########################### # UI for Meeting RAG Q&A. # ########################### ##################### Imports ##################### import uuid import threading import gradio as gr import spaces import os from utilities.setup import get_files from connections.pinecone import PineconeConnector from connections.model import InferencePipeline from services.embed_service.embed import EmbeddingService from services.embed_service.utils import VTTTranscriptLoader, clean_text from services.qa_service.qna import QAService #################### Functions #################### @spaces.GPU def process_transcripts(files, context, session_key): with EmbeddingService(conf, pinecone=pc_connector, session_key=session_key) as e: f = e.run(files) return "Completed Loading Data" @spaces.GPU(duration=120) def retrieve_answer(question, goals, session_key): keycheck = namespace_check(session_key) with QAService(conf, pinecone=pc_connector, model_pipeline=pipelines, question=question, goals=goals, session_key=session_key, keycheck=keycheck) as q: f, c = q.run() return f, c def return_stored_transcripts(conf): print("Returning stored transcript") store = conf["layout"]["stored_meetings"] meeting_paths = os.listdir(store) combined_paths = [store + i for i in meeting_paths] loader = VTTTranscriptLoader(combined_paths) results = loader.load() meetings = [] for d in range(len(results)): meetings.append(clean_text(results[d].text)) return meetings, meeting_paths def namespace_check(arg): """This piece of code should be moved to the backend QA Service""" print("Checking namespace") pc = pc_connector._connection() index = pc.Index(conf["embeddings"]["index_name"]) stats = index.describe_index_stats() name_list = stats['namespaces'].keys() name_list = [item for item in name_list if item != ''] return arg in name_list def drop_namespace(arg): if conf["embeddings"]["override"]: pass print("Maintained Namespace: " + conf["embeddings"]["demo_namespace"]) else: namecheck = namespace_check(arg) if namecheck: pc = pc_connector._connection() index = pc.Index(conf["embeddings"]["index_name"]) index.delete(namespace=arg, delete_all=True) print("Deleted namespace: " + arg) def generate_key(): print("Generating key") unique_key = str(uuid.uuid1()) unique_key = 'User_' + unique_key timer = threading.Timer(conf["session"]["user_timeout"], drop_namespace, [unique_key]) timer.start() return unique_key def b_clicked(o): return gr.Button(interactive=True) ##################### Process ##################### def main(conf): with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(text_size="lg")) as demo: # Main page with gr.TabItem(conf["layout"]["page_names"][0]): gr.Markdown("# 🤝 Multi-Meeting Q&A RAG") gr.Markdown("![](file/emoji_meeting_resized.png)") gr.Markdown(get_files.load_markdown_file(conf["layout"]["about"])) # User config page with gr.TabItem(conf["layout"]["page_names"][1]): gr.Markdown("# 📁 Upload your own meeting docs") gr.Markdown("""Be sure to retain your session key. This key is your ID to your stored documents and is live for 1 hour after generation""") create_unique_key = gr.Button("Generate session key") output_unique_key = gr.Textbox(label="Copy key", interactive=True , show_copy_button=True, show_label=True) create_unique_key.click(fn=generate_key, outputs=output_unique_key) ### This should not be visible until key is generated. load_file = gr.UploadButton(label="Upload Transcript (.vtt)", file_types=conf["session"]["filetypes"], file_count='multiple', interactive=False) repository = gr.Textbox(label="Progress", value="Waiting for load...", visible=True) gr.Markdown("## Additional context you want to provide?", visible=False) gr.Markdown("Try to keep this portion as concise as possible.", visible=False) goals = gr.Textbox(label="Analysis Goals", value=conf["defaults"]["goals"], visible=False) # not incorporated yet. Will be with Q&A. load_file.upload(process_transcripts, [load_file, goals, output_unique_key], repository) create_unique_key.click(fn=b_clicked, inputs=create_unique_key, outputs=load_file) # Meeting Question & Answer Page with gr.TabItem(conf["layout"]["page_names"][2]): gr.Markdown("# ❓ Query meeting docs") gr.Markdown("""Paste session key below to query your own personal docs. Otherwise, skip and ask a question to analyze the pre-stored meetings. After asking the question, an answer will populate along with the meeting snippets retrieved.""") session_key = gr.Textbox(label="Session key here", value="") gr.Markdown("### Query") question = gr.Textbox(label="Ask a Question", value=conf["defaults"]["question"]) ask_button = gr.Button("Ask!") model_output = gr.Markdown("### Answer") context_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="Retrieved Context") ask_button.click(fn=retrieve_answer, inputs=[question, goals, session_key], outputs=[model_output,context_output]) with gr.TabItem(conf["layout"]["page_names"][3]): gr.Markdown("# 👀 View stored meeting docs") gr.Markdown("""These are just some example meeting docs of very clean, brief synthetic meetings generated by LLMs. Compare these to the demo outputs you get when you don't enter a token to see what contex was retrieved.""") for i in range(len(meeting_paths)): with gr.Accordion(meeting_paths[i], open=False): gr.Textbox(value=meetings[i],lines=10) demo.launch(server_name="", allowed_paths=["/"]) ##################### Execute ##################### if __name__ == "__main__": # Get config conf = get_files.json_cfg() # Get keys keys = get_files.get_keys() # Get stored meetings meetings, meeting_paths = return_stored_transcripts(conf) # initialize pinecone connector pc_connector = PineconeConnector( api_key=keys["pinecone"], index_name=conf["embeddings"]["index_name"], embedding=conf["embeddings"]["embedding"], ) # initialize model connector pipelines = InferencePipeline(conf, api_key=keys["huggingface"] ) # run main main(conf)