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nsarrazin HF staff
Add initial support for web browsing (#237)
0c4cf03 unverified
history blame
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7.33 kB
import { authCondition } from "$lib/server/auth";
import { collections } from "$lib/server/database";
import { generateFromDefaultEndpoint } from "$lib/server/generateFromDefaultEndpoint.js";
import { defaultModel } from "$lib/server/models";
import { searchWeb } from "$lib/server/searchWeb.js";
import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message.js";
import { error } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { z } from "zod";
import { JSDOM, VirtualConsole } from "jsdom";
import type { WebSearch } from "$lib/types/WebSearch.js";
function removeTags(node: Node) {
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {
if (node.nodeName === "SCRIPT" || node.nodeName === "STYLE") {
} else {
function naiveInnerText(node: Node): string {
const Node = node; // We need Node(DOM's Node) for the constants, but Node doesn't exist in the nodejs global space, and any Node instance references the constants through the prototype chain
return [...node.childNodes]
.map((childNode) => {
switch (childNode.nodeType) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
return node.textContent;
return naiveInnerText(childNode);
return "";
interface GenericObject {
[key: string]: GenericObject | unknown;
function removeLinks(obj: GenericObject) {
for (const prop in obj) {
if (prop.endsWith("link")) delete obj[prop];
else if (typeof obj[prop] === "object") removeLinks(obj[prop] as GenericObject);
return obj;
export async function GET({ params, locals, url }) {
const model = defaultModel;
const convId = new ObjectId(params.id);
const searchId = new ObjectId();
const conv = await collections.conversations.findOne({
_id: convId,
if (!conv) {
throw error(404, "Conversation not found");
const prompt = z.string().trim().min(1).parse(url.searchParams.get("prompt"));
const messages = (() => {
return [...conv.messages, { content: prompt, from: "user", id: crypto.randomUUID() }];
})() satisfies Message[];
const stream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
const webSearch: WebSearch = {
_id: searchId,
convId: convId,
prompt: prompt,
searchQuery: "",
knowledgeGraph: "",
results: [],
summary: "",
messages: [],
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
try {
type: "update",
message: "Generating search query",
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
const promptSearchQuery =
model.userMessageToken +
"The following messages were written by a user, trying to answer a question." +
model.messageEndToken +
.filter((message) => message.from === "user")
.map((message) => model.userMessageToken + message.content + model.messageEndToken) +
model.userMessageToken +
"What plain-text english sentence would you input into Google to answer the last question? Answer with a short (10 words max) simple sentence." +
model.messageEndToken +
model.assistantMessageToken +
"Query: ";
webSearch.searchQuery = await generateFromDefaultEndpoint(promptSearchQuery).then(
(query) => {
const arr = query.split(/\r?\n/);
return arr[0].length > 0 ? arr[0] : arr[1];
// the model has a tendency to continue answering even when we tell it not to, so the split makes
// sure we only get the first line of the response
type: "update",
message: "Searching Google",
args: [webSearch.searchQuery],
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
const results = await searchWeb(webSearch.searchQuery);
let text = "";
webSearch.results =
(results.organic_results &&
results.organic_results.map((el: { link: string }) => el.link)) ??
if (results.knowledge_graph) {
// if google returns a knowledge graph, we use it
webSearch.knowledgeGraph = JSON.stringify(removeLinks(results.knowledge_graph));
text = webSearch.knowledgeGraph;
type: "update",
message: "Found a Google knowledge page",
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
} else if (webSearch.results.length > 0) {
// otherwise we use the top result from search
const topUrl = webSearch.results[0];
type: "update",
message: "Browsing first result",
args: [JSON.stringify(topUrl)],
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
// fetch the webpage
//10 second timeout:
const abortController = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => abortController.abort(), 10000);
const htmlString = await fetch(topUrl, { signal: abortController.signal })
.then((response) => response.text())
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
const virtualConsole = new VirtualConsole();
virtualConsole.on("error", () => {
// No-op to skip console errors.
// put the html string into a DOM
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString ?? "", {
const body = dom.window.document.querySelector("body");
if (!body) throw new Error("body of the webpage is null");
// recursively extract text content from the body and then remove newlines and multiple spaces
text = (naiveInnerText(body) ?? "").replace(/ {2}|\r\n|\n|\r/gm, "");
if (!text) throw new Error("text of the webpage is null");
} else {
throw new Error("No results found for this search query");
type: "update",
message: "Creating summary",
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
const summaryPrompt =
model.userMessageToken +
.split(" ")
.slice(0, model.parameters?.truncate ?? 0)
.join(" ") +
model.messageEndToken +
model.userMessageToken +
`The text above should be summarized to best answer the query: ${webSearch.searchQuery}.` +
model.messageEndToken +
model.assistantMessageToken +
"Summary: ";
webSearch.summary = await generateFromDefaultEndpoint(summaryPrompt).then((txt: string) =>
type: "update",
message: "Injecting summary",
args: [JSON.stringify(webSearch.summary)],
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
} catch (searchError) {
if (searchError instanceof Error) {
type: "error",
message: "An error occurred with the web search",
args: [JSON.stringify(searchError.message)],
const res = await collections.webSearches.insertOne(webSearch);
type: "result",
id: res.insertedId.toString(),
controller.enqueue(JSON.stringify({ messages: webSearch.messages }));
return new Response(stream, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } });