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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as plg
import mmocr.utils as utils
def ignore_pred(pred_boxes, gt_ignored_index, gt_polys, precision_thr):
"""Ignore the predicted box if it hits any ignored ground truth.
pred_boxes (list[ndarray or list]): The predicted boxes of one image.
gt_ignored_index (list[int]): The ignored ground truth index list.
gt_polys (list[Polygon]): The polygon list of one image.
precision_thr (float): The precision threshold.
pred_polys (list[Polygon]): The predicted polygon list.
pred_points (list[list]): The predicted box list represented
by point sequences.
pred_ignored_index (list[int]): The ignored text index list.
assert isinstance(pred_boxes, list)
assert isinstance(gt_ignored_index, list)
assert isinstance(gt_polys, list)
assert 0 <= precision_thr <= 1
pred_polys = []
pred_points = []
pred_ignored_index = []
gt_ignored_num = len(gt_ignored_index)
# get detection polygons
for box_id, box in enumerate(pred_boxes):
poly = points2polygon(box)
if gt_ignored_num < 1:
# ignore the current detection box
# if its overlap with any ignored gt > precision_thr
for ignored_box_id in gt_ignored_index:
ignored_box = gt_polys[ignored_box_id]
inter_area = poly_intersection(poly, ignored_box)
area = poly.area
precision = 0 if area == 0 else inter_area / area
if precision > precision_thr:
return pred_polys, pred_points, pred_ignored_index
def compute_hmean(accum_hit_recall, accum_hit_prec, gt_num, pred_num):
"""Compute hmean given hit number, ground truth number and prediction
accum_hit_recall (int|float): Accumulated hits for computing recall.
accum_hit_prec (int|float): Accumulated hits for computing precision.
gt_num (int): Ground truth number.
pred_num (int): Prediction number.
recall (float): The recall value.
precision (float): The precision value.
hmean (float): The hmean value.
assert isinstance(accum_hit_recall, (float, int))
assert isinstance(accum_hit_prec, (float, int))
assert isinstance(gt_num, int)
assert isinstance(pred_num, int)
assert accum_hit_recall >= 0.0
assert accum_hit_prec >= 0.0
assert gt_num >= 0.0
assert pred_num >= 0.0
if gt_num == 0:
recall = 1.0
precision = 0.0 if pred_num > 0 else 1.0
recall = float(accum_hit_recall) / gt_num
precision = 0.0 if pred_num == 0 else float(accum_hit_prec) / pred_num
denom = recall + precision
hmean = 0.0 if denom == 0 else (2.0 * precision * recall / denom)
return recall, precision, hmean
def box2polygon(box):
"""Convert box to polygon.
box (ndarray or list): A ndarray or a list of shape (4)
that indicates 2 points.
polygon (Polygon): A polygon object.
if isinstance(box, list):
box = np.array(box)
assert isinstance(box, np.ndarray)
assert box.size == 4
boundary = np.array(
[box[0], box[1], box[2], box[1], box[2], box[3], box[0], box[3]])
point_mat = boundary.reshape([-1, 2])
return plg(point_mat)
def points2polygon(points):
"""Convert k points to 1 polygon.
points (ndarray or list): A ndarray or a list of shape (2k)
that indicates k points.
polygon (Polygon): A polygon object.
if isinstance(points, list):
points = np.array(points)
assert isinstance(points, np.ndarray)
assert (points.size % 2 == 0) and (points.size >= 8)
point_mat = points.reshape([-1, 2])
return plg(point_mat)
def poly_make_valid(poly):
"""Convert a potentially invalid polygon to a valid one by eliminating
self-crossing or self-touching parts.
poly (Polygon): A polygon needed to be converted.
A valid polygon.
return poly if poly.is_valid else poly.buffer(0)
def poly_intersection(poly_det, poly_gt, invalid_ret=None, return_poly=False):
"""Calculate the intersection area between two polygon.
poly_det (Polygon): A polygon predicted by detector.
poly_gt (Polygon): A gt polygon.
invalid_ret (None|float|int): The return value when the invalid polygon
exists. If it is not specified, the function allows the computation
to proceed with invalid polygons by cleaning the their
self-touching or self-crossing parts.
return_poly (bool): Whether to return the polygon of the intersection
intersection_area (float): The intersection area between two polygons.
poly_obj (Polygon, optional): The Polygon object of the intersection
area. Set as `None` if the input is invalid.
assert isinstance(poly_det, plg)
assert isinstance(poly_gt, plg)
assert invalid_ret is None or isinstance(invalid_ret, float) or \
isinstance(invalid_ret, int)
if invalid_ret is None:
poly_det = poly_make_valid(poly_det)
poly_gt = poly_make_valid(poly_gt)
poly_obj = None
area = invalid_ret
if poly_det.is_valid and poly_gt.is_valid:
poly_obj = poly_det.intersection(poly_gt)
area = poly_obj.area
return (area, poly_obj) if return_poly else area
def poly_union(poly_det, poly_gt, invalid_ret=None, return_poly=False):
"""Calculate the union area between two polygon.
