Runtime error
Runtime error
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. | |
import functools | |
import operator | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import pyclipper | |
from numpy.fft import ifft | |
from numpy.linalg import norm | |
from shapely.geometry import Polygon | |
from mmocr.core.evaluation.utils import boundary_iou | |
def filter_instance(area, confidence, min_area, min_confidence): | |
return bool(area < min_area or confidence < min_confidence) | |
def box_score_fast(bitmap, _box): | |
h, w = bitmap.shape[:2] | |
box = _box.copy() | |
xmin = np.clip(np.floor(box[:, 0].min()).astype(np.int32), 0, w - 1) | |
xmax = np.clip(np.ceil(box[:, 0].max()).astype(np.int32), 0, w - 1) | |
ymin = np.clip(np.floor(box[:, 1].min()).astype(np.int32), 0, h - 1) | |
ymax = np.clip(np.ceil(box[:, 1].max()).astype(np.int32), 0, h - 1) | |
mask = np.zeros((ymax - ymin + 1, xmax - xmin + 1), dtype=np.uint8) | |
box[:, 0] = box[:, 0] - xmin | |
box[:, 1] = box[:, 1] - ymin | |
cv2.fillPoly(mask, box.reshape(1, -1, 2).astype(np.int32), 1) | |
return cv2.mean(bitmap[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1], mask)[0] | |
def unclip(box, unclip_ratio=1.5): | |
poly = Polygon(box) | |
distance = poly.area * unclip_ratio / poly.length | |
offset = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() | |
offset.AddPath(box, pyclipper.JT_ROUND, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON) | |
expanded = np.array(offset.Execute(distance)) | |
return expanded | |
def fill_hole(input_mask): | |
h, w = input_mask.shape | |
canvas = np.zeros((h + 2, w + 2), np.uint8) | |
canvas[1:h + 1, 1:w + 1] = input_mask.copy() | |
mask = np.zeros((h + 4, w + 4), np.uint8) | |
cv2.floodFill(canvas, mask, (0, 0), 1) | |
canvas = canvas[1:h + 1, 1:w + 1].astype(np.bool) | |
return ~canvas | input_mask | |
def centralize(points_yx, | |
normal_sin, | |
normal_cos, | |
radius, | |
contour_mask, | |
step_ratio=0.03): | |
h, w = contour_mask.shape | |
top_yx = bot_yx = points_yx | |
step_flags = np.ones((len(points_yx), 1), dtype=np.bool) | |
step = step_ratio * radius * np.hstack([normal_sin, normal_cos]) | |
while np.any(step_flags): | |
next_yx = np.array(top_yx + step, dtype=np.int32) | |
next_y, next_x = next_yx[:, 0], next_yx[:, 1] | |
step_flags = (next_y >= 0) & (next_y < h) & (next_x > 0) & ( | |
next_x < w) & contour_mask[np.clip(next_y, 0, h - 1), | |
np.clip(next_x, 0, w - 1)] | |
top_yx = top_yx + step_flags.reshape((-1, 1)) * step | |
step_flags = np.ones((len(points_yx), 1), dtype=np.bool) | |
while np.any(step_flags): | |
next_yx = np.array(bot_yx - step, dtype=np.int32) | |
next_y, next_x = next_yx[:, 0], next_yx[:, 1] | |
step_flags = (next_y >= 0) & (next_y < h) & (next_x > 0) & ( | |
next_x < w) & contour_mask[np.clip(next_y, 0, h - 1), | |
np.clip(next_x, 0, w - 1)] | |
bot_yx = bot_yx - step_flags.reshape((-1, 1)) * step | |
centers = np.array((top_yx + bot_yx) * 0.5, dtype=np.int32) | |
return centers | |
def merge_disks(disks, disk_overlap_thr): | |
xy = disks[:, 0:2] | |
radius = disks[:, 2] | |
scores = disks[:, 3] | |
order = scores.argsort()[::-1] | |
merged_disks = [] | |
while order.size > 0: | |
if order.size == 1: | |
merged_disks.append(disks[order]) | |
break | |
i = order[0] | |
d = norm(xy[i] - xy[order[1:]], axis=1) | |
ri = radius[i] | |
r = radius[order[1:]] | |
d_thr = (ri + r) * disk_overlap_thr | |
merge_inds = np.where(d <= d_thr)[0] + 1 | |
if merge_inds.size > 0: | |
merge_order = np.hstack([i, order[merge_inds]]) | |
merged_disks.append(np.mean(disks[merge_order], axis=0)) | |
else: | |
merged_disks.append(disks[i]) | |
inds = np.where(d > d_thr)[0] + 1 | |
order = order[inds] | |
merged_disks = np.vstack(merged_disks) | |
return merged_disks | |
def poly_nms(polygons, threshold): | |
assert isinstance(polygons, list) | |
polygons = np.array(sorted(polygons, key=lambda x: x[-1])) | |
keep_poly = [] | |
