zhigangjiang's picture
no message
@Date: 2021/07/26
import numpy as np
import torch
from utils.boundary import corners2boundary, visibility_corners, get_heat_map
from utils.conversion import xyz2depth, uv2xyz, uv2pixel
from dataset.communal.data_augmentation import PanoDataAugmentation
class BaseDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, mode, shape=None, max_wall_num=999, aug=None, camera_height=1.6, patch_num=256, keys=None):
if keys is None or len(keys) == 0:
keys = ['image', 'depth', 'ratio', 'id', 'corners']
if shape is None:
shape = [512, 1024]
assert mode == 'train' or mode == 'val' or mode == 'test' or mode is None, 'unknown mode!'
self.mode = mode
self.keys = keys
self.shape = shape
self.pano_aug = None if aug is None or mode == 'val' else PanoDataAugmentation(aug)
self.camera_height = camera_height
self.max_wall_num = max_wall_num
self.patch_num = patch_num
self.data = None
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def get_depth(corners, plan_y=1, length=256, visible=True):
visible_floor_boundary = corners2boundary(corners, length=length, visible=visible)
# The horizon-depth relative to plan_y
visible_depth = xyz2depth(uv2xyz(visible_floor_boundary, plan_y), plan_y)
return visible_depth
def process_data(self, label, image, patch_num):
:param label:
:param image:
:param patch_num:
corners = label['corners']
if self.pano_aug is not None:
corners, image = self.pano_aug.execute_aug(corners, image if 'image' in self.keys else None)
eps = 1e-3
corners[:, 1] = np.clip(corners[:, 1], 0.5+eps, 1-eps)
output = {}
if 'image' in self.keys:
image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1)
output['image'] = image
visible_corners = None
if 'corner_class' in self.keys or 'depth' in self.keys:
visible_corners = visibility_corners(corners)
if 'depth' in self.keys:
depth = self.get_depth(visible_corners, length=patch_num, visible=False)
assert len(depth) == patch_num, f"{label['id']}, {len(depth)}, {self.pano_aug.parameters}, {corners}"
output['depth'] = depth
if 'ratio' in self.keys:
# Why use ratio? Because when floor_height =y_plan=1, we only need to predict ceil_height(ratio).
output['ratio'] = label['ratio']
if 'id' in self.keys:
output['id'] = label['id']
if 'corners' in self.keys:
# all corners for evaluating Full_IoU
assert len(label['corners']) <= 32, "len(label['corners']):"+len(label['corners'])
output['corners'] = np.zeros((32, 2), dtype=np.float32)
output['corners'][:len(label['corners'])] = label['corners']
if 'corner_heat_map' in self.keys:
output['corner_heat_map'] = get_heat_map(visible_corners[..., 0])
if 'object' in self.keys and 'objects' in label:
output[f'object_heat_map'] = np.zeros((3, patch_num), dtype=np.float32)
output['object_size'] = np.zeros((3, patch_num), dtype=np.float32) # width, height, bottom_height
for i, type in enumerate(label['objects']):
if len(label['objects'][type]) == 0:
u_s = []
for obj in label['objects'][type]:
center_u = obj['center_u']
center_pixel_u = uv2pixel(np.array([center_u]), w=patch_num, axis=0)[0]
output['object_size'][0, center_pixel_u] = obj['width_u']
output['object_size'][1, center_pixel_u] = obj['height_v']
output['object_size'][2, center_pixel_u] = obj['boundary_v']
output[f'object_heat_map'][i] = get_heat_map(np.array(u_s))
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
from dataset.communal.read import read_image, read_label
from visualization.boundary import draw_boundaries
from utils.boundary import depth2boundaries
from tqdm import trange
# np.random.seed(0)
dataset = BaseDataset()
dataset.pano_aug = PanoDataAugmentation(aug={
'STRETCH': True,
'ROTATE': True,
'FLIP': True,
# pano_img = read_image("../src/demo.png")
# label = read_label("../src/demo.json")
pano_img_path = "../../src/dataset/mp3d/image/yqstnuAEVhm_6589ad7a5a0444b59adbf501c0f0fe53.png"
label_path = "../../src/dataset/mp3d/label/yqstnuAEVhm_6589ad7a5a0444b59adbf501c0f0fe53.json"
pano_img = read_image(pano_img_path)
label = read_label(label_path)
# batch test
for i in trange(1):
output = dataset.process_data(label, pano_img, 256)
boundary_list = depth2boundaries(output['ratio'], output['depth'], step=None)
draw_boundaries(output['image'].transpose(1, 2, 0), boundary_list=boundary_list, show=True)