# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import imgaug import imgaug.augmenters as iaa import mmcv import numpy as np from mmdet.core.mask import PolygonMasks from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES class AugmenterBuilder: """Build imgaug object according ImgAug argmentations.""" def __init__(self): pass def build(self, args, root=True): if args is None: return None if isinstance(args, (int, float, str)): return args if isinstance(args, list): if root: sequence = [self.build(value, root=False) for value in args] return iaa.Sequential(sequence) arg_list = [self.to_tuple_if_list(a) for a in args[1:]] return getattr(iaa, args[0])(*arg_list) if isinstance(args, dict): if 'cls' in args: cls = getattr(iaa, args['cls']) return cls( **{ k: self.to_tuple_if_list(v) for k, v in args.items() if not k == 'cls' }) else: return { key: self.build(value, root=False) for key, value in args.items() } raise RuntimeError('unknown augmenter arg: ' + str(args)) def to_tuple_if_list(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, list): return tuple(obj) return obj @PIPELINES.register_module() class ImgAug: """A wrapper to use imgaug https://github.com/aleju/imgaug. Args: args ([list[list|dict]]): The argumentation list. For details, please refer to imgaug document. Take args=[['Fliplr', 0.5], dict(cls='Affine', rotate=[-10, 10]), ['Resize', [0.5, 3.0]]] as an example. The args horizontally flip images with probability 0.5, followed by random rotation with angles in range [-10, 10], and resize with an independent scale in range [0.5, 3.0] for each side of images. """ def __init__(self, args=None): self.augmenter_args = args self.augmenter = AugmenterBuilder().build(self.augmenter_args) def __call__(self, results): # img is bgr image = results['img'] aug = None shape = image.shape if self.augmenter: aug = self.augmenter.to_deterministic() results['img'] = aug.augment_image(image) results['img_shape'] = results['img'].shape results['flip'] = 'unknown' # it's unknown results['flip_direction'] = 'unknown' # it's unknown target_shape = results['img_shape'] self.may_augment_annotation(aug, shape, target_shape, results) return results def may_augment_annotation(self, aug, shape, target_shape, results): if aug is None: return results # augment polygon mask for key in results['mask_fields']: masks = self.may_augment_poly(aug, shape, results[key]) if len(masks) > 0: results[key] = PolygonMasks(masks, *target_shape[:2]) # augment bbox for key in results['bbox_fields']: bboxes = self.may_augment_poly( aug, shape, results[key], mask_flag=False) results[key] = np.zeros(0) if len(bboxes) > 0: results[key] = np.stack(bboxes) return results def may_augment_poly(self, aug, img_shape, polys, mask_flag=True): key_points, poly_point_nums = [], [] for poly in polys: if mask_flag: poly = poly[0] poly = poly.reshape(-1, 2) key_points.extend([imgaug.Keypoint(p[0], p[1]) for p in poly]) poly_point_nums.append(poly.shape[0]) key_points = aug.augment_keypoints( [imgaug.KeypointsOnImage(keypoints=key_points, shape=img_shape)])[0].keypoints new_polys = [] start_idx = 0 for poly_point_num in poly_point_nums: new_poly = [] for key_point in key_points[start_idx:(start_idx + poly_point_num)]: new_poly.append([key_point.x, key_point.y]) start_idx += poly_point_num new_poly = np.array(new_poly).flatten() new_polys.append([new_poly] if mask_flag else new_poly) return new_polys def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str @PIPELINES.register_module() class EastRandomCrop: def __init__(self, target_size=(640, 640), max_tries=10, min_crop_side_ratio=0.1): self.target_size = target_size self.max_tries = max_tries self.min_crop_side_ratio = min_crop_side_ratio def __call__(self, results): # sampling