index = [i for i in range(polygons.shape[0])] | |
while len(index) > 0: | |
keep_poly.append(polygons[index[-1]].tolist()) | |
A = polygons[index[-1]][:-1] | |
index = np.delete(index, -1) | |
iou_list = np.zeros((len(index), )) | |
for i in range(len(index)): | |
B = polygons[index[i]][:-1] | |
iou_list[i] = boundary_iou(A, B, 1) | |
remove_index = np.where(iou_list > threshold) | |
index = np.delete(index, remove_index) | |
return keep_poly | |
def fourier2poly(fourier_coeff, num_reconstr_points=50): | |
""" Inverse Fourier transform | |
Args: | |
fourier_coeff (ndarray): Fourier coefficients shaped (n, 2k+1), | |
with n and k being candidates number and Fourier degree | |
respectively. | |
num_reconstr_points (int): Number of reconstructed polygon points. | |
Returns: | |
Polygons (ndarray): The reconstructed polygons shaped (n, n') | |
""" | |
a = np.zeros((len(fourier_coeff), num_reconstr_points), dtype='complex') | |
k = (len(fourier_coeff[0]) - 1) // 2 | |
a[:, 0:k + 1] = fourier_coeff[:, k:] | |
a[:, -k:] = fourier_coeff[:, :k] | |
poly_complex = ifft(a) * num_reconstr_points | |
polygon = np.zeros((len(fourier_coeff), num_reconstr_points, 2)) | |
polygon[:, :, 0] = poly_complex.real | |
polygon[:, :, 1] = poly_complex.imag | |
return polygon.astype('int32').reshape((len(fourier_coeff), -1)) | |
class Node: | |
def __init__(self, ind): | |
self.__ind = ind | |
self.__links = set() | |
def ind(self): | |
return self.__ind | |
def links(self): | |
return set(self.__links) | |
def add_link(self, link_node): | |
self.__links.add(link_node) | |
link_node.__links.add(self) | |
def graph_propagation(edges, scores, text_comps, edge_len_thr=50.): | |
"""Propagate edge score information and construct graph. This code was | |
partially adapted from licensed under the MIT | |
license. | |
Args: | |
edges (ndarray): The edge array of shape N * 2, each row is a node | |
index pair that makes up an edge in graph. | |
scores (ndarray): The edge score array. | |
text_comps (ndarray): The text components. | |
edge_len_thr (float): The edge length threshold. | |
Returns: | |
vertices (list[Node]): The Nodes in graph. | |
score_dict (dict): The edge score dict. | |
""" | |
assert edges.ndim == 2 | |
assert edges.shape[1] == 2 | |
assert edges.shape[0] == scores.shape[0] | |
assert text_comps.ndim == 2 | |
assert isinstance(edge_len_thr, float) | |
edges = np.sort(edges, axis=1) | |
score_dict = {} | |
for i, edge in enumerate(edges): | |
if text_comps is not None: | |
box1 = text_comps[edge[0], :8].reshape(4, 2) | |
box2 = text_comps[edge[1], :8].reshape(4, 2) | |
center1 = np.mean(box1, axis=0) | |
center2 = np.mean(box2, axis=0) | |
distance = norm(center1 - center2) | |
if distance > edge_len_thr: | |
scores[i] = 0 | |
if (edge[0], edge[1]) in score_dict: | |
score_dict[edge[0], edge[1]] = 0.5 * ( | |
score_dict[edge[0], edge[1]] + scores[i]) | |
else: | |
score_dict[edge[0], edge[1]] = scores[i] | |
nodes = np.sort(np.unique(edges.flatten())) | |
mapping = -1 * np.ones((np.max(nodes) + 1), | |
mapping[nodes] = np.arange(nodes.shape[0]) | |
order_inds = mapping[edges] | |
vertices = [Node(node) for node in nodes] | |
for ind in order_inds: | |
vertices[ind[0]].add_link(vertices[ind[1]]) | |
return vertices, score_dict | |
def connected_components(nodes, score_dict, link_thr): | |
"""Conventional connected components searching. This code was partially | |
adapted from licensed under the MIT license. | |
Args: | |
nodes (list[Node]): The list of Node objects. | |
score_dict (dict): The edge score dict. | |
link_thr (float): The link threshold. | |
Returns: | |
clusters (List[list[Node]]): The clustered Node objects. | |
""" | |
assert isinstance(nodes, list) | |
assert all([isinstance(node, Node) for node in nodes]) | |
assert isinstance(score_dict, dict) | |
assert isinstance(link_thr, float) | |
clusters = [] | |
nodes = set(nodes) | |
while nodes: | |
node = nodes.pop() | |
