# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from mmcv.ops import pixel_group from mmocr.core import points2boundary from mmocr.models.builder import POSTPROCESSOR from .base_postprocessor import BasePostprocessor @POSTPROCESSOR.register_module() class PANPostprocessor(BasePostprocessor): """Convert scores to quadrangles via post processing in PANet. This is partially adapted from https://github.com/WenmuZhou/PAN.pytorch. Args: text_repr_type (str): The boundary encoding type 'poly' or 'quad'. min_text_confidence (float): The minimal text confidence. min_kernel_confidence (float): The minimal kernel confidence. min_text_avg_confidence (float): The minimal text average confidence. min_text_area (int): The minimal text instance region area. """ def __init__(self, text_repr_type='poly', min_text_confidence=0.5, min_kernel_confidence=0.5, min_text_avg_confidence=0.85, min_text_area=16, **kwargs): super().__init__(text_repr_type) self.min_text_confidence = min_text_confidence self.min_kernel_confidence = min_kernel_confidence self.min_text_avg_confidence = min_text_avg_confidence self.min_text_area = min_text_area def __call__(self, preds): """ Args: preds (Tensor): Prediction map with shape :math:`(C, H, W)`. Returns: list[list[float]]: The instance boundary and its confidence. """ assert preds.dim() == 3 preds[:2, :, :] = torch.sigmoid(preds[:2, :, :]) preds = preds.detach().cpu().numpy() text_score = preds[0].astype(np.float32) text = preds[0] > self.min_text_confidence kernel = (preds[1] > self.min_kernel_confidence) * text embeddings = preds[2:].transpose((1, 2, 0)) # (h, w, 4) region_num, labels = cv2.connectedComponents( kernel.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=4) contours, _ = cv2.findContours((kernel * 255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) kernel_contours = np.zeros(text.shape, dtype='uint8') cv2.drawContours(kernel_contours, contours, -1, 255) text_points = pixel_group(text_score, text, embeddings, labels, kernel_contours, region_num, self.min_text_avg_confidence) boundaries = [] for text_point in text_points: text_confidence = text_point[0] text_point = text_point[2:] text_point = np.array(text_point, dtype=int).reshape(-1, 2) area = text_point.shape[0] if not self.is_valid_instance(area, text_confidence, self.min_text_area, self.min_text_avg_confidence): continue vertices_confidence = points2boundary(text_point, self.text_repr_type, text_confidence) if vertices_confidence is not None: boundaries.append(vertices_confidence) return boundaries