crop # crop image, boxes, masks img = results['img'] crop_x, crop_y, crop_w, crop_h = self.crop_area( img, results['gt_masks']) scale_w = self.target_size[0] / crop_w scale_h = self.target_size[1] / crop_h scale = min(scale_w, scale_h) h = int(crop_h * scale) w = int(crop_w * scale) padded_img = np.zeros( (self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0], img.shape[2]), img.dtype) padded_img[:h, :w] = mmcv.imresize( img[crop_y:crop_y + crop_h, crop_x:crop_x + crop_w], (w, h)) # for bboxes for key in results['bbox_fields']: lines = [] for box in results[key]: box = box.reshape(2, 2) poly = ((box - (crop_x, crop_y)) * scale) if not self.is_poly_outside_rect(poly, 0, 0, w, h): lines.append(poly.flatten()) results[key] = np.array(lines) # for masks for key in results['mask_fields']: polys = [] polys_label = [] for poly in results[key]: poly = np.array(poly).reshape(-1, 2) poly = ((poly - (crop_x, crop_y)) * scale) if not self.is_poly_outside_rect(poly, 0, 0, w, h): polys.append([poly]) polys_label.append(0) results[key] = PolygonMasks(polys, *self.target_size) if key == 'gt_masks': results['gt_labels'] = polys_label results['img'] = padded_img results['img_shape'] = padded_img.shape return results def is_poly_in_rect(self, poly, x, y, w, h): poly = np.array(poly) if poly[:, 0].min() < x or poly[:, 0].max() > x + w: return False if poly[:, 1].min() < y or poly[:, 1].max() > y + h: return False return True def is_poly_outside_rect(self, poly, x, y, w, h): poly = np.array(poly).reshape(-1, 2) if poly[:, 0].max() < x or poly[:, 0].min() > x + w: return True if poly[:, 1].max() < y or poly[:, 1].min() > y + h: return True return False def split_regions(self, axis): regions = [] min_axis = 0 for i in range(1, axis.shape[0]): if axis[i] != axis[i - 1] + 1: region = axis[min_axis:i] min_axis = i regions.append(region) return regions def random_select(self, axis, max_size): xx = np.random.choice(axis, size=2) xmin = np.min(xx) xmax = np.max(xx) xmin = np.clip(xmin, 0, max_size - 1) xmax = np.clip(xmax, 0, max_size - 1) return xmin, xmax def region_wise_random_select(self, regions): selected_index = list(np.random.choice(len(regions), 2)) selected_values = [] for index in selected_index: axis = regions[index] xx = int(np.random.choice(axis, size=1)) selected_values.append(xx) xmin = min(selected_values) xmax = max(selected_values) return xmin, xmax def crop_area(self, img, polys): h, w, _ = img.shape h_array = np.zeros(h, dtype=np.int32) w_array = np.zeros(w, dtype=np.int32) for points in polys: points = np.round( points, decimals=0).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 2) min_x = np.min(points[:, 0]) max_x = np.max(points[:, 0]) w_array[min_x:max_x] = 1 min_y = np.min(points[:, 1]) max_y = np.max(points[:, 1]) h_array[min_y:max_y] = 1 # ensure the cropped area not across a text h_axis = np.where(h_array == 0)[0] w_axis = np.where(w_array == 0)[0] if len(h_axis) == 0 or len(w_axis) == 0: return 0, 0, w, h h_regions = self.split_regions(h_axis) w_regions = self.split_regions(w_axis) for i in range(self.max_tries): if len(w_regions) > 1: xmin, xmax = self.region_wise_random_select(w_regions) else: xmin, xmax = self.random_select(w_axis, w) if len(h_regions) > 1: ymin, ymax = self.region_wise_random_select(h_regions) else: ymin, ymax = self.random_select(h_axis, h) if (xmax - xmin < self.min_crop_side_ratio * w or ymax - ymin < self.min_crop_side_ratio * h): # area too small continue num_poly_in_rect = 0 for poly in polys: if not self.is_poly_outside_rect(poly, xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin): num_poly_in_rect += 1 break if num_poly_in_rect > 0: return xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin return 0, 0, w, h