poly_det (Polygon): A polygon predicted by detector.
poly_gt (Polygon): A gt polygon.
invalid_ret (None|float|int): The return value when the invalid polygon
exists. If it is not specified, the function allows the computation
to proceed with invalid polygons by cleaning the their
self-touching or self-crossing parts.
return_poly (bool): Whether to return the polygon of the intersection
union_area (float): The union area between two polygons.
poly_obj (Polygon|MultiPolygon, optional): The Polygon or MultiPolygon
object of the union of the inputs. The type of object depends on
whether they intersect or not. Set as `None` if the input is
assert isinstance(poly_det, plg)
assert isinstance(poly_gt, plg)
assert invalid_ret is None or isinstance(invalid_ret, float) or \
isinstance(invalid_ret, int)
if invalid_ret is None:
poly_det = poly_make_valid(poly_det)
poly_gt = poly_make_valid(poly_gt)
poly_obj = None
area = invalid_ret
if poly_det.is_valid and poly_gt.is_valid:
poly_obj = poly_det.union(poly_gt)
area = poly_obj.area
return (area, poly_obj) if return_poly else area
def boundary_iou(src, target, zero_division=0):
"""Calculate the IOU between two boundaries.
src (list): Source boundary.
target (list): Target boundary.
zero_division (int|float): The return value when invalid
boundary exists.
iou (float): The iou between two boundaries.
assert utils.valid_boundary(src, False)
assert utils.valid_boundary(target, False)
src_poly = points2polygon(src)
target_poly = points2polygon(target)
return poly_iou(src_poly, target_poly, zero_division=zero_division)
def poly_iou(poly_det, poly_gt, zero_division=0):
"""Calculate the IOU between two polygons.
poly_det (Polygon): A polygon predicted by detector.
poly_gt (Polygon): A gt polygon.
zero_division (int|float): The return value when invalid
polygon exists.
iou (float): The IOU between two polygons.
assert isinstance(poly_det, plg)
assert isinstance(poly_gt, plg)
area_inters = poly_intersection(poly_det, poly_gt)
area_union = poly_union(poly_det, poly_gt)
return area_inters / area_union if area_union != 0 else zero_division
def one2one_match_ic13(gt_id, det_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
"""One-to-One match gt and det with icdar2013 standards.
gt_id (int): The ground truth id index.
det_id (int): The detection result id index.
recall_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the recall ratio of gt i to det j.
precision_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the precision ratio of gt i to det j.
recall_thr (float): The recall threshold.
precision_thr (float): The precision threshold.
True|False: Whether the gt and det are matched.
assert isinstance(gt_id, int)
assert isinstance(det_id, int)
assert isinstance(recall_mat, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(precision_mat, np.ndarray)
assert 0 <= recall_thr <= 1
assert 0 <= precision_thr <= 1
cont = 0
for i in range(recall_mat.shape[1]):
if recall_mat[gt_id,
i] > recall_thr and precision_mat[gt_id,
i] > precision_thr:
cont += 1
if cont != 1:
return False
cont = 0
for i in range(recall_mat.shape[0]):
if recall_mat[i, det_id] > recall_thr and precision_mat[
i, det_id] > precision_thr:
cont += 1
if cont != 1:
return False
if recall_mat[gt_id, det_id] > recall_thr and precision_mat[
gt_id, det_id] > precision_thr:
return True
return False
def one2many_match_ic13(gt_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
precision_thr, gt_match_flag, det_match_flag,
"""One-to-Many match gt and detections with icdar2013 standards.
gt_id (int): gt index.
recall_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the recall ratio of gt i to det j.
precision_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the precision ratio of gt i to det j.
recall_thr (float): The recall threshold.
precision_thr (float): The precision threshold.
gt_match_flag (ndarray): An array indicates each gt matched already.
det_match_flag (ndarray): An array indicates each box has been
matched already or not.
det_ignored_index (list): A list indicates each detection box can be
ignored or not.
tuple (True|False, list): The first indicates the gt is matched or not;
the second is the matched detection ids.
assert isinstance(gt_id, int)
assert isinstance(recall_mat, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(precision_mat, np.ndarray)
assert 0 <= recall_thr <= 1
assert 0 <= precision_thr <= 1
assert isinstance(gt_match_flag, list)
assert isinstance(det_match_flag, list)
assert isinstance(det_ignored_index, list)
many_sum = 0.
det_ids = []
for det_id in range(recall_mat.shape[1]):
if gt_match_flag[gt_id] == 0 and det_match_flag[
det_id] == 0 and det_id not in det_ignored_index:
if precision_mat[gt_id, det_id] >= precision_thr:
many_sum += recall_mat[gt_id, det_id]
if many_sum >= recall_thr:
return True, det_ids
return False, []
def many2one_match_ic13(det_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
precision_thr, gt_match_flag, det_match_flag,
"""Many-to-One match gt and detections with icdar2013 standards.
det_id (int): Detection index.
recall_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the recall ratio of gt i to det j.
precision_mat (ndarray): `gt_num x det_num` matrix with element (i,j)
being the precision ratio of gt i to det j.
