''' |
This script is helper function for preprocessing. |
Most of the code are converted from LayoutNet official's matlab code. |
All functions, naming rule and data flow follow official for easier |
converting and comparing. |
Code is not optimized for python or numpy yet. |
''' |
import sys |
import numpy as np |
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates |
import cv2 |
from pylsd import lsd |
def computeUVN(n, in_, planeID): |
''' |
compute v given u and normal. |
''' |
if planeID == 2: |
n = np.array([n[1], n[2], n[0]]) |
elif planeID == 3: |
n = np.array([n[2], n[0], n[1]]) |
bc = n[0] * np.sin(in_) + n[1] * np.cos(in_) |
bs = n[2] |
out = np.arctan(-bc / (bs + 1e-9)) |
return out |
def computeUVN_vec(n, in_, planeID): |
''' |
vectorization version of computeUVN |
@n N x 3 |
@in_ MN x 1 |
@planeID N |
''' |
n = n.copy() |
if (planeID == 2).sum(): |
n[planeID == 2] = np.roll(n[planeID == 2], 2, axis=1) |
if (planeID == 3).sum(): |
n[planeID == 3] = np.roll(n[planeID == 3], 1, axis=1) |
n = np.repeat(n, in_.shape[0] // n.shape[0], axis=0) |
assert n.shape[0] == in_.shape[0] |
bc = n[:, [0]] * np.sin(in_) + n[:, [1]] * np.cos(in_) |
bs = n[:, [2]] |
out = np.arctan(-bc / (bs + 1e-9)) |
return out |
def xyz2uvN(xyz, planeID=1): |
ID1 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 0) % 3 |
ID2 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 1) % 3 |
ID3 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 2) % 3 |
normXY = np.sqrt(xyz[:, [ID1]] ** 2 + xyz[:, [ID2]] ** 2) |
normXY[normXY < 0.000001] = 0.000001 |
normXYZ = np.sqrt(xyz[:, [ID1]] ** 2 + xyz[:, [ID2]] ** 2 + xyz[:, [ID3]] ** 2) |
v = np.arcsin(xyz[:, [ID3]] / normXYZ) |
u = np.arcsin(xyz[:, [ID1]] / normXY) |
valid = (xyz[:, [ID2]] < 0) & (u >= 0) |
u[valid] = np.pi - u[valid] |
valid = (xyz[:, [ID2]] < 0) & (u <= 0) |
u[valid] = -np.pi - u[valid] |
uv = np.hstack([u, v]) |
uv[np.isnan(uv[:, 0]), 0] = 0 |
return uv |
def uv2xyzN(uv, planeID=1): |
ID1 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 0) % 3 |
ID2 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 1) % 3 |
ID3 = (int(planeID) - 1 + 2) % 3 |
xyz = np.zeros((uv.shape[0], 3)) |
xyz[:, ID1] = np.cos(uv[:, 1]) * np.sin(uv[:, 0]) |
xyz[:, ID2] = np.cos(uv[:, 1]) * np.cos(uv[:, 0]) |
xyz[:, ID3] = np.sin(uv[:, 1]) |
return xyz |
def uv2xyzN_vec(uv, planeID): |
''' |
vectorization version of uv2xyzN |
@uv N x 2 |
@planeID N |
''' |
assert (planeID.astype(int) != planeID).sum() == 0 |
planeID = planeID.astype(int) |
ID1 = (planeID - 1 + 0) % 3 |
ID2 = (planeID - 1 + 1) % 3 |
ID3 = (planeID - 1 + 2) % 3 |
ID = np.arange(len(uv)) |
xyz = np.zeros((len(uv), 3)) |
xyz[ID, ID1] = np.cos(uv[:, 1]) * np.sin(uv[:, 0]) |
xyz[ID, ID2] = np.cos(uv[:, 1]) * np.cos(uv[:, 0]) |
xyz[ID, ID3] = np.sin(uv[:, 1]) |
return xyz |
def warpImageFast(im, XXdense, YYdense): |
minX = max(1., np.floor(XXdense.min()) - 1) |
minY = max(1., np.floor(YYdense.min()) - 1) |
maxX = min(im.shape[1], np.ceil(XXdense.max()) + 1) |
maxY = min(im.shape[0], np.ceil(YYdense.max()) + 1) |
im = im[int(round(minY-1)):int(round(maxY)), |
int(round(minX-1)):int(round(maxX))] |
assert XXdense.shape == YYdense.shape |
out_shape = XXdense.shape |
coordinates = [ |
(YYdense - minY).reshape(-1), |
(XXdense - minX).reshape(-1), |
] |
im_warp = np.stack([ |
map_coordinates(im[..., c], coordinates, order=1).reshape(out_shape) |
for c in range(im.shape[-1])], |
axis=-1) |