cluster = {node} | |
node_queue = [node] | |
while node_queue: | |
node = node_queue.pop(0) | |
neighbors = set([ | |
neighbor for neighbor in node.links if | |
score_dict[tuple(sorted([node.ind, neighbor.ind]))] >= link_thr | |
]) | |
neighbors.difference_update(cluster) | |
nodes.difference_update(neighbors) | |
cluster.update(neighbors) | |
node_queue.extend(neighbors) | |
clusters.append(list(cluster)) | |
return clusters | |
def clusters2labels(clusters, num_nodes): | |
"""Convert clusters of Node to text component labels. This code was | |
partially adapted from licensed under the MIT | |
license. | |
Args: | |
clusters (List[list[Node]]): The clusters of Node objects. | |
num_nodes (int): The total node number of graphs in an image. | |
Returns: | |
node_labels (ndarray): The node label array. | |
""" | |
assert isinstance(clusters, list) | |
assert all([isinstance(cluster, list) for cluster in clusters]) | |
assert all( | |
[isinstance(node, Node) for cluster in clusters for node in cluster]) | |
assert isinstance(num_nodes, int) | |
node_labels = np.zeros(num_nodes) | |
for cluster_ind, cluster in enumerate(clusters): | |
for node in cluster: | |
node_labels[node.ind] = cluster_ind | |
return node_labels | |
def remove_single(text_comps, comp_pred_labels): | |
"""Remove isolated text components. This code was partially adapted from | | licensed under the MIT license. | |
Args: | |
text_comps (ndarray): The text components. | |
comp_pred_labels (ndarray): The clustering labels of text components. | |
Returns: | |
filtered_text_comps (ndarray): The text components with isolated ones | |
removed. | |
comp_pred_labels (ndarray): The clustering labels with labels of | |
isolated text components removed. | |
""" | |
assert text_comps.ndim == 2 | |
assert text_comps.shape[0] == comp_pred_labels.shape[0] | |
single_flags = np.zeros_like(comp_pred_labels) | |
pred_labels = np.unique(comp_pred_labels) | |
for label in pred_labels: | |
current_label_flag = (comp_pred_labels == label) | |
if np.sum(current_label_flag) == 1: | |
single_flags[np.where(current_label_flag)[0][0]] = 1 | |
keep_ind = [i for i in range(len(comp_pred_labels)) if not single_flags[i]] | |
filtered_text_comps = text_comps[keep_ind, :] | |
filtered_labels = comp_pred_labels[keep_ind] | |
return filtered_text_comps, filtered_labels | |
def norm2(point1, point2): | |
return ((point1[0] - point2[0])**2 + (point1[1] - point2[1])**2)**0.5 | |
def min_connect_path(points): | |
"""Find the shortest path to traverse all points. This code was partially | |
adapted from licensed under the MIT license. | |
Args: | |
points(List[list[int]]): The point sequence [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]. | |
Returns: | |
shortest_path(List[list[int]]): The shortest index path. | |
""" | |
assert isinstance(points, list) | |
assert all([isinstance(point, list) for point in points]) | |
assert all([isinstance(coord, int) for point in points for coord in point]) | |
points_queue = points.copy() | |
shortest_path = [] | |
current_edge = [[], []] | |
edge_dict0 = {} | |
edge_dict1 = {} | |
current_edge[0] = points_queue[0] | |
current_edge[1] = points_queue[0] | |
points_queue.remove(points_queue[0]) | |
while points_queue: | |
for point in points_queue: | |
length0 = norm2(point, current_edge[0]) | |
edge_dict0[length0] = [point, current_edge[0]] | |
length1 = norm2(current_edge[1], point) | |
edge_dict1[length1] = [current_edge[1], point] | |
key0 = min(edge_dict0.keys()) | |
key1 = min(edge_dict1.keys()) | |
if key0 <= key1: | |
start = edge_dict0[key0][0] | |
end = edge_dict0[key0][1] | |
shortest_path.insert(0, [points.index(start), points.index(end)]) | |
points_queue.remove(start) | |
current_edge[0] = start | |
else: | |
start = edge_dict1[key1][0] | |
end = edge_dict1[key1][1] | |
shortest_path.append([points.index(start), points.index(end)]) | |
points_queue.remove(end) | |
