# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import torch def compute_f1_score(preds, gts, ignores=[]): """Compute the F1-score of prediction. Args: preds (Tensor): The predicted probability NxC map with N and C being the sample number and class number respectively. gts (Tensor): The ground truth vector of size N. ignores (list): The index set of classes that are ignored when reporting results. Note: all samples are participated in computing. Returns: The numpy list of f1-scores of valid classes. """ C = preds.size(1) classes = torch.LongTensor(sorted(set(range(C)) - set(ignores))) hist = torch.bincount( gts * C + preds.argmax(1), minlength=C**2).view(C, C).float() diag = torch.diag(hist) recalls = diag / hist.sum(1).clamp(min=1) precisions = diag / hist.sum(0).clamp(min=1) f1 = 2 * recalls * precisions / (recalls + precisions).clamp(min=1e-8) return f1[classes].cpu().numpy()