return im_warp |
def rotatePanorama(img, vp=None, R=None): |
''' |
Rotate panorama |
if R is given, vp (vanishing point) will be overlooked |
otherwise R is computed from vp |
''' |
sphereH, sphereW, C = img.shape |
TX, TY = np.meshgrid(range(1, sphereW + 1), range(1, sphereH + 1)) |
TX = TX.reshape(-1, 1, order='F') |
TY = TY.reshape(-1, 1, order='F') |
ANGx = (TX - sphereW/2 - 0.5) / sphereW * np.pi * 2 |
ANGy = -(TY - sphereH/2 - 0.5) / sphereH * np.pi |
uvNew = np.hstack([ANGx, ANGy]) |
xyzNew = uv2xyzN(uvNew, 1) |
if R is None: |
R = np.linalg.inv(vp.T) |
xyzOld = np.linalg.solve(R, xyzNew.T).T |
uvOld = xyz2uvN(xyzOld, 1) |
Px = (uvOld[:, 0] + np.pi) / (2*np.pi) * sphereW + 0.5 |
Py = (-uvOld[:, 1] + np.pi/2) / np.pi * sphereH + 0.5 |
Px = Px.reshape(sphereH, sphereW, order='F') |
Py = Py.reshape(sphereH, sphereW, order='F') |
imgNew = np.zeros((sphereH+2, sphereW+2, C), np.float64) |
imgNew[1:-1, 1:-1, :] = img |
imgNew[1:-1, 0, :] = img[:, -1, :] |
imgNew[1:-1, -1, :] = img[:, 0, :] |
imgNew[0, 1:sphereW//2+1, :] = img[0, sphereW-1:sphereW//2-1:-1, :] |
imgNew[0, sphereW//2+1:-1, :] = img[0, sphereW//2-1::-1, :] |
imgNew[-1, 1:sphereW//2+1, :] = img[-1, sphereW-1:sphereW//2-1:-1, :] |
imgNew[-1, sphereW//2+1:-1, :] = img[0, sphereW//2-1::-1, :] |
imgNew[0, 0, :] = img[0, 0, :] |
imgNew[-1, -1, :] = img[-1, -1, :] |
imgNew[0, -1, :] = img[0, -1, :] |
imgNew[-1, 0, :] = img[-1, 0, :] |
rotImg = warpImageFast(imgNew, Px+1, Py+1) |
return rotImg |
def imgLookAt(im, CENTERx, CENTERy, new_imgH, fov): |
sphereH = im.shape[0] |
sphereW = im.shape[1] |
warped_im = np.zeros((new_imgH, new_imgH, 3)) |
TX, TY = np.meshgrid(range(1, new_imgH + 1), range(1, new_imgH + 1)) |
TX = TX.reshape(-1, 1, order='F') |
TY = TY.reshape(-1, 1, order='F') |
TX = TX - 0.5 - new_imgH/2 |
TY = TY - 0.5 - new_imgH/2 |
r = new_imgH / 2 / np.tan(fov/2) |
R = np.sqrt(TY ** 2 + r ** 2) |
ANGy = np.arctan(- TY / r) |
X = np.sin(ANGy) * R |
Y = -np.cos(ANGy) * R |
Z = TX |
INDn = np.nonzero(np.abs(ANGy) > np.pi/2) |
ANGx = np.arctan(Z / -Y) |
RZY = np.sqrt(Z ** 2 + Y ** 2) |
ANGy = np.arctan(X / RZY) |
ANGx[INDn] = ANGx[INDn] + np.pi |
INDy = np.nonzero(ANGy < -np.pi/2) |
ANGy[INDy] = -np.pi - ANGy[INDy] |
ANGx[INDy] = ANGx[INDy] + np.pi |
INDx = np.nonzero(ANGx <= -np.pi); ANGx[INDx] = ANGx[INDx] + 2 * np.pi |
INDx = np.nonzero(ANGx > np.pi); ANGx[INDx] = ANGx[INDx] - 2 * np.pi |
INDx = np.nonzero(ANGx > np.pi); ANGx[INDx] = ANGx[INDx] - 2 * np.pi |
INDx = np.nonzero(ANGx > np.pi); ANGx[INDx] = ANGx[INDx] - 2 * np.pi |
Px = (ANGx + np.pi) / (2*np.pi) * sphereW + 0.5 |
Py = ((-ANGy) + np.pi/2) / np.pi * sphereH + 0.5 |
INDxx = np.nonzero(Px < 1) |
Px[INDxx] = Px[INDxx] + sphereW |
im = np.concatenate([im, im[:, :2]], 1) |
Px = Px.reshape(new_imgH, new_imgH, order='F') |
Py = Py.reshape(new_imgH, new_imgH, order='F') |
warped_im = warpImageFast(im, Px, Py) |
return warped_im |
def separatePano(panoImg, fov, x, y, imgSize=320): |
'''cut a panorama image into several separate views''' |
assert x.shape == y.shape |
if not isinstance(fov, np.ndarray): |
fov = fov * np.ones_like(x) |
sepScene = [ |
{ |
'img': imgLookAt(panoImg.copy(), xi, yi, imgSize, fovi), |
'vx': xi, |
'vy': yi, |
'fov': fovi, |
'sz': imgSize, |
} |
for xi, yi, fovi in zip(x, y, fov) |
] |
return sepScene |
def lsdWrap(img): |
''' |
Opencv implementation of |
Rafael Grompone von Gioi, Jérémie Jakubowicz, Jean-Michel Morel, and Gregory Randall, |
