MMOCR / mmocr /core /evaluation /
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import mmocr.utils as utils
from . import utils as eval_utils
def compute_recall_precision(gt_polys, pred_polys):
"""Compute the recall and the precision matrices between gt and predicted
gt_polys (list[Polygon]): List of gt polygons.
pred_polys (list[Polygon]): List of predicted polygons.
recall (ndarray): Recall matrix of size gt_num x det_num.
precision (ndarray): Precision matrix of size gt_num x det_num.
assert isinstance(gt_polys, list)
assert isinstance(pred_polys, list)
gt_num = len(gt_polys)
det_num = len(pred_polys)
sz = [gt_num, det_num]
recall = np.zeros(sz)
precision = np.zeros(sz)
# compute area recall and precision for each (gt, det) pair
# in one img
for gt_id in range(gt_num):
for pred_id in range(det_num):
gt = gt_polys[gt_id]
det = pred_polys[pred_id]
inter_area = eval_utils.poly_intersection(det, gt)
gt_area = gt.area
det_area = det.area
if gt_area != 0:
recall[gt_id, pred_id] = inter_area / gt_area
if det_area != 0:
precision[gt_id, pred_id] = inter_area / det_area
return recall, precision
def eval_hmean_ic13(det_boxes,
"""Evaluate hmean of text detection using the icdar2013 standard.
det_boxes (list[list[list[float]]]): List of arrays of shape (n, 2k).
Each element is the det_boxes for one img. k>=4.
gt_boxes (list[list[list[float]]]): List of arrays of shape (m, 2k).
Each element is the gt_boxes for one img. k>=4.
gt_ignored_boxes (list[list[list[float]]]): List of arrays of
(l, 2k). Each element is the ignored gt_boxes for one img. k>=4.
precision_thr (float): Precision threshold of the iou of one
(gt_box, det_box) pair.
recall_thr (float): Recall threshold of the iou of one
(gt_box, det_box) pair.
center_dist_thr (float): Distance threshold of one (gt_box, det_box)
center point pair.
one2one_score (float): Reward when one gt matches one det_box.
one2many_score (float): Reward when one gt matches many det_boxes.
many2one_score (float): Reward when many gts match one det_box.
hmean (tuple[dict]): Tuple of dicts which encodes the hmean for
the dataset and all images.
assert utils.is_3dlist(det_boxes)
assert utils.is_3dlist(gt_boxes)
assert utils.is_3dlist(gt_ignored_boxes)
assert 0 <= precision_thr <= 1
assert 0 <= recall_thr <= 1
assert center_dist_thr > 0
assert 0 <= one2one_score <= 1
assert 0 <= one2many_score <= 1
assert 0 <= many2one_score <= 1
img_num = len(det_boxes)
assert img_num == len(gt_boxes)
assert img_num == len(gt_ignored_boxes)
dataset_gt_num = 0
dataset_pred_num = 0
dataset_hit_recall = 0.0
dataset_hit_prec = 0.0
img_results = []
for i in range(img_num):
gt = gt_boxes[i]
gt_ignored = gt_ignored_boxes[i]
pred = det_boxes[i]
gt_num = len(gt)
ignored_num = len(gt_ignored)
pred_num = len(pred)
accum_recall = 0.
accum_precision = 0.
gt_points = gt + gt_ignored
gt_polys = [eval_utils.points2polygon(p) for p in gt_points]
gt_ignored_index = [gt_num + i for i in range(len(gt_ignored))]
gt_num = len(gt_polys)
pred_polys, pred_points, pred_ignored_index = eval_utils.ignore_pred(
pred, gt_ignored_index, gt_polys, precision_thr)
if pred_num > 0 and gt_num > 0:
gt_hit = np.zeros(gt_num, np.int8).tolist()
pred_hit = np.zeros(pred_num, np.int8).tolist()
# compute area recall and precision for each (gt, pred) pair
# in one img.
recall_mat, precision_mat = compute_recall_precision(
gt_polys, pred_polys)
# match one gt to one pred box.
for gt_id in range(gt_num):
for pred_id in range(pred_num):
if (gt_hit[gt_id] != 0 or pred_hit[pred_id] != 0
or gt_id in gt_ignored_index
or pred_id in pred_ignored_index):
match = eval_utils.one2one_match_ic13(
gt_id, pred_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
if match:
gt_point = np.array(gt_points[gt_id])
det_point = np.array(pred_points[pred_id])
norm_dist = eval_utils.box_center_distance(
det_point, gt_point)
norm_dist /= eval_utils.box_diag(
det_point) + eval_utils.box_diag(gt_point)
norm_dist *= 2.0
if norm_dist < center_dist_thr:
gt_hit[gt_id] = 1
pred_hit[pred_id] = 1
accum_recall += one2one_score
accum_precision += one2one_score
# match one gt to many det boxes.
for gt_id in range(gt_num):
if gt_id in gt_ignored_index:
match, match_det_set = eval_utils.one2many_match_ic13(
gt_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
precision_thr, gt_hit, pred_hit, pred_ignored_index)
if match:
gt_hit[gt_id] = 1
accum_recall += one2many_score
accum_precision += one2many_score * len(match_det_set)
for pred_id in match_det_set:
pred_hit[pred_id] = 1
# match many gt to one det box. One pair of (det,gt) are matched
# successfully if their recall, precision, normalized distance
# meet some thresholds.
for pred_id in range(pred_num):
if pred_id in pred_ignored_index:
match, match_gt_set = eval_utils.many2one_match_ic13(
pred_id, recall_mat, precision_mat, recall_thr,
precision_thr, gt_hit, pred_hit, gt_ignored_index)
if match:
pred_hit[pred_id] = 1
accum_recall += many2one_score * len(match_gt_set)
accum_precision += many2one_score
for gt_id in match_gt_set:
gt_hit[gt_id] = 1
gt_care_number = gt_num - ignored_num
pred_care_number = pred_num - len(pred_ignored_index)
r, p, h = eval_utils.compute_hmean(accum_recall, accum_precision,
gt_care_number, pred_care_number)
img_results.append({'recall': r, 'precision': p, 'hmean': h})
dataset_gt_num += gt_care_number
dataset_pred_num += pred_care_number
dataset_hit_recall += accum_recall
dataset_hit_prec += accum_precision
total_r, total_p, total_h = eval_utils.compute_hmean(
dataset_hit_recall, dataset_hit_prec, dataset_gt_num, dataset_pred_num)
dataset_results = {
'num_gts': dataset_gt_num,
'num_dets': dataset_pred_num,
'num_recall': dataset_hit_recall,
'num_precision': dataset_hit_prec,
'recall': total_r,
'precision': total_p,
'hmean': total_h
return dataset_results, img_results