# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import cv2 import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point import mmocr.utils as utils from .box_utils import sort_vertex def box_jitter(points_x, points_y, jitter_ratio_x=0.5, jitter_ratio_y=0.1): """Jitter on the coordinates of bounding box. Args: points_x (list[float | int]): List of y for four vertices. points_y (list[float | int]): List of x for four vertices. jitter_ratio_x (float): Horizontal jitter ratio relative to the height. jitter_ratio_y (float): Vertical jitter ratio relative to the height. """ assert len(points_x) == 4 assert len(points_y) == 4 assert isinstance(jitter_ratio_x, float) assert isinstance(jitter_ratio_y, float) assert 0 <= jitter_ratio_x < 1 assert 0 <= jitter_ratio_y < 1 points = [Point(points_x[i], points_y[i]) for i in range(4)] line_list = [ LineString([points[i], points[i + 1 if i < 3 else 0]]) for i in range(4) ] tmp_h = max(line_list[1].length, line_list[3].length) for i in range(4): jitter_pixel_x = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * jitter_ratio_x * tmp_h jitter_pixel_y = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 2 * jitter_ratio_y * tmp_h points_x[i] += jitter_pixel_x points_y[i] += jitter_pixel_y def warp_img(src_img, box, jitter_flag=False, jitter_ratio_x=0.5, jitter_ratio_y=0.1): """Crop box area from image using opencv warpPerspective w/o box jitter. Args: src_img (np.array): Image before cropping. box (list[float | int]): Coordinates of quadrangle. """ assert utils.is_type_list(box, (float, int)) assert len(box) == 8 h, w = src_img.shape[:2] points_x = [min(max(x, 0), w) for x in box[0:8:2]] points_y = [min(max(y, 0), h) for y in box[1:9:2]] points_x, points_y = sort_vertex(points_x, points_y) if jitter_flag: box_jitter( points_x, points_y, jitter_ratio_x=jitter_ratio_x, jitter_ratio_y=jitter_ratio_y) points = [Point(points_x[i], points_y[i]) for i in range(4)] edges = [ LineString([points[i], points[i + 1 if i < 3 else 0]]) for i in range(4) ] pts1 = np.float32([[points[i].x, points[i].y] for i in range(4)]) box_width = max(edges[0].length, edges[2].length) box_height = max(edges[1].length, edges[3].length) pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [box_width, 0], [box_width, box_height], [0, box_height]]) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) dst_img = cv2.warpPerspective(src_img, M, (int(box_width), int(box_height))) return dst_img def crop_img(src_img, box, long_edge_pad_ratio=0.4, short_edge_pad_ratio=0.2): """Crop text region with their bounding box. Args: src_img (np.array): The original image. box (list[float | int]): Points of quadrangle. long_edge_pad_ratio (float): Box pad ratio for long edge corresponding to font size. short_edge_pad_ratio (float): Box pad ratio for short edge corresponding to font size. """ assert utils.is_type_list(box, (float, int)) assert len(box) == 8 assert 0. <= long_edge_pad_ratio < 1.0 assert 0. <= short_edge_pad_ratio < 1.0 h, w = src_img.shape[:2] points_x = np.clip(np.array(box[0::2]), 0, w) points_y = np.clip(np.array(box[1::2]), 0, h) box_width = np.max(points_x) - np.min(points_x) box_height = np.max(points_y) - np.min(points_y) font_size = min(box_height, box_width) if box_height < box_width: horizontal_pad = long_edge_pad_ratio * font_size vertical_pad = short_edge_pad_ratio * font_size else: horizontal_pad = short_edge_pad_ratio * font_size vertical_pad = long_edge_pad_ratio * font_size left = np.clip(int(np.min(points_x) - horizontal_pad), 0, w) top = np.clip(int(np.min(points_y) - vertical_pad), 0, h) right = np.clip(int(np.max(points_x) + horizontal_pad), 0, w) bottom = np.clip(int(np.max(points_y) + vertical_pad), 0, h) dst_img = src_img[top:bottom, left:right] return dst_img