LSD: a Line Segment Detector, Image Processing On Line, vol. 2012. |
[Rafael12] http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2012/gjmr-lsd/?utm_source=doi |
@img |
input image |
''' |
if len(img.shape) == 3: |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
lines = lsd(img, quant=0.7) |
if lines is None: |
return np.zeros_like(img), np.array([]) |
edgeMap = np.zeros_like(img) |
for i in range(lines.shape[0]): |
pt1 = (int(lines[i, 0]), int(lines[i, 1])) |
pt2 = (int(lines[i, 2]), int(lines[i, 3])) |
width = lines[i, 4] |
cv2.line(edgeMap, pt1, pt2, 255, int(np.ceil(width / 2))) |
edgeList = np.concatenate([lines, np.ones_like(lines[:, :2])], 1) |
return edgeMap, edgeList |
def edgeFromImg2Pano(edge): |
edgeList = edge['edgeLst'] |
if len(edgeList) == 0: |
return np.array([]) |
vx = edge['vx'] |
vy = edge['vy'] |
fov = edge['fov'] |
imH, imW = edge['img'].shape |
R = (imW/2) / np.tan(fov/2) |
x0 = R * np.cos(vy) * np.sin(vx) |
y0 = R * np.cos(vy) * np.cos(vx) |
z0 = R * np.sin(vy) |
vecposX = np.array([np.cos(vx), -np.sin(vx), 0]) |
vecposY = np.cross(np.array([x0, y0, z0]), vecposX) |
vecposY = vecposY / np.sqrt(vecposY @ vecposY.T) |
vecposX = vecposX.reshape(1, -1) |
vecposY = vecposY.reshape(1, -1) |
Xc = (0 + imW-1) / 2 |
Yc = (0 + imH-1) / 2 |
vecx1 = edgeList[:, [0]] - Xc |
vecy1 = edgeList[:, [1]] - Yc |
vecx2 = edgeList[:, [2]] - Xc |
vecy2 = edgeList[:, [3]] - Yc |
vec1 = np.tile(vecx1, [1, 3]) * vecposX + np.tile(vecy1, [1, 3]) * vecposY |
vec2 = np.tile(vecx2, [1, 3]) * vecposX + np.tile(vecy2, [1, 3]) * vecposY |
coord1 = [[x0, y0, z0]] + vec1 |
coord2 = [[x0, y0, z0]] + vec2 |
normal = np.cross(coord1, coord2, axis=1) |
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal, axis=1, keepdims=True) |
panoList = np.hstack([normal, coord1, coord2, edgeList[:, [-1]]]) |
return panoList |
def _intersection(range1, range2): |
if range1[1] < range1[0]: |
range11 = [range1[0], 1] |
range12 = [0, range1[1]] |
else: |
range11 = range1 |
range12 = [0, 0] |
if range2[1] < range2[0]: |
range21 = [range2[0], 1] |
range22 = [0, range2[1]] |
else: |
range21 = range2 |
range22 = [0, 0] |
b = max(range11[0], range21[0]) < min(range11[1], range21[1]) |
if b: |
return b |
b2 = max(range12[0], range22[0]) < min(range12[1], range22[1]) |
b = b or b2 |
return b |
def _insideRange(pt, range): |
if range[1] > range[0]: |
b = pt >= range[0] and pt <= range[1] |
else: |
b1 = pt >= range[0] and pt <= 1 |
b2 = pt >= 0 and pt <= range[1] |
b = b1 or b2 |
return b |
def combineEdgesN(edges): |
''' |
Combine some small line segments, should be very conservative |
lines: combined line segments |
ori_lines: original line segments |
line format [nx ny nz projectPlaneID umin umax LSfov score] |
''' |
arcList = [] |
for edge in edges: |
panoLst = edge['panoLst'] |
if len(panoLst) == 0: |
continue |
arcList.append(panoLst) |
arcList = np.vstack(arcList) |
numLine = len(arcList) |
ori_lines = np.zeros((numLine, 8)) |
areaXY = np.abs(arcList[:, 2]) |
areaYZ = np.abs(arcList[:, 0]) |
areaZX = np.abs(arcList[:, 1]) |
planeIDs = np.argmax(np.stack([areaXY, areaYZ, areaZX], -1), 1) + 1 |
for i in range(numLine): |
ori_lines[i, :3] = arcList[i, :3] |
ori_lines[i, 3] = planeIDs[i] |
coord1 = arcList[i, 3:6] |
coord2 = arcList[i, 6:9] |
uv = xyz2uvN(np.stack([coord1, coord2]), planeIDs[i]) |
umax = uv[:, 0].max() + np.pi |
umin = uv[:, 0].min() + np.pi |
if umax - umin > np.pi: |
ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.array([umax, umin]) / 2 / np.pi |
else: |
ori_lines[i, 4:6] = np.array([umin, umax]) / 2 / np.pi |
ori_lines[i, 6] = np.arccos(( |
np.dot(coord1, coord2) / (np.linalg.norm(coord1) * np.linalg.norm(coord2)) |
).clip(-1, 1)) |
ori_lines[i, 7] = arcList[i, 9] |
lines = ori_lines.copy() |
for _ in range(3): |
numLine = len(lines) |
valid_line = np.ones(numLine, bool) |
for i in range(numLine): |
if not valid_line[i]: |
continue |
dotProd = (lines[:, :3] * lines[[i], :3]).sum(1) |
valid_curr = np.logical_and((np.abs(dotProd) > np.cos(np.pi / 180)), valid_line) |
valid_curr[i] = False |
for j in np.nonzero(valid_curr)[0]: |
range1 = lines[i, 4:6] |
range2 = lines[j, 4:6] |
valid_rag = _intersection(range1, range2) |
if not valid_rag: |
continue |
I = np.argmax(np.abs(lines[i, :3])) |
if lines[i, I] * lines[j, I] > 0: |
nc = lines[i, :3] * lines[i, 6] + lines[j, :3] * lines[j, 6] |
else: |
nc = lines[i, :3] * lines[i, 6] - lines[j, :3] * lines[j, 6] |
nc = nc / np.linalg.norm(nc) |
if _insideRange(range1[0], range2): |
nrmin = range2[0] |
else: |
nrmin = range1[0] |
if _insideRange(range1[1], range2): |
nrmax = range2[1] |
else: |
nrmax = range1[1] |
u = np.array([[nrmin], [nrmax]]) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi |
v = computeUVN(nc, u, lines[i, 3]) |
xyz = uv2xyzN(np.hstack([u, v]), lines[i, 3]) |
l = np.arccos(np.dot(xyz[0, :], xyz[1, :]).clip(-1, 1)) |
scr = (lines[i,6]*lines[i,7] + lines[j,6]*lines[j,7]) / (lines[i,6]+lines[j,6]) |
lines[i] = [*nc, lines[i, 3], nrmin, nrmax, l, scr] |
valid_line[j] = False |
lines = lines[valid_line] |
return lines, ori_lines |
def icosahedron2sphere(level): |
a = 2 / (1 + np.sqrt(5)) |
M = np.array([ |
0, a, -1, a, 1, 0, -a, 1, 0, |
0, a, 1, -a, 1, 0, a, 1, 0, |
0, a, 1, 0, -a, 1, -1, 0, a, |
0, a, 1, 1, 0, a, 0, -a, 1, |
0, a, -1, 0, -a, -1, 1, 0, -a, |
0, a, -1, -1, 0, -a, 0, -a, -1, |
0, -a, 1, a, -1, 0, -a, -1, 0, |
0, -a, -1, -a, -1, 0, a, -1, 0, |
-a, 1, 0, -1, 0, a, -1, 0, -a, |
-a, -1, 0, -1, 0, -a, -1, 0, a, |
a, 1, 0, 1, 0, -a, 1, 0, a, |
a, -1, 0, 1, 0, a, 1, 0, -a, |
0, a, 1, -1, 0, a, -a, 1, 0, |
0, a, 1, a, 1, 0, 1, 0, a, |
0, a, -1, -a, 1, 0, -1, 0, -a, |
0, a, -1, 1, 0, -a, a, 1, 0, |
0, -a, -1, -1, 0, -a, -a, -1, 0, |
0, -a, -1, a, -1, 0, 1, 0, -a, |
0, -a, 1, -a, -1, 0, -1, 0, a, |
0, -a, 1, 1, 0, a, a, -1, 0]) |
coor = M.T.reshape(3, 60, order='F').T |
coor, idx = np.unique(coor, return_inverse=True, axis=0) |
tri = idx.reshape(3, 20, order='F').T |
coor = list(coor / np.tile(np.linalg.norm(coor, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, 3))) |
for _ in range(level): |
triN = [] |
for t in range(len(tri)): |
n = len(coor) |
coor.append((coor[tri[t, 0]] + coor[tri[t, 1]]) / 2) |
coor.append((coor[tri[t, 1]] + coor[tri[t, 2]]) / 2) |
coor.append((coor[tri[t, 2]] + coor[tri[t, 0]]) / 2) |
triN.append([n, tri[t, 0], n+2]) |
triN.append([n, tri[t, 1], n+1]) |
triN.append([n+1, tri[t, 2], n+2]) |
triN.append([n, n+1, n+2]) |
tri = np.array(triN) |
coor, idx = np.unique(coor, return_inverse=True, axis=0) |
tri = idx[tri] |
coor = list(coor / np.tile(np.sqrt(np.sum(coor * coor, 1, keepdims=True)), (1, 3))) |
return np.array(coor), np.array(tri) |
def curveFitting(inputXYZ, weight): |
''' |
@inputXYZ: N x 3 |
@weight : N x 1 |
''' |
l = np.linalg.norm(inputXYZ, axis=1, keepdims=True) |
inputXYZ = inputXYZ / l |
weightXYZ = inputXYZ * weight |
