_angle (int): Minimum rotation angle for image and box.
max_angle (int): Maximum rotation angle for image and box.
box_type (str): Character box type, should be either
'char_rects' or 'char_quads', with 'char_rects'
for rectangle with ``xyxy`` style and 'char_quads'
for quadrangle with ``x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4`` style.
def __init__(self, min_angle=-10, max_angle=10, box_type='char_quads'):
assert box_type in ('char_rects', 'char_quads')
self.min_angle = min_angle
self.max_angle = max_angle
self.box_type = box_type
def __call__(self, results):
in_img = results['img']
in_chars = results['ann_info']['chars']
in_boxes = results['ann_info'][self.box_type]
img_width, img_height = in_img.size
rotate_center = [img_width / 2., img_height / 2.]
tan_temp_max_angle = rotate_center[1] / rotate_center[0]
temp_max_angle = np.arctan(tan_temp_max_angle) * 180. / np.pi
random_angle = np.random.uniform(
max(self.min_angle, -temp_max_angle),
min(self.max_angle, temp_max_angle))
random_angle_radian = random_angle * np.pi / 180.
img_box = shapely_box(0, 0, img_width, img_height)
out_img = TF.rotate(
out_boxes, out_chars = self.rotate_bbox(in_boxes, in_chars,
rotate_center, img_box)
results['img'] = out_img
results['ann_info']['chars'] = out_chars
results['ann_info'][self.box_type] = out_boxes
return results
def rotate_bbox(boxes, chars, angle, center, img_box):
out_boxes = []
out_chars = []
for idx, bbox in enumerate(boxes):
temp_bbox = []
for i in range(len(bbox) // 2):
point = [bbox[2 * i], bbox[2 * i + 1]]
RandomRotateImageBox.rotate_point(point, angle, center))
poly_temp_bbox = Polygon(temp_bbox).buffer(0)
if poly_temp_bbox.is_valid:
if img_box.intersects(poly_temp_bbox) and (
not img_box.touches(poly_temp_bbox)):
temp_bbox_area = poly_temp_bbox.area
intersect_area = img_box.intersection(poly_temp_bbox).area
intersect_ratio = intersect_area / temp_bbox_area
if intersect_ratio >= 0.7:
out_box = []
for p in temp_bbox:
return out_boxes, out_chars
def rotate_point(point, angle, center):
cos_theta = math.cos(-angle)
sin_theta = math.sin(-angle)
c_x = center[0]
c_y = center[1]
new_x = (point[0] - c_x) * cos_theta - (point[1] -
c_y) * sin_theta + c_x
new_y = (point[0] - c_x) * sin_theta + (point[1] -
c_y) * cos_theta + c_y
return [new_x, new_y]
class OpencvToPil:
"""Convert ``numpy.ndarray`` (bgr) to ``PIL Image`` (rgb)."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, results):
img = results['img'][..., ::-1]
img = Image.fromarray(img)
results['img'] = img
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = self.__class__.__name__
return repr_str
class PilToOpencv:
"""Convert ``PIL Image`` (rgb) to ``numpy.ndarray`` (bgr)."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, results):
img = np.asarray(results['img'])
img = img[..., ::-1]
results['img'] = img
return results
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = self.__class__.__name__
return repr_str