current_edge[1] = end | |
edge_dict0 = {} | |
edge_dict1 = {} | |
shortest_path = functools.reduce(operator.concat, shortest_path) | |
shortest_path = sorted(set(shortest_path), key=shortest_path.index) | |
return shortest_path | |
def in_contour(cont, point): | |
x, y = point | |
is_inner = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cont, (int(x), int(y)), False) > 0.5 | |
return is_inner | |
def fix_corner(top_line, bot_line, start_box, end_box): | |
"""Add corner points to predicted side lines. This code was partially | |
adapted from licensed under the MIT license. | |
Args: | |
top_line (List[list[int]]): The predicted top sidelines of text | |
instance. | |
bot_line (List[list[int]]): The predicted bottom sidelines of text | |
instance. | |
start_box (ndarray): The first text component box. | |
end_box (ndarray): The last text component box. | |
Returns: | |
top_line (List[list[int]]): The top sidelines with corner point added. | |
bot_line (List[list[int]]): The bottom sidelines with corner point | |
added. | |
""" | |
assert isinstance(top_line, list) | |
assert all(isinstance(point, list) for point in top_line) | |
assert isinstance(bot_line, list) | |
assert all(isinstance(point, list) for point in bot_line) | |
assert start_box.shape == end_box.shape == (4, 2) | |
contour = np.array(top_line + bot_line[::-1]) | |
start_left_mid = (start_box[0] + start_box[3]) / 2 | |
start_right_mid = (start_box[1] + start_box[2]) / 2 | |
end_left_mid = (end_box[0] + end_box[3]) / 2 | |
end_right_mid = (end_box[1] + end_box[2]) / 2 | |
if not in_contour(contour, start_left_mid): | |
top_line.insert(0, start_box[0].tolist()) | |
bot_line.insert(0, start_box[3].tolist()) | |
elif not in_contour(contour, start_right_mid): | |
top_line.insert(0, start_box[1].tolist()) | |
bot_line.insert(0, start_box[2].tolist()) | |
if not in_contour(contour, end_left_mid): | |
top_line.append(end_box[0].tolist()) | |
bot_line.append(end_box[3].tolist()) | |
elif not in_contour(contour, end_right_mid): | |
top_line.append(end_box[1].tolist()) | |
bot_line.append(end_box[2].tolist()) | |
return top_line, bot_line | |
def comps2boundaries(text_comps, comp_pred_labels): | |
"""Construct text instance boundaries from clustered text components. This | |
code was partially adapted from licensed under | |
the MIT license. | |
Args: | |
text_comps (ndarray): The text components. | |
comp_pred_labels (ndarray): The clustering labels of text components. | |
Returns: | |
boundaries (List[list[float]]): The predicted boundaries of text | |
instances. | |
""" | |
assert text_comps.ndim == 2 | |
assert len(text_comps) == len(comp_pred_labels) | |
boundaries = [] | |
if len(text_comps) < 1: | |
return boundaries | |
for cluster_ind in range(0, int(np.max(comp_pred_labels)) + 1): | |
cluster_comp_inds = np.where(comp_pred_labels == cluster_ind) | |
text_comp_boxes = text_comps[cluster_comp_inds, :8].reshape( | |
(-1, 4, 2)).astype(np.int32) | |
score = np.mean(text_comps[cluster_comp_inds, -1]) | |
if text_comp_boxes.shape[0] < 1: | |
continue | |
elif text_comp_boxes.shape[0] > 1: | |
centers = np.mean( | |
text_comp_boxes, axis=1).astype(np.int32).tolist() | |
shortest_path = min_connect_path(centers) | |
text_comp_boxes = text_comp_boxes[shortest_path] | |
top_line = np.mean( | |
text_comp_boxes[:, 0:2, :], axis=1).astype(np.int32).tolist() | |
bot_line = np.mean( | |
text_comp_boxes[:, 2:4, :], axis=1).astype(np.int32).tolist() | |
top_line, bot_line = fix_corner(top_line, bot_line, | |
text_comp_boxes[0], | |
text_comp_boxes[-1]) | |
boundary_points = top_line + bot_line[::-1] | |
else: | |
top_line = text_comp_boxes[0, 0:2, :].astype(np.int32).tolist() | |
bot_line = text_comp_boxes[0, 2:4:-1, :].astype(np.int32).tolist() | |
boundary_points = top_line + bot_line | |
boundary = [p for coord in boundary_points for p in coord] + [score] | |
boundaries.append(boundary) | |
return boundaries | |