XX = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 0] ** 2) |
YY = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 1] ** 2) |
ZZ = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 2] ** 2) |
XY = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 0] * weightXYZ[:, 1]) |
YZ = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 1] * weightXYZ[:, 2]) |
ZX = np.sum(weightXYZ[:, 2] * weightXYZ[:, 0]) |
A = np.array([ |
[XX, XY, ZX], |
[XY, YY, YZ], |
[ZX, YZ, ZZ]]) |
U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(A) |
outputNM = Vh[-1, :] |
outputNM = outputNM / np.linalg.norm(outputNM) |
return outputNM |
def sphereHoughVote(segNormal, segLength, segScores, binRadius, orthTolerance, candiSet, force_unempty=True): |
numLinesg = len(segNormal) |
voteBinPoints = candiSet.copy() |
voteBinPoints = voteBinPoints[~(voteBinPoints[:,2] < 0)] |
reversValid = (segNormal[:, 2] < 0).reshape(-1) |
segNormal[reversValid] = -segNormal[reversValid] |
voteBinUV = xyz2uvN(voteBinPoints) |
numVoteBin = len(voteBinPoints) |
voteBinValues = np.zeros(numVoteBin) |
for i in range(numLinesg): |
tempNorm = segNormal[[i]] |
tempDots = (voteBinPoints * tempNorm).sum(1) |
valid = np.abs(tempDots) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) |
voteBinValues[valid] = voteBinValues[valid] + segScores[i] * segLength[i] |
checkIDs1 = np.nonzero(voteBinUV[:, [1]] > np.pi / 3)[0] |
voteMax = 0 |
checkID1Max = 0 |
checkID2Max = 0 |
checkID3Max = 0 |
for j in range(len(checkIDs1)): |
checkID1 = checkIDs1[j] |
vote1 = voteBinValues[checkID1] |
if voteBinValues[checkID1] == 0 and force_unempty: |
continue |
checkNormal = voteBinPoints[[checkID1]] |
dotProduct = (voteBinPoints * checkNormal).sum(1) |
checkIDs2 = np.nonzero(np.abs(dotProduct) < np.cos((90 - orthTolerance) * np.pi / 180))[0] |
for i in range(len(checkIDs2)): |
checkID2 = checkIDs2[i] |
if voteBinValues[checkID2] == 0 and force_unempty: |
continue |
vote2 = vote1 + voteBinValues[checkID2] |
cpv = np.cross(voteBinPoints[checkID1], voteBinPoints[checkID2]).reshape(1, 3) |
cpn = np.linalg.norm(cpv) |
dotProduct = (voteBinPoints * cpv).sum(1) / cpn |
checkIDs3 = np.nonzero(np.abs(dotProduct) > np.cos(orthTolerance * np.pi / 180))[0] |
for k in range(len(checkIDs3)): |
checkID3 = checkIDs3[k] |
if voteBinValues[checkID3] == 0 and force_unempty: |
continue |
vote3 = vote2 + voteBinValues[checkID3] |
if vote3 > voteMax: |
lastStepCost = vote3 - voteMax |
if voteMax != 0: |
tmp = (voteBinPoints[[checkID1Max, checkID2Max, checkID3Max]] * \ |
voteBinPoints[[checkID1, checkID2, checkID3]]).sum(1) |
lastStepAngle = np.arccos(tmp.clip(-1, 1)) |
else: |
lastStepAngle = np.zeros(3) |
checkID1Max = checkID1 |
checkID2Max = checkID2 |
checkID3Max = checkID3 |
voteMax = vote3 |
if checkID1Max == 0: |
print('[WARN] sphereHoughVote: no orthogonal voting exist', file=sys.stderr) |
return None, 0, 0 |
initXYZ = voteBinPoints[[checkID1Max, checkID2Max, checkID3Max]] |
refiXYZ = np.zeros((3, 3)) |
dotprod = (segNormal * initXYZ[[0]]).sum(1) |
valid = np.abs(dotprod) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) |
validNm = segNormal[valid] |
validWt = segLength[valid] * segScores[valid] |
validWt = validWt / validWt.max() |
refiNM = curveFitting(validNm, validWt) |
refiXYZ[0] = refiNM.copy() |
dotprod = (segNormal * initXYZ[[1]]).sum(1) |
valid = np.abs(dotprod) < np.cos((90 - binRadius) * np.pi / 180) |
validNm = segNormal[valid] |