recall_thr (float): The recall threshold.
precision_thr (float): The precision threshold.
gt_match_flag (ndarray): An array indicates each gt has been matched
det_match_flag (ndarray): An array indicates each detection box has
been matched already or not.
gt_ignored_index (list): A list indicates each gt box can be ignored
or not.
tuple (True|False, list): The first indicates the detection is matched
or not; the second is the matched gt ids.
assert isinstance(det_id, int)
assert isinstance(recall_mat, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(precision_mat, np.ndarray)
assert 0 <= recall_thr <= 1
assert 0 <= precision_thr <= 1
assert isinstance(gt_match_flag, list)
assert isinstance(det_match_flag, list)
assert isinstance(gt_ignored_index, list)
many_sum = 0.
gt_ids = []
for gt_id in range(recall_mat.shape[0]):
if gt_match_flag[gt_id] == 0 and det_match_flag[
det_id] == 0 and gt_id not in gt_ignored_index:
if recall_mat[gt_id, det_id] >= recall_thr:
many_sum += precision_mat[gt_id, det_id]
if many_sum >= precision_thr:
return True, gt_ids
return False, []
def points_center(points):
assert isinstance(points, np.ndarray)
assert points.size % 2 == 0
points = points.reshape([-1, 2])
return np.mean(points, axis=0)
def point_distance(p1, p2):
assert isinstance(p1, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(p2, np.ndarray)
assert p1.size == 2
assert p2.size == 2
dist = np.square(p2 - p1)
dist = np.sum(dist)
dist = np.sqrt(dist)
return dist
def box_center_distance(b1, b2):
assert isinstance(b1, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(b2, np.ndarray)
return point_distance(points_center(b1), points_center(b2))
def box_diag(box):
assert isinstance(box, np.ndarray)
assert box.size == 8
return point_distance(box[0:2], box[4:6])
def filter_2dlist_result(results, scores, score_thr):
"""Find out detected results whose score > score_thr.
results (list[list[float]]): The result list.
score (list): The score list.
score_thr (float): The score threshold.
valid_results (list[list[float]]): The valid results.
valid_score (list[float]): The scores which correspond to the valid
assert isinstance(results, list)
assert len(results) == len(scores)
assert isinstance(score_thr, float)
assert 0 <= score_thr <= 1
inds = np.array(scores) > score_thr
valid_results = [results[idx] for idx in np.where(inds)[0].tolist()]
valid_scores = [scores[idx] for idx in np.where(inds)[0].tolist()]
return valid_results, valid_scores
def filter_result(results, scores, score_thr):
"""Find out detected results whose score > score_thr.
results (ndarray): The results matrix of shape (n, k).
score (ndarray): The score vector of shape (n,).
score_thr (float): The score threshold.
valid_results (ndarray): The valid results of shape (m,k) with m<=n.
valid_score (ndarray): The scores which correspond to the
valid results.
assert results.ndim == 2
assert scores.shape[0] == results.shape[0]
assert isinstance(score_thr, float)
assert 0 <= score_thr <= 1
inds = scores > score_thr
valid_results = results[inds, :]
valid_scores = scores[inds]
return valid_results, valid_scores
def select_top_boundary(boundaries_list, scores_list, score_thr):
"""Select poly boundaries with scores >= score_thr.
boundaries_list (list[list[list[float]]]): List of boundaries.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd indices are for image, text and
vertice, respectively.
scores_list (list(list[float])): List of lists of scores.
score_thr (float): The score threshold to filter out bboxes.
selected_bboxes (list[list[list[float]]]): List of boundaries.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd indices are for image, text and vertice,
assert isinstance(boundaries_list, list)
assert isinstance(scores_list, list)
assert isinstance(score_thr, float)
assert len(boundaries_list) == len(scores_list)
assert 0 <= score_thr <= 1
selected_boundaries = []
for boundary, scores in zip(boundaries_list, scores_list):
if len(scores) > 0:
assert len(scores) == len(boundary)
inds = [
iter for iter in range(len(scores))
if scores[iter] >= score_thr
selected_boundaries.append([boundary[i] for i in inds])
return selected_boundaries
def select_bboxes_via_score(bboxes_list, scores_list, score_thr):
"""Select bboxes with scores >= score_thr.
bboxes_list (list[ndarray]): List of bboxes. Each element is ndarray of
shape (n,8)
scores_list (list(list[float])): List of lists of scores.
score_thr (float): The score threshold to filter out bboxes.
selected_bboxes (list[ndarray]): List of bboxes. Each element is
ndarray of shape (m,8) with m<=n.
assert isinstance(bboxes_list, list)
assert isinstance(scores_list, list)
assert isinstance(score_thr, float)
assert len(bboxes_list) == len(scores_list)
assert 0 <= score_thr <= 1
selected_bboxes = []
for bboxes, scores in zip(bboxes_list, scores_list):
if len(scores) > 0:
assert len(scores) == bboxes.shape[0]
inds = [
iter for iter in range(len(scores))
if scores[iter] >= score_thr
selected_bboxes.append(bboxes[inds, :])
return selected_bboxes