validWt = segLength[valid] * segScores[valid] |
validWt = validWt / validWt.max() |
validNm = np.vstack([validNm, refiXYZ[[0]]]) |
validWt = np.vstack([validWt, validWt.sum(0, keepdims=1) * 0.1]) |
refiNM = curveFitting(validNm, validWt) |
refiXYZ[1] = refiNM.copy() |
refiNM = np.cross(refiXYZ[0], refiXYZ[1]) |
refiXYZ[2] = refiNM / np.linalg.norm(refiNM) |
return refiXYZ, lastStepCost, lastStepAngle |
def findMainDirectionEMA(lines): |
'''compute vp from set of lines''' |
segNormal = lines[:, :3] |
segLength = lines[:, [6]] |
segScores = np.ones((len(lines), 1)) |
shortSegValid = (segLength < 5 * np.pi / 180).reshape(-1) |
segNormal = segNormal[~shortSegValid, :] |
segLength = segLength[~shortSegValid] |
segScores = segScores[~shortSegValid] |
numLinesg = len(segNormal) |
candiSet, tri = icosahedron2sphere(3) |
ang = np.arccos((candiSet[tri[0,0]] * candiSet[tri[0,1]]).sum().clip(-1, 1)) / np.pi * 180 |
binRadius = ang / 2 |
initXYZ, score, angle = sphereHoughVote(segNormal, segLength, segScores, 2*binRadius, 2, candiSet) |
if initXYZ is None: |
print('[WARN] findMainDirectionEMA: initial failed', file=sys.stderr) |
return None, score, angle |
iter_max = 3 |
candiSet, tri = icosahedron2sphere(5) |
numCandi = len(candiSet) |
angD = np.arccos((candiSet[tri[0, 0]] * candiSet[tri[0, 1]]).sum().clip(-1, 1)) / np.pi * 180 |
binRadiusD = angD / 2 |
curXYZ = initXYZ.copy() |
tol = np.linspace(4*binRadius, 4*binRadiusD, iter_max) |
for it in range(iter_max): |
dot1 = np.abs((segNormal * curXYZ[[0]]).sum(1)) |
dot2 = np.abs((segNormal * curXYZ[[1]]).sum(1)) |
dot3 = np.abs((segNormal * curXYZ[[2]]).sum(1)) |
valid1 = dot1 < np.cos((90 - tol[it]) * np.pi / 180) |
valid2 = dot2 < np.cos((90 - tol[it]) * np.pi / 180) |
valid3 = dot3 < np.cos((90 - tol[it]) * np.pi / 180) |
valid = valid1 | valid2 | valid3 |
if np.sum(valid) == 0: |
print('[WARN] findMainDirectionEMA: zero line segments for voting', file=sys.stderr) |
break |
subSegNormal = segNormal[valid] |
subSegLength = segLength[valid] |
subSegScores = segScores[valid] |
dot1 = np.abs((candiSet * curXYZ[[0]]).sum(1)) |
dot2 = np.abs((candiSet * curXYZ[[1]]).sum(1)) |
dot3 = np.abs((candiSet * curXYZ[[2]]).sum(1)) |
valid1 = dot1 > np.cos(tol[it] * np.pi / 180) |
valid2 = dot2 > np.cos(tol[it] * np.pi / 180) |
valid3 = dot3 > np.cos(tol[it] * np.pi / 180) |
valid = valid1 | valid2 | valid3 |
if np.sum(valid) == 0: |
print('[WARN] findMainDirectionEMA: zero line segments for voting', file=sys.stderr) |
break |
subCandiSet = candiSet[valid] |
tcurXYZ, _, _ = sphereHoughVote(subSegNormal, subSegLength, subSegScores, 2*binRadiusD, 2, subCandiSet) |
if tcurXYZ is None: |
print('[WARN] findMainDirectionEMA: no answer found', file=sys.stderr) |
break |
curXYZ = tcurXYZ.copy() |
mainDirect = curXYZ.copy() |
mainDirect[0] = mainDirect[0] * np.sign(mainDirect[0,2]) |
mainDirect[1] = mainDirect[1] * np.sign(mainDirect[1,2]) |
mainDirect[2] = mainDirect[2] * np.sign(mainDirect[2,2]) |
uv = xyz2uvN(mainDirect) |
I1 = np.argmax(uv[:,1]) |
J = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(3), I1) |
I2 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.sin(uv[J,0]))) |
I2 = J[I2] |
I3 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(3), np.hstack([I1, I2])) |
mainDirect = np.vstack([mainDirect[I1], mainDirect[I2], mainDirect[I3]]) |
mainDirect[0] = mainDirect[0] * np.sign(mainDirect[0,2]) |
mainDirect[1] = mainDirect[1] * np.sign(mainDirect[1,1]) |
mainDirect[2] = mainDirect[2] * np.sign(mainDirect[2,0]) |
mainDirect = np.vstack([mainDirect, -mainDirect]) |
return mainDirect, score, angle |
def multi_linspace(start, stop, num): |
div = (num - 1) |
y = np.arange(0, num, dtype=np.float64) |
steps = (stop - start) / div |
return steps.reshape(-1, 1) * y + start.reshape(-1, 1) |
def assignVanishingType(lines, vp, tol, area=10): |
numLine = len(lines) |
numVP = len(vp) |
typeCost = np.zeros((numLine, numVP)) |
for vid in range(numVP): |
cosint = (lines[:, :3] * vp[[vid]]).sum(1) |
typeCost[:, vid] = np.arcsin(np.abs(cosint).clip(-1, 1)) |
u = np.stack([lines[:, 4], lines[:, 5]], -1) |
u = u.reshape(-1, 1) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi |
v = computeUVN_vec(lines[:, :3], u, lines[:, 3]) |
xyz = uv2xyzN_vec(np.hstack([u, v]), np.repeat(lines[:, 3], 2)) |
xyz = multi_linspace(xyz[0::2].reshape(-1), xyz[1::2].reshape(-1), 100) |
xyz = np.vstack([blk.T for blk in np.split(xyz, numLine)]) |
xyz = xyz / np.linalg.norm(xyz, axis=1, keepdims=True) |
for vid in range(numVP): |
ang = np.arccos(np.abs((xyz * vp[[vid]]).sum(1)).clip(-1, 1)) |
notok = (ang < area * np.pi / 180).reshape(numLine, 100).sum(1) != 0 |
typeCost[notok, vid] = 100 |
I = typeCost.min(1) |
tp = typeCost.argmin(1) |
tp[I > tol] = numVP + 1 |
return tp, typeCost |
def refitLineSegmentB(lines, vp, vpweight=0.1): |
''' |
Refit direction of line segments |
lines: original line segments |
vp: vannishing point |
vpweight: if set to 0, lines will not change; if set to inf, lines will |
be forced to pass vp |
''' |
numSample = 100 |
numLine = len(lines) |
xyz = np.zeros((numSample+1, 3)) |
wei = np.ones((numSample+1, 1)) |
wei[numSample] = vpweight * numSample |
lines_ali = lines.copy() |
for i in range(numLine): |
n = lines[i, :3] |
sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi |
eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi |
if eid < sid: |
x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, numSample) % (2 * np.pi) |
else: |
x = np.linspace(sid, eid, numSample) |
u = -np.pi + x.reshape(-1, 1) |
v = computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3]) |
xyz[:numSample] = uv2xyzN(np.hstack([u, v]), lines[i, 3]) |
xyz[numSample] = vp |
outputNM = curveFitting(xyz, wei) |
lines_ali[i, :3] = outputNM |
return lines_ali |
def paintParameterLine(parameterLine, width, height): |
lines = parameterLine.copy() |
panoEdgeC = np.zeros((height, width)) |
num_sample = max(height, width) |
for i in range(len(lines)): |
n = lines[i, :3] |
sid = lines[i, 4] * 2 * np.pi |
eid = lines[i, 5] * 2 * np.pi |
if eid < sid: |
x = np.linspace(sid, eid + 2 * np.pi, num_sample) |
x = x % (2 * np.pi) |
else: |
x = np.linspace(sid, eid, num_sample) |
u = -np.pi + x.reshape(-1, 1) |
v = computeUVN(n, u, lines[i, 3]) |
xyz = uv2xyzN(np.hstack([u, v]), lines[i, 3]) |
uv = xyz2uvN(xyz, 1) |
m = np.minimum(np.floor((uv[:,0] + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi) * width) + 1, |
width).astype(np.int32) |
n = np.minimum(np.floor(((np.pi / 2) - uv[:, 1]) / np.pi * height) + 1, |
height).astype(np.int32) |
panoEdgeC[n-1, m-1] = i |
return panoEdgeC |
def panoEdgeDetection(img, viewSize=320, qError=0.7, refineIter=3): |
''' |
line detection on panorama |
img: image waiting for detection, double type, range 0~1 |
viewSize: image size of croped views |
qError: set smaller if more line segment wanted |
oLines: detected line segments |
vp: vanishing point |
views: separate views of panorama |
edges: original detection of line segments in separate views |
panoEdge: image for visualize line segments |
''' |
cutSize = viewSize |
fov = np.pi / 3 |
xh = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi*5/6, np.pi/6) |
yh = np.zeros(xh.shape[0]) |
xp = np.array([-3/3, -2/3, -1/3, 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, -3/3, -2/3, -1/3, 0/3, 1/3, 2/3]) * np.pi |
yp = np.array([ 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, -1/4, -1/4, -1/4, -1/4, -1/4, -1/4]) * np.pi |
x = np.concatenate([xh, xp, [0, 0]]) |
y = np.concatenate([yh, yp, [np.pi/2., -np.pi/2]]) |
sepScene = separatePano(img.copy(), fov, x, y, cutSize) |
edge = [] |
for i, scene in enumerate(sepScene): |
edgeMap, edgeList = lsdWrap(scene['img']) |
edge.append({ |
'img': edgeMap, |
'edgeLst': edgeList, |
'vx': scene['vx'], |
'vy': scene['vy'], |
'fov': scene['fov'], |
}) |
edge[-1]['panoLst'] = edgeFromImg2Pano(edge[-1]) |
lines, olines = combineEdgesN(edge) |
clines = lines.copy() |
for _ in range(refineIter): |
mainDirect, score, angle = findMainDirectionEMA(clines) |
tp, typeCost = assignVanishingType(lines, mainDirect[:3], 0.1, 10) |
lines1 = lines[tp==0] |
lines2 = lines[tp==1] |
lines3 = lines[tp==2] |
lines1rB = refitLineSegmentB(lines1, mainDirect[0], 0) |
lines2rB = refitLineSegmentB(lines2, mainDirect[1], 0) |
lines3rB = refitLineSegmentB(lines3, mainDirect[2], 0) |
clines = np.vstack([lines1rB, lines2rB, lines3rB]) |
panoEdge1r = paintParameterLine(lines1rB, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) |
panoEdge2r = paintParameterLine(lines2rB, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) |
panoEdge3r = paintParameterLine(lines3rB, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) |
panoEdger = np.stack([panoEdge1r, panoEdge2r, panoEdge3r], -1) |
olines = clines |
vp = mainDirect |
views = sepScene |
edges = edge |
panoEdge = panoEdger |
return olines, vp, views, edges, panoEdge, score, angle |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
cv2.ocl.setUseOpenCL(False) |
import os |
import argparse |
import PIL |
from PIL import Image |
import time |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('--i', required=True) |
parser.add_argument('--o_prefix', required=True) |
parser.add_argument('--qError', default=0.7, type=float) |
parser.add_argument('--refineIter', default=3, type=int) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
img_ori = np.array(Image.open(args.i).resize((1024, 512))) |
s_time = time.time() |
olines, vp, views, edges, panoEdge, score, angle = panoEdgeDetection(img_ori, |
qError=args.qError, |
refineIter=args.refineIter) |
print('Elapsed time: %.2f' % (time.time() - s_time)) |
panoEdge = (panoEdge > 0) |
print('Vanishing point:') |
for v in vp[2::-1]: |
print('%.6f %.6f %.6f' % tuple(v)) |
edg = rotatePanorama(panoEdge.astype(np.float64), vp[2::-1]) |
img = rotatePanorama(img_ori / 255.0, vp[2::-1]) |
one = img.copy() * 0.5 |
one[(edg > 0.5).sum(-1) > 0] = 0 |
one[edg[..., 0] > 0.5, 0] = 1 |
one[edg[..., 1] > 0.5, 1] = 1 |
one[edg[..., 2] > 0.5, 2] = 1 |
Image.fromarray((edg * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save('%s_edg.png' % args.o_prefix) |
Image.fromarray((img * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save('%s_img.png' % args.o_prefix) |
Image.fromarray((one * 255).astype(np.uint8)).save('%s_one.png' % args